Report: In Private, Trump Favors Policy of Executing Major Drug Traffickers

T-T-T-TRUMP! .... N-NO!

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> “He often jokes about killing drug dealers … He’ll say, ‘You know the Chinese and Filipinos don’t have a drug problem. They just kill them.'”

The Chinese and Filipinos are pussies tho

Vietnamese don't have a drug problem too. We shoot them all

Chinks kills druggies though.
DU30 wants to kill em all, but legislative body is bunch of pussies. Add that (((human rights group))) and EU are throws a hissyfit whenever druggies are killed.

His re-election is assured!

That the really don't do anything. Cut the head of a snake and its body will divide into a plethora of different heads, albeit smaller. The solution is in eradicating the social realities, the roots which permit or encourage the existence of drug cartels in the first place.

Ever since the Mexican military became involved in pursuing the US' War on Drugs by interfering in combat major cartels, the problem and its violence were exacerbated into extreme levels. It only worsened the now consumate disaster of the drug wars.

*That really doesn't...

Fuck off Krusty. Flips are based.

Unfortunately, much of this has its origins in the end of Colombia's monopolization in the drug market with Escobar's death, after which Mexico began to fill the void for US demand on drugs.

Viets sell all kinds of drugs, used to be my supplier


>Cut the head of a snake
Why is it always beheadings with you spics?

That's an old saying. Don't be dumb. We don't even have the death penalty here.

Even though my joke was pretty low, I guess it still managed to fly over your head

I knew it was a joke. I just don't care.

Good. I'm glad you're not losing your head over this.

What are you talking about? My head is fine.

I'm watching Narcos right now lol

Im guessing "major" drug dealers refers to glow in the dark niggers that are using afghanistans poppies to poison the american youth in order to fund their global criminal enterprise.

Probably not your dealer in order words. Probably not even your dealers dealers dealer.

Hmm, get rid of the source and the problem takes care of itself. Who could've guessed?

>He has to have these beliefs in private
That is the only problem I see here.

>emperor, our armies are standing by, we're ready to finally take revenge on Carthage and wipe them out once and for all
but Scipio, we need to tackle the social roots of the problem, otherwise Carthage will just keep attacking us

Trump means to use this to punish the CIA aka the biggest drug traffickers in the world for decades

That was dumb. If you wanted to do an analogy, you'd talked about war itself. Not single battle or war. High cartel leaders have been killed and captured here, and it doesn't do anything except create more factions. The War on Drugs has been a massive failure, and has created a permanent US underclass and more violence and terror in Latin America. This isn't a Rambo movie.

exterminate them
all of them
the pushers, the users, the traffickers
kill anyone caught with the shit
in fact burn the whole fucking village, slaughter them, blow it up with a 10k bomb then napalm the ruins, then blow it up again

keep doing that, over and over again, wherever and whenever drugs show up, just kill them
no capture no trials, no prsion terms, just exterminate them all

Try again silly the Chinese and the Phips are not burdened by political correctness. Which is why the first un-lobotomized AI will be Chinese

Hitler did coke, meth, and other drugs

>inb4 the left starts defending drug dealers


Ok, now take care of the Vietnamese problem.

thats how you deal with them

He's taking Savage's talking points, good news.