Stop using this "bone spurs" argument, retards...

Stop using this "bone spurs" argument, retards. The reason President Trump avoided the Vietnam draft is because Vietnam was not a morally justified war, and America had no business being there. He was on the right side of history as usual. It isn't a valid comparison. Not supporting a heinous war does not detract from the fact that President Trump would have ran in to the line of fire to save those children in Florida. For fucks sake, the mainstream media is so fucking stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong screenshot

> conscientious objector
it’s the way to go

This is the first time in his entire Presidency I've literally laughed out loud at something he's said instead of meandering between confusion and anger.

Poor bastard is completely missing the self-awareness part of his mind, he doesn't understand how others see him at all. The public eye is not a place for somebody like this.

His little boy is going to be such a fucking mess when he grows up. It sucks.

Then how come he is the President and you're just some little shit stain on the internet?

>The reason President Trump avoided the Vietnam draft is because Vietnam was not a morally justified war
So he signed conscientious objector paperwork? Something like that will be on file.

Bone spurs or no, Trump's number never came up in the draft. You can't evade that which you were not called on to do.

Obama never served, Clinton never served, the point is moot.

I doubt Obama meets the IQ requirement for military service.

Rich people don't serve. Trump grew up a rich pussy ass bitch.

People are up to face different challenges at different points of their lives. I might have gone out of my way to avoid the draft, in the Vietnam War era, as well, if I had heard of how bad the conditions were. Meanwhile, someone who evaded the draft may well be capable of doing some good, years later. I respect the veterans of the Vietnam War, though.

>Muhammed Ali is a national hero for objecting
>President Trump is a coward for objecting
Really jogs th nog

The reason President Trump avoided the Vietnam draft is because his fucking number wasn't called. That's all there is to the story.

>The reason
"Chuck, let me finish. Would you really want a president who was dumb enough to let himself get drafted? I mean, it wasn’t hard to get out of it, believe me. My doctor said I had a bump on my heel or something, I don’t know. I don’t even think he was a doctor, frankly. The government is just very, very stupid, OK? Which is why only I can fix it.”
—Meet the Press August 23, 2015.
>For fucks sake, the mainstream media is so fucking stupid.
...women’s vaginas “potential landmines”... there’s some real danger there.

You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game... Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.
- Trump, Howard Stern 1993 interview.

It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider...
- Trump, Howard Stern 1997 interview.

Fuck yeah, FACEBOOK


This but also the two situations are incomparable because a war is huge and takes years whereas an immediate emergency right in front of you is completely different. It's totally reasonable that a guy could not want to be sent to war after military socialization and having to move away from family and friends, but that same guy could see a burning building and run inside.

>That's all there is to the story.
Donald Trump’s Selective Service Records
AUG. 1, 2016
For many years, Donald J. Trump, asserted that it was “ultimately” a high draft lottery number that kept him out of the Vietnam War, rather than a medical condition. But his Selective Service records, obtained from the National Archives, suggest otherwise. He had been medically exempted for more than a year when the draft lottery commenced in December 1969, well before he received what he has described as his “phenomenal” draft number. The Times has created a composite image from scans of the document from the National Archives.

I completely wrecked the guy.

Notice how the little coward didn't post in this thread after that?

according to dolan, he cant remember which foot it was. and then opened up an nfl team nobody liked so he killed the league and banned the confederate flag for this. as we all know, you dont need legs to play hang egg and also that he has a terrible limp. from the 1280 years ago he first had his vietnam spurs. his they knew what they spured spur spur. MAGA


grab those rapey mexican vagina guns. ban assault mexicans and build those natural barriers


>he doesn't understand how others see him at all
I see him as pic related. Trump puts his life on the line every second of every day you disgusting kike. JFK was killed by the same people who are gunning for Trump and you have the gall to imply he's some sort of coward? he could have spent his remaining years living in luxury, gorging himself and fucking beautiful women until his heart stopped. but he didn't; he decided to put himself through hell and endanger his entire family in the hopes of saving what's left of his country. what have you done lately?

Damn straight. He also stopped a mugging by yelling from his limo and set up to basically wrestle that faggot who rushed the stage. Character is defined in instants.

>Trump puts his life on the line every second of every day you disgusting kike.

Trump is a badass!

This whole thread reads like cheap chat bots
Fuck off cia

But isnt Trump putting his life on the line daily and his family for that matter? One sniper is all it takes

"I got lucky...I had a very high draft number… I was going to the Wharton School of Finance... they never got up to that number, so in a certain way, I got very lucky."

Got his first two student deferments while at Fordham University, not Wharton.
Briefly reclassified as "available for military service" before getting a third student deferment at the University of Pennsylvania, then a fourth a few months before he graduated from college.
Trump got a medical deferment--deeming him available for warfighting "only in a time of national emergency"--in October 1968. The documents don't disclose what medical condition prevented Trump from serving, but his draft card does note that he has birthmarks on both his heels.

Uh, yeah

I'm gonna need to see this video

sorry, its too graphic for you