Broward sheriff lies: they had 45 calls to home of Cruz, not 23

Sheriff lied, people died

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utter incompetence on the part of our law enforcement should be the focus of all this but it's MUH GUNS instead

you're just jealous they ride sweet cars like this while letting children die so the democrat party can have something to always campaign on

what a bunch of corrupt fags

This is what Law enforcement has become in america

Every single one of them is an out of shape slob.
What the fuck Florida?

Literally India tier. Disgraceful.

>tfw palm beach county
>tfw PBC is shit and broward is even more shit
Boca was a mistake.

woah woah let's not politicize this tragedy. it's only been a couple weeks
at least let the bodies cool before you start down this road, ok?

And he's a jew.

It's disconcerting that CNN of all outlets is going after this guy so hard. What's the catch?

Regardless, the guy seems like scum who needs to go down.

Fuck Israel. The Broward County Sheriff, that is.

Thanks, Commander Obvious.

>whoever saves one life saves the entire world
It's OK everyone he told his deputies to stand down so that they could save the world. Thank him and put Hillary in office where she belongs, all this craziness is getting out of hand.

im shocked

because of him its coming out that police departments aren't reporting crimes of juveniles to help make it look like liberal programs are working to fix communities



>Imagine my shock.

There were agreements between the school board/county/sheriffs office to under-report crime so they could qualify for increased funding.
Flat out corruption.

> worried citizen call cops about dangerous person
> cops do nothing to arrest and prosecute
> dangerous person is then able to purchase weapons and commit crimes
> clearly is the weapons' fault

I hate liberals so goddamn much.


Could have just said Fuck Israel desu