The Fat Problem

How do we solve it? I’m sick and tired of going to the store and seeing fat tubs of shit with legs grumbling around moaning as they pour thousands of calories into their checkout basket. There is nobody to blame but yourself for being such a pathetic lard. How fucking lazy and useless do you have to be to just sit there and literally layer yourself with fat. No, it’s not an addiction. No, your not big boned. No, you CAN help yourself you’re just too lazy. Even worse, they end up picking the easy way out with surgery and artificial body modifications proving how truly lazy and worthless they actually are. So Sup Forums, how do we solve this crisis?

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capitalism is the problem

legalize meth

You can't. This is the huge whirlpool that will en with the fall of an Empire.

I would agree to some extent though the issue here is Mental, blaming capitalism is like blaming the food for someone being fat.

We solve the crisis by not being fucking fat and not encouraging people to be fucking fat because it's not healthy.

All the fatties who don't want to listen will eat themselves to death.

But yes, I stayed in a rural area a summer ago and whenever I went out I felt like a freak because I was the only person who wasn't overweight. Shit is depressing.

Solves itself in 20-30 years.

Fat people never get to be old.

I lost 12kg (26 pound?) since January. Stopped eating like a pig and started walking a bit more instead of driving everywhere.

Could work, though not everyone will want to consume meth and it would only lead to increased criminality amongst the general population and crime is already bad enough.

Well props to you for actually taking into consideration and taking the right steps. Good shit user 26 lbs is pretty good.

I suppose but there’s a chance their children will be obese. I never see a family with ONE fat person there’s usually both parents being fat and in worse cases the whole family is a tub of lardshit. Leading people to believe its genetic which it’s not (although metabolism can be taken into consideration) it’s mostlu the parents fault for feeding their children garbage and not encouraging them to exercise.

Theyll be triumphant after the collapse. The soyim will be dead in wks. Dude in pic could go a yr on those reserves.

I know man it’s crazy, like I’m not talking about middle aged people with a little fatty gut or barrelchested men I’m talking Amerifat Walmart meme tier. I’m seeing more and more fat fucks around. I personally believe it’s because of digital entertainment, nobody wants to get active and go hiking or any kind of outdoor activity anymore. People just want to sit inside and shove salt lard down their throat while watching Netflix series.

Be poor. Lose weight.

Look at the tits on that cunt. A litteral cow.

Lmao why do English and Australian people have an obsession with the word “cunt”

Make the whole floor of mcdonalds a treadmill and put spikes at the end. You run while you order or die

As far as your average fat person, they're fat for the same reason a thin person is thin: They eat until their body tells them to stop. They're both doing the same thing, but the difference is the body of a thin person tells them to stop eating long before a fat person's body does. Thin people aren't thin because they're physically active and make the right food choices and are mindful of their caloric intake, they're thin because they don't eat as much as fat people and they don't eat as much because their bodies tell them to stop eating at an appropriate time.

Exercise does absolute dick for weight loss. Exercise is amazing beneficial and I could give you a million and one reasons to exercise, but weight loss isn't one of them because it's just plain fucking ineffective. If you slip up and eat a candy bar, that's a good, solid half hour of cardio you need to put in it to "burn" it off.

Eating less, not necessarily differently, would solve the problem, but that never lasts. Their hormones are shot from being overweight for so long, so when they lose the weight, their bodies create a hormonal kamikaze-like attack on their brains commanding them to gain all the weight back and a little more just in case.

That's the problem with this entire issue: We know what works, but it often doesn't last. The only way to curb this problem is to discover why exactly fat people don't have the same regulatory capacity of thin people. Your average thin person is every bit as lazy and short-sighted and impulsive as anyone else, but they're not fat because their bodies self-regulate their hunger in a way that doesn't happen with fat people. When we solve this, we solve the obesity crisis.

Until then, eating less is about all that's going to work and work effectively for weight loss. If you want to both lose weight and optimize your health, then you need to eat differently, but that's another discussion entirely.

Fucking retard mutt, everything you said is wrong.

Not a single thing I said was wrong. Exercise isn't effective for weight loss, eating less works, and your average thin person isn't mindful of their caloric intake, physically active, or making the right food choices, they're just as lazy as anyone else, they're not fat because they don't eat as much and they don't eat as much because their bodies tell them when to stop at an appropriate time.

We want to believe that fat people just fundamentally lack willpower and self-discipline, that's why the truth of the matter ruffles so many feathers and triggers you people.

you should kys

The reason fat peoples bodies dont tell them to stop is because years of over eating has made their stomach larger which can accommodate more food. This isnt the only factor, people eat for a multitutde of reasons, depression for example, even when they feel full they keep forcing more in because it makes them feel better. It could also be thinner people are making healthier choices over people who are fat. You're making sweeping inaacurate generalisations. It’s not black and white.

Gas all the fatties.

You don' accelerate it, cull the herd
All the stupid and useless humans will fall under the influence of food dopamine fix.
You will get shit ton of useless government dependant individuals, they can't pay taxeas, they leech the shiiiiet out of the gov. the system falls.. rebuilt with proper rules, make sure to start things in a proper way.

Don't insult cows....


deregulation of the food supply industry. Fat fucks will be forced to plan their meals instead of them being impulsive affairs where they get to eat as much as they want.

Why are people so promiscuous?
Because it feels good.
Why are people so fat?
Because it feels good.

It's not a complicated question.
People rather have temporary pleasure rather than long-term health

>The reason fat peoples bodies dont tell them to stop is because years of over eating has made their stomach larger which can accommodate more food.

That has nothing to do with anything and certainly isn't the cause of overeating.

>This isnt the only factor, people eat for a multitutde of reasons, depression for example, even when they feel full they keep forcing more in because it makes them feel better

No one eats when it's uncomfortable, so they're clearly not "forcing" themselves, your average fat person doesn't eat until they vomit.

>It could also be thinner people are making healthier choices over people who are fat

This is what everyone just naturally assumes: Thin people are thin because they're making healthier choices. It makes sense, but time and time again, studies show it just simply isn't the case. Do you think thin people are fighting off some constant temptation to overeat day in an day out?

>You're making sweeping inaacurate generalisations

Actually, that's what you just did, not me.

There is no point in me talking the time to reply with anything of worth if you’re unwilling or unable to see that you’re wrong.

Lets do an experiment. Lets take some dumb farm animals, give them a boring life with out a lot of opportunities for real meaningful existence, and unlimited food to eat. What do you suppose the result of that experiment will be?

Food rationing.
You get 2000 calories a day maximum, if you choose to take your 2000 as junk food it is your choice, if you choose to eat a little healthier again it is your choice.

You nigger faggots wanted (((freedom))), and you got it.

Do whatever you want, the fuck do I care?

I don't know. But I do know that there are plenty of people who are living a "real, meaningful" existence with successful careers and loving families who are also very fat.

I just started the Guinness diet. Any one ever heard of this? So far it's curbed my appetite/compulsion. I just drink a six pack everyday and eat 3 meals a day of about 500 calories each. I think its guaranteed to prevent me from gaining more weight but a few more weeks will show if Im losing weight. And I smoke pot with my Guinness.

It's almost like discipline is important when you have the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want while in shitholes you have to pray you don't get blown up while paying your 2 months salary on 4 day old fish fresh out of an oil spill

It is incredibly easy to lose weight if you're not a lazy fuck, i never really was considered fat or overweight but when i was 15 (5'9) my weight was about 83kg, which was too much for me, and i managed to go down to 64kg in about 5 months, without any diet at all just stopped drinking soft drinks and sweets. Now I'm 18 (6'0) and still only weigh about 70kg.

I hate going to a buffet and see those fat people putting more on one plate than i eat in total.

we must atart killing.

all of these people are the CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED.

we must kill them. period.

Your country started it, you fix it.

Fat shaming. Instead of making it taboo make it socially acceptable and even encouraged. Then half the fatties will kill themselves from all of the muh bullying and the other half will get it through their fat heads (pun intended) that they need to lose weight and will probably be at a healthier weight. Dont think that would get rid of literally every single fat person but i'd guesstimate that it would be a 90% drop

Don't fat people have to pay more for health insurance or something?

Diabetes and heart disease solves this problem. Also, requiring much higher insurance premiums would change the game, I'm sure.

Portion control, increased physical activity
Eat less, move more
If you hadn't sat, you wouldn't get fat
Buckle your fuckle, do the truffle shuffle

its natural selection bro

Now that healthcare is publicly funded, overweight people should have to pay more taxes. They obviously cost more to care for than those of us who take care of our bodies.

>So Sup Forums, how do we solve this crisis?
I'm pretty sure this crisis is solving itself.

Let them eat themselves to death. They cost less in the long run for us to take care of now as uberfatties than if they were to grow old, since you know, they die about 30-45 years earlier than they would had they been a more healthy obese instead of morbidly obese.