Why are right wingers constantly voting against their own economic interests?

Why are right wingers constantly voting against their own economic interests?

Eat my ads, faggot.

Hey quick question did you make these meme yourself?

More like the banker kills the worker, because he knows the immigrant will work for fewer cookies.

>A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies that the worker earned
>The banker says to the worker, "if you put 10 of those cookies in a Roth IRA, in twenty years I'll turn them into 500 cookies."
>The immigrant says "why don't I get any of the cookies?"


>Thinks a Roth IRA pays out 25x

Why do commies always appeal to money?
I thought capitalism was everything wrong with the world.

There are things in life that are more important than increasing GDP by 0.000001%

Because unlike leftists who are selfish and only think about themselves while their country goes to shit, right wing people actually care about their fellow man and can think on a macro scale and plan ahead instead of focusing only in the moment.

It's really about foresight, the leftist would get the 20 cookies and distribute it evenly, but then all the cookies would be gone, while the capitalist would use the 20 cookies to make more and therefore there would be more cookies for everyone, as long as they paid for it of course.

why does the left constantly act like the elite are going to get special gold-plated gas chambers?
shit spam thread btw saged and reported

>the (((banker)))
Get it right faggot

My bad, user. I should have said 10 cookies a month. Obviously if you only drop half of one single paycheck, you won't be getting shit to retire on.

because they like dying in wars and mining accidents

The capitalist would buy cookies from one source, jack up the prices, and sell it for a profit.

How far left are we talking? full on communism would be about nothing but producing cookies.

And the business owner is the guy who takes their shit, plants seeds in it and starts growing wheat to make more cookies.

simple, gas the banker, and then kick out the immergrant, and use these 20 biskits to invest in the future of your people.

Altralia has it figured out

then the banker loans some money to the baker who bakes a hundred more cookies

fuck you leaf, im a kiwi

Hence, ALTralia.

Who produces the cookies in the first place? A capitalist for sure.

>full on communism

We need to stop propping up cuckservatism. Let people like Dana Loesch, Paul Ryan, etc. fall completely under the pressure of the left. We can't fill a vacuum that doesn't exist.

Then the immigrant screams Allahu Akhbar and beheads the worker. The immigrant's 400 relatives who accompanied the immigrant into the country then demand that the banker gives them a house and welfare. The worker's widow and children get raped by the immigrants' 400 relatives. Then a liberal shows up and tells the worker's widow and children to shut their mouths because diversity is our strength and that everything bad is the banker's fault.

Meanwhile, 18 of the banker's 19 cookies are taken in tax to pay for immigrants, foreign aid and holocaust reparations.

why the fuck can't the left meme??

But read George Orwell Road to Wigan Pier for an answer to your question. Simple answer is: better to be free and poor than enslaved and poor.

>Who produces the cookies in the first place?
Come on dude, Look at OP, and you tell me who made the cookie.

oops i can't read. must have read the word australia too much. that reminds me about two months ago i was in the army surplus store looking for a pair of boots and found a pair of austrian rangers combat boots. im a dumbass and read it as australian rangers combat boots. when the store attendant came around i said to him "when were these australian uniform, they dont look australian?" im starting to think i might be dyslexic

Only lolbertarians and cuckservatives hate the left's economic policies. Those legacy media assholes are rapidly dying, and we should make no effort to help them.

The real right's problem is with their social policies.

Just take your time and breathe, kiwi. I'd be mad if people compared me to Australia, too.

The worker is a baker and is the one baked the cookies. Commies seem to think that cookies just "exist" and then certain people take more than their fair share.

neoliberalism wearing nationalist clothes.

Specifically corporate right has the problem with social policies. For instance, the healthcare bill was actually accepted by a good amount of the low-class right voter base, they're just willing to part with their healthcare because that what the party wants.

But yeah, the right as a whole suffers on social policies.

The banker would have no power if the people did not lust after things they can not afford.

Trips of truth.

True, and not true.

I get the spirit of what you're saying, but I gotta say, Getting a loan, is not the same as living beyond your means.

We had this same exact thread yesterday morning.

Would it kill you to even word the same sentences differently? Maybe use another picture? This pasta is stale.

Oh, look at that, one post, what a disappointment.

More honestly there should be a fourth party, the govt. The worker goes to the banker with 20 cookies, govt says "not so fast what about the poor undocumented immigrant?" Govt proceeds to take 4 cookies. You now have 16 and give them to the banker to keep safe. The banker has hidden fees and maintenance fess so now you only have 14 cookies. And his interest rates give you a crumb every year.

To be fair, I make one posts posts sometimes, just to see if it can be done.

If your first post had some truth and logic behind, you shouldn't have to defend shit. The crowd will defend it for you, because you're speaking truth.

For most people it is. Buying an expensive but useful item such as a home, vehicle, piece of manufacturing or farming equipment, etc. on credit makes sense as the item will either deliver long term value far in excess of its final cost or actually produce value for the purchaser.

But most people do not use credit this way... instead they use it to artificially inflate their quality of life.

The banker paid for most of the materials of the cookie. The worked is forced to pay for the overprices cookie by the sheriff.

People who don’t understand where value comes from. It’s not exclusively from labor and it certainly isn’t from entitlement.

If left alone to their own devices, the “immigrant” would simply starve as there would be no cookies in the first place while the laborer might be able to produce just enough cookies for himself to survive, assuming favorable conditions and no unexpected tragedies.

It’s the banker/capitalist who makes long term survival a possibility. The banker stores what little surplus the laborer can make on his own and then identifies the few slightly smarter and more ambitious laborers and grants them that surplus so that they can multiply and return it to the storehouse, keeping some for themselves, giving some to the banker and creating opportunities for other laborers to have better and more efficient methods of creating their own portions.

An immigrant will demand/steal a cookie. A worker will produce and eat a cookie each day, but only a banker/capitalist can create a cookie factory that employs and feeds a thousand laborers and makes it possible for there to be enough cookies left over that someone will even give one to the immigrant out of charity,

Wake the fuck up to reality, you stupid goddamn morons. When has anyone EVER been given a job by a person more poor than themselves?

By social I mean immigration, abortion, etc.

There's nothing wrong with the left's economic policies as I said.

>being a worker
why is humanity so against their own economic interest
because you are fucking retarded and this is the best you can do. the only thing that sucks for you wagecucks is that you are aware that you are retarded and will never amount to anything higher than that

just admit it and move on with your sorry ass life. you only hate the jews because you are simply weaker and less smart. the world is heading to who is the smartest instead of who is the strongest and you fucking idiots need to adapt.

Banker paid for the oven, cookie ingredients, and the labor.

Worker can use their ingenuity to find a better cookie recipe and look for investor. If a success, worker will pay back investors and begin to reap the 19 cookies out of 20 which your disingenuous meme described.

If immigrant is an illegal, deport his or her ass. If legal see what worker has to do.

Also banker would actually favor the illegal immigrant because they demand lower portions of the cookies.

By the way, posting under that flag just proves your a faggot (Along with that meme)

And just what are my "economic interests?"

why are leftwing morons consistently posting cheap vapid rhetoric they got sold on by late night comedy shows and their political party.
All with the intend of stoking your ego so you refuse to actually learn and to shut down any and all arguments while protecting your undeserved ego. Basically the most vapid people ever while thinking you are a high iq and everyone else is an idiot. The worst idiots are always the ones that think they are smart because you cant teach them at all.
The democratic party learned this pretty early.

yesterday it was why white people vote against their interests. wonder what it will be tomorrow

Actually, the banker says "open your borders and allow these immigrants in, so that I can profit from global labor arbitrage that drives down wages."