Who would win with gun restriction?

Alright guys, so why the democrats are trying so hard to make gun control laws?

Which company or sector would win with this regulation?

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And Trump is Dorothy...
Ben is a jew


As the demographic replacement progresses ethnic conflicts will erupt with higher frequency. And dems don't want their brown pets shot by white vets.

Gun control would save thousands of American lives a year. By any measure the status quo is unacceptable to the normal American citizen. We don't need to accept tens of thousands of murders and suicides so that limp dick conservatives can get a stiffy playing with their guns.

Shit, I'm not even opposed to gun ownership, I just don't want some crazy asshole murdering my kid when they are trying to learn math and science, you know?

And how would gun regulations do that? Honestly its the county's fault for voting an incompetent sheriff who doesn't know how to protect the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to minors. If those sheriff's charged in and incapacitated the threat, the few would be alive, and the rest left with minor injuries and less of a traumatic situation burned into their brains.

Sheriff Israel outed the shit out of the school cop. Neighboring county outed the shit out of the other 3 broward cowards.

It is a strange timeline where cops aren't protecting each other like they usually do.

get that hot head outa here

then homeschool them you degenerate faggot, nothing of value has ever been lost in mass shootings, just normies, keeping the government more afraid of the people than they are of it is far more important than the lives of pathetic normies

>Literal hothead

Ben Garrison confirmed for Sup Forums

Why are cuckservatives so obsessed with Hillary?

Because it was her turn

no one

holy shit i love ben

Non gun owners wont make it.



Well, stricter regulations regarding who can own and keep firearms may have kept Cruz from having an assault rifle in the first place. The Sheriff had no legal avenue to seize Cruz's weapons. And the background check database is intentionally made ineffective by the gun lobby to sell more weapons.

How much are they paying you? Fucking kike shill nigger faggot gun grabbing marxist scum sucking shit stain on the ass of a nigger.

>two racists murder an innocent POC
wow and youtube STILL hasn't taken this stormfront material down

bob dole 1996
al gore 2000
john kerry 2004
john mccain 2008
mitt romney 2012
hillary clinton 2016
any democrat 2020

>may have
>The Sheriff had no legal avenue to seize Cruz's weapons
If he had arrested Cruz the last time he started a fight at school or brought knives or ammo, which is what he was expelled for, then he would have
>And the background check database is intentionally made ineffective by the gun lobby
A load of shit. The only ones who make it not work are the feds, who want an excuse to disarm us

Regardless though, your premise is faulty. Gun control has never decreased the murder rate, nor does even strict and comprehensive gun control reduce a person's capacity for mass murder. All of the worst mass murders ever were done with vehicles and bombs, which are already easier to aquire and make than a modern gun.

Their Chinese overlords are demanding it.

Notice how even Garrison admidts that Hillary is somehow connected to this latest slaughter

Of course.

FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home (39 Reports)
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sheriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School district in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton supporter.
FACT School is scheduled for rapid demolition.
FACT Local Sheriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sheriff refuses to resign

Politically motivated Crisis Actors ready to go, scripted questions, TV interviews

This is smoking gun proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason. No conspiracy, just facts.

If these people are willing to allow children to be murdered to take away your guns, what terrible fate awaits us all when they take away all of our means of defense?

FACT You are a Russian shill

4/10 bait. Here's an upboat for you, good sir.


you niggers are aware she lost in 2016 right?

Ben’s linework and characiture depictions have gotten much better as he descends further into lunacy.

That story didn't have a happy ending. The nigger went to hospital and, if he survived, is going to Nigger U.

But I do accept it. It is statistically insignificant and doesn't matter to me in the least

no, niggers will keep killing eachother either way.

No gun control would kill rape and steal from millions more a year you massive cuck soy boy faggot

>"too smart to win"

not in her mind.... attempting to start a revolution because you didn't win doesn't really sound like someone who conceded.

They know this madness needs to end it has been destroying my community for decades and yall are too stupid and selfish to do anything about it