/CAG/ Canadian Accelerationism General/

old threads: Well, it's come to this.

We must plan, organize, and implement accelerationism. It is the only way to either help Canada in the long run or to wake up countries that can still change course.

In these threads we discuss how to become lefties to beat the lefties.

initial ideas:
- We must assault the web, specifically Canadian websites.
- We must copy local leftist propaganda poster campaigns, logos, marks, links, and make similar posters that accelerate the leftist agenda. Basically, pedo rights, bestiality rights, incest rights, push for punishment of those that work for a living?, anti-white women, anti-family, anti-any religious affiliation?

new ideas:
-Fight Fascism! Pedo rights are human rights! Ageism is white supremacy!
-"pedo rights vs white supremacy, who's side will you be on comrade?"
-"Hitler hated pedophiles too!"
"Enough is enough! LGBT+Pedo rights!"
"You will NEVER stop progress! Stomp fascism! Help win pedo rights!"
-Make it more neutral.
>Children Rights
>Children have sexual desires too
>Its natural
-leftist hyper sexual propaganda in communities that definitely reject this (communes do not put up their sexualized propaganda in immigrant communities so as to not scare them away by giving too much info about what they truly represent)
-#FightFakeNews campaign where I was encouraging German anons to report their friends and family member if they suspected them of spreading Fake News. ( it has to be just enough over-the-top, just cringeworth enough for normies to say:WTF? They really want me to report my friends?)
->reporting my daughter for "Wrong Think" wasn't easy. But I did what I had to do to keep Canada secure. Do your job just like I did! At first it felt wrong; now it feels right. I can't wait to report my son.

How do we accelerate this. What does the left believe that they are afraid to put up yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


more ideas:
-My son once told me he only believed in two genders. So I reported him to the police and his intolerence is now on file. I didn't want to do it, but I'm glad I did. Canada accepts over a hundred different genders, and I can't accept a son that doesn't.
Also:>What about playing it straight, possibly in addition to the accelerationism...

Idea for a straight-laced meme:

Top Text
>I'll call you whatever you want to be called in public
>long list of he/she/shim/sher/they/us and countless other LGBTQXYZ codewords follows

Bottom Text
>But in private if you had a penis at birth, I will still call you a man. And if you had a vagina at birth, I will always call you a woman.


Also ideas to support silent majority (pic related)

If you want some sources for accelerationism, I got tried this last Month:




By introducing "K" the left has dipped their toe just far enough down the slippery slope that we can shove them all the way to hell where they can't pull anyone else down.

Sup Forums needs to co-op this the same way they did "it's ok to be white" and push for "furry rights" in the same lines as "trans rights" as it is about their humanity. Once you have normies facing down furries it's game over for the LGBT. Just imagine


We force the slippery slope so normies can get redpilled on this degeneracy

If Democrats are gonna die politically, let's put the nail in the LGBT coffin too. The "pedo" plan is too obvious and too taboo but furries are the right amount down the slippery slope to crash the whole thing and wake up the masses

EVERYONE hated furries. There will be no defense when media outlets try to virtue signal them and then cite things like how "refuges were welcomed by a furry conventions when white racists wouldn't!"(nydailynews.com/news/national/syrian-refugees-meet-furries-surreal-scene-vancouver-h-article-1.2559408) For a spin.

Slow subversion and utilization of figures like Bruce Jenner helped to push the trans thing just over the line to get into the social field, but if we get lefties to start advocating for furries, they'll die. And then if they try to be against it, we just call them out as "Furphobic" "closeminded" and "against the LGBTQQICAPF2K that now recognizes "K"

Source: archive.is/itztA

We need to get the progressives against "Fursecution" and advocating for their rights, it'll deplatform the slopes movement

Messaging the associated press (AP):

Buzzfeed posts, Tumblr reblogging, and proxy twitter pushing to all the most progressive pages until eventually it gains traction

This shit is all around Hamilton. How would we change this? Can anyone photoshop it i have no idea how to do that

(((Pedo rights)))

Bumping good idea

That poster is a lie. I called the school hosting it and they said its a workshop. The person on the phone dug in a bit deeper and even they were baffled at how this thing was allowed. They said it's a workshop with different venues/stands, some of which sound pretty deranged. Some call for how to fight police or non-leftist protestors.

They said they will be calling the school board about this. I suggest other anons complain.

I'll be tipping off the police about the fact they are providing workshops on violence against police.

>I'll be tipping off the police about the fact they are providing workshops on violence against police.
good man. these people are sick.

The commies and lefties have tried so hard to campaign this thing. Posters everywhere..its also all over their social media.

If we can get the school board to pull it it would be a huge win and the tears would be tasty. I'll be calling the school board and police as well. I'll call them right now actually.

you are definitely on to something OP
take their logic to its ultimate conclusion, show how absurd it is

I've done this in conversations before and successfully redpilled people - pretended to be a leftist like them, lightly chastised them for not going far enough (in doing so revealed the fundamental absurdity of the logic) - and then watched as they recoiled back once they realized how absurd their ideas really are

great example:
"drunk means no"
"you cannot consent to sex if you've had a drink"

okay, that means every couple who has a couple drinks on a night out and has sex when they go home are committing rape
and if both partners are drunk they are raping each other
almost everyone is a rapist now with that definition
and they've been raping for years

we need to imprison almost the entire population now
or possibly ban alcohol completely
or make breathalyzer tests before sex mandatory and have them sign documents to prove sober consent

show them how ridiculous the logic is and look into their eyes as you watch the idea die in their head
the look starts with confusion and fear, followed by a long thoughtful stare (that's when the light bulb is starting to turn on)

Accelerationism is the only way in a country like Canada. Canada is on average a country full of very dumb and gullible people, and those that aren't are quiet.

They need to be shut down for the sake of morality and for the lols

accelerationism is a fine art because it has to strictly follow their own logic and be believable enough to shock sense into leftists and convince non-leftists that this is where things are heading
it has to be accurate enough that people can't easily dismiss it as a strawman

The Emerald City is Seattle. Why is a Seattle anfita poster being posted in a /CAG/?

Is Canada even real or just a memetic virus?

>In logic, reductio ad absurdum is a form of argument which attempts to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion


this is the logical essence of accelerationism
it often leads to absurd humor as well which adds to its convincing power

The left has fortunately already openly called for the most extreme of fringe degenerate family and society destructing ideas in their own blogs and papers. All we need to do is put their beliefs that they are still waiting to push (because they know moving too quickly will hurt their movement) onto their propaganda.

just an example, seefor canada propaganda that needs to be edited

Although they might be getting shut down. Just had a chat with the school board and hamilton police, apparently they should not have been allowed to have an event there. Hope they pull it

you guys a pretty pathetic imo.


this shill knows normies won't like their pro pedo views

kek good to see my OC is still relevant

>"you guys a pretty pathetic imo"
>nervously thinking about how normies will react when his rotten left wing insanity is exposed to the public


>All we need to do is put their beliefs that they are still waiting to push (because they know moving too quickly will hurt their movement) onto their propaganda.

don't let them "slow boil the lobster", crank the heat up so the lobster notices and jumps out of the pot

I think considering they already put violence aimed at police on their posters we could also work with that.

Some sort of message that lets normies realize these people want violence against authority / against the people actually fighting crime

>and those that aren't are quiet.
This is the biggest problem I find. I know plenty of people who are fed up with the direction the country is going but self-silence in public forum due to the threat of their career or social standing being skull fucked by rabid leftists. The only people who speak up are, unfortunately, idiots who do more harm than good for conservative-minded people and their causes.

I have noticed that political opinion on Normiebook is shifting against Trudeau more and more, so that's something I guess.

>self-silence in public forum due to the threat of their career or social standing being skull fucked by rabid leftists.

This is mostly just a psyop. Most places of business are against the far left, the person in question just needs to approach the situation in a calm and respectable way.

The leftist media is out to screw people that don't tow the line but even they know they can nay really attack someone that doesn't approach this correctly.

e.g. anti-immigration vs pro sensible immigration policy

it's the way you frame it. leftists are looking for slip ups


I agree for sure, its just that even if you do frame things properly, you'll just get labelled some -ist and then they'll run your name into the ground. Take Peterson for example. Obviously he has framed everything correctly but that hasn't stopped the leftists from slandering the fuck out of him. Don't take this as defeatism, we just need an effective countermeasure for the slander.

Yeah great, now they get to print out screenshots of your threads to escape the baggage of their own stupidity whenever it blows up in their face.
Irc is used for a reason you spastic faggots.

>Take Peterson for example

He's a world famous (even before this) psychologist prof..he's run into the ground (unsuccessfully) because he is such a heavy hitter. Normie level won't be run into the ground. You're thinking too much into it. That doesn't happen to normal people

>to escape the baggage of their own stupidity

Except we will be putting their own views on it, jus the ones they don't want to reveal yet. Most leftists will actually go along and they are the ones that will be our greatest weapon as they are poorly organized

T. Shill

>Typical Canadian Sup Forums user

I'll admit I don't respect most leafs but my God you guys are fucking brilliant. Maybe I haven't thought about this enough but I think it's genius

Bumping bc shills are trying to slide

start a dup canada party


I think this accelerationism angle is the single best way to wake up normies. We need to touch upon the biggest normie tabbos that leftists want to implement in the future

it's the party that controls the UK.

no gays. no browns. no theropods. it's how they got elected.

judo the shit out of the left
keep going user, you are hitting enemy fire, you are above target
let's do this

How about leftie posters proudly calling canada the first "post-family" state

Based Leaf I actually agree with you. I remember in 2015 when people were wailing and hand wringing as they lamented all the faggotry and the demoralization of football players kneeling during the national anthem. So many of them I took aside, put my hand on the their shoulders, and calmly said "Fear not, these people are actually saving the country. They will be what delivers Trump to us".
So, let's do this. Ratchet that fucker up. You poor leafs have suffered more than even I could bear under Trudeau.

The word Wrongthink makes it to obvious that your not actually left it should be #ProtectCanadaFromHate or Hate speech