You keep supporting Adolf Hitler, but what if YOU were born as a Jew in Nazi Germany, how would you feel then...

You keep supporting Adolf Hitler, but what if YOU were born as a Jew in Nazi Germany, how would you feel then? Why do you just assume you would be born as an ablebodied white person?

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Because I am now. If I was of a different background and culture, esp. as a young kid, my views would change, obviously. But it's a dumb thing to point out. "If you were different you'd be different!"

I'd just move to America and make it my new home.

What if you were born as Palestinian in today's Israel? How would you feel?


>but what if YOU were born as a Jew in Nazi Germany
Hell, if I was born a female nigger I'd want to fuck black men, which is something you already do, fag.

>hurr durr you have to be in his shoe
i'm not.

you should move to America(home of jew banker) before shit happen.
Let native people control their homeland and respect their right. (Nationalism world wide)
But you can't do it. Don't you?
Natural basic of the jews no more no less

I'm sure I'd feel like all jews feel, superior, entitled, lust for children, greed, sloth.... am I missing anything? Of course I'd be wrong.

Around that time period Jews were universally despised in the US as well. It took the great holocaust to temporarily guilt Americans into rolling over. That's why they cling to da shoah so tightly - it's their key to the castle as long as we believe in it.

I would join the judentrat and enlist for better standing in society. I’m a mischling and I hate my own kind.

yup the jews are cancer.
Jews trading Vietnamese slave in around time France colonied Vietnam. Make vietnamese people work to dead into the new world america.
But Vietnamese present forgot about that.

there are 100k Vietnamese people dead in that time because of jews. We need jews guilt for asian people,slavic people and white people.

Don’t forget the Palestinian exodus of 1948 where the IDF committed ethnic cleansings and massacred whole villages.

>You keep supporting logical thought, but what about my purely hypothetical appeal to emotion?


true true. Jews are enemy of all race

ohhhhh that is a good one

Because I am one

It’s funny how the Israelis use the same tactics as the Nazis 3 years after their defeat and no one could give a shit less.

Assuming I was born IN Nazi Germany, (earliest in 1933), I would have been in kindergarten when the war broke out and a preteen by the time it was over. I wouldn't have understood anything about what was happening.

oh snap

Since I would still be a child I would probably still feel confident about my innocence.

Personally I like Martin Luther's form of firm mercy better. Just destroy the synagogues, their books, etc. And run them out of your nation if need be. If I was Hitler I would have just expelled them into the cold communist wasteland to the East. But I wasn't there at the time I'm sure he had his reasons idk, it's in the past now.

Oy vey. Jews started this madness. They allways larping as superior so fuck them, their wife and their god chosen bastards.

A Palestinian *IN* *today's* Israel? I'd probably feel pretty good being the highest-earning Arab population of the Middle-East and the most protected Arab community in the Middle-East.

>how would you feel

What like this Jew who was a founding member of the SS? Pretty fucking rad desu Heil mein Fuhrer!


>but what if YOU were born as a Jew in Nazi Germany, how would you feel then?
I would join the based Lehi movement and ally with the Führer for a Jewish Ethnostate in Palestine and help him with the [[[Anglo Problem]]].


TOP KEK considering Khazars are literal fucking MONGOLOIDS

Well you have jews like this

It's really interesting.
The guy is completely delusional on the whole "we are the chosen ones" and "the goyims shall carry us all to Israel so we call bring heaven to earth".
On the other hand he understand that a lot of jews are so full on themselves, beign shitty leaders and basically fucking up the entire world that he think is comprensible that nazis will rise again to purge them from the earth.

interesting vidya try this one

and this one


How about I would convert to Christianity, stop calling myself Jew, chosen people and call myself German.

You know, assimilate, like.

But we know that doesn't actually happen. Just liberal bullshit.

"Integration" they say, but then "it's their culture".

>How about I would convert to Christianity, stop calling myself Jew, chosen people and call myself German.

And then get called a Jew anyway according to the Nuremberg Law and be told that nobody wants you to assimilate, just to go to a summer camp.

Who killed more Jews; Hitler or Stalin?


this isn't an insult

mongols were masters at warfare, using spies, gathering intelligence and hitting the critical point with a hammer

Hitler it's dead already, we don't really support him, more like his ideal.

yea thats why you shoot at kids throwing rocks

your people didnt even fight for that land. You are cowards. Pathetic kike


Being someone who is mostly germanic white but a little bit asian I get labeled this shit too. Its like whatever at least I am not part nigger.

>You keep supporting Adolf Hitler, but what if YOU were born as a Jew in Nazi Germany, how would you feel then? Why do you just assume you would be born as an ablebodied white person?

Conspiracy against peace and crimes against humanity are punishable by death

Sure you are white buddy... what ever you say slant eye.

Hey I have been told I had beautiful eyes by actual non-simulated women.

You either are born the cursed bloodline or you aren't. If I was a Jew I would want to be gassed for being Satan's offspring. Or maybe I wouldn't, since I'd be a Jew, tricky question, who knows.

I can't believe Hitler allowed that kike into the SS. What a retard. Who cares if he was Hitler's childhood friend, you don't give them entry into the SS. Maybe the Wehrmacht, but not the SS as to tarnish its good name as a paramilitary wing for pure Aryans only.

Only good thing Mongols did was attack the Turks, including the Khazars.