Best arguments for/against global monoracialism

Would humanity be better off if we could become a mono racial people?

One of the arguments against this is the desire to preserve each type of culture and race. But what if the next step of human advancement is to become one people. European men are mixes of different types of people at the time (western hunter gatherers, neolithic farmers, northern eurasian) and we advanced as a society.

On to the next part. IQ. Does the claim that certain races are biologically constricted to have a lower collective intelligence hold true? Or is it all a matter of circumstance? A lot of european groups would have been considered savages/barbarians and yet they thrived after being conquered and civilised. Is this because of their racial potential or is it circumstantial? what if other societies (non-european) are in the process of reaching that goal.

Does being a cohesive homogenous people benefit us? or are we better to let each type of culture/race thrive in their own homelands? or is the goal of becoming one people a better idea?

Lastly. A big argument against this is the fact immigration and birth rates will only result in European ethnocide, since it is only flowing one way. Hypothetically, if we had the power to equally mix all races and put all our good qualities together and take away the bad, would this be a noble goal. It would have to distributed equally so no particular group is the most prevalent. Probably through eugenics and border control.

FYI i am not trying to be disingenuous. i want to hear the best arguments against or for this. I am unsure if Nationalism or Internationalism is a more noble goal for humanity. Or to what extent racialism is true.

>Would humanity be better off if we could become a mono racial people?
No people would just make other categories by witch to differ. White people should not go extinct nor should any other race.

we would all equally pool the genes together. Humanity would continue. I wouldn't argue in favor of this if it unfairly targeted only one group to go extinct. Aren't modern Europeans mixes of previous races that occupied this land? or were we more genetically similar?



i'm not advocating for all cultures. this is purely a racial basis.

Do you mean race A kills other races and are the last ones standing or do you mean all races breed into one race?

>EU flag
fuck off, ghost of kalergi.

eugenic breeding. not killing. we would probably have to close the borders to get control of the flow of people.

haven't said i'm on board with it. there are multiple logistical/ethical factors. i'm discussing whether it would be a noble goal or a futile one.

Biological monocultures are incredibly fragile. Look at the repeated collapses of the banana industry. If everyone shares the same genes, it just takes one plague to wipe us all out.
>then again, that's the point with the Socialist Internationale

true. that is a good point. Hypothetically if we were to eliminate disease in the future, would you still be against mono racialism?

there's nothing noble about reducing everybody to rootless mongrels with no sense of belonging, unless you're a jew in which case that's you and you're just forcing your own problems onto the rest of the world out of spite.

not jewish. i'm just wondering if we would be able to make the most out of our species if we were a homogeneous people. Or will our future be forever divided into homelands for each group. not saying one is necessarily bad, but would it be a wasted opportunity to advance us? It would be a logistical nightmare, and we would have to study racialism more openly so we could get the best traits from each group. Also climate is a big factor too.

But if our future is to be divided i wouldn't be against a separate ethnostate for each group.

>But what if the next step of human advancement is to become one people.
This isn't the case. Humanity as the power to destroy itself. Our next evolutionary mark is not one of body but mind. The next great change for humanity is in perspective.

But why
Black people are literally stupider and southamericans/Middle East have no self control when it comes to violence it’s part of their fucking genes why would you want this in the gene pool

this is mostly hypothetical. but if we were able to remove the bad traits and mix the good ones such as IQ (if it actually is biological), height, resistance to diseases, endurance etc. we could become one collective people.

Although one of the flaws with this is the different climates we live in. we would need more melanin for hotter places and less for colder places.

If everyone in the world became white or eurasian then it would be ok. Nothing darker than tan

Thumb should read white man

Seems inevitable in fact I think it was the creators design to begin with it is what the math implies

Besides there is some destructive disaster that happens every 12k years that resets shit anyway like the flood

it will mostly be asian/african by sheer numbers. so we would have to find a way to distribute our genes equally amongst all the races. otherwise we would still end up with different groups. it would be hard to implement though.

Well this reality is cyclical though and reincarnation is scientific/mathematical fact the question is should we really care? I go back and forth on it. I like to fight the kike social engineering but I also know how retarded they are for even trying it. I find it bizarre that they have not figured this out for themselves yet unless they made some deal with demos somehow or figured out some other way to cheat reincarnation like the Buddhist monks who can control it etc