Oh look another Jewish salesman who successfully managed to deceive Sup Forums into believing in a lot of intellectual...

>Oh look another Jewish salesman who successfully managed to deceive Sup Forums into believing in a lot of intellectual mumbo jumbo while becoming filthy rich through donation money.

Well Imagine My Shock

Other urls found in this thread:


sage and kill yourself plese

>managed to deceive nu-Sup Forums

Damage control from Peterson shills

Fuck off you silly wanker.

If you don't actually know what he's talking about when he says to clean your room, you can just tell us and we'll believe you. You don't need to prove it like you have.

He told us to keep our room clean, not to clean our room.
It doesn't matter if you telegate that chore as long as your room is clean.
Is a robot vacuum cleaner not allowed?

>Sometimes, Peterson doesn't have his shoulders back, or stand up straight. Especially when he is laying down sleeping!

I'll take this bait.
He talks about cleaning your room to better your life. If you reached the point where you can afford a maid, your life is pretty fucking great.

>are you telling me I need to clean my room?

No neo, I'm telling you that when your ready you won't have to.

I haven't cleaned my room in years either so who cares

Peterson shills out in full force

He never said you couldn't use your hard gotten gains to hire an expert to do it - just as long as it gets done.

Whenever JP pauses it's because he wants to align with you Nazi fucks and pander to your immoral and illogical beliefs. You're pathetic

he must have told his maid to stop wearing makeup

wtf I hate Peterson now!

He doesnt sleep user he just stays standing straight and waits.

That's how capitalists clean their rooms. I see no problem in that.


Why didn't Jew king Peterson "clean your inner room" advice work on his own daughter?

A successful, wealthy man has a maid, must be a Jew. Kys

how's the smell in there bro?

I don't know why but imagening that made me smile

what a fucking charlatan

I want all gook-lovers to look at that face.
That is the standard face of a HAPA.

Ya, he’s successful. Successful in tricking you naive brainlets into donating money.

>pull yourself up by your bootstraps even though my lifestyle is predicated on the luxury access to a permanent underclass = a demographic that will never be able to bootstrap itself because it has poverty baked into its genes at an increasing rate from industrial fallout and urban neurosis

>Maid said he hasn't cleaned his room in years.
Ya that's the fucking point of having a maid. Also ya he's a Jew shill. Only person you should listen to is Brother Nathanael.

If you have the money, you don’t need to clean your room anymore ffs...

My trash can smells like a landfill but other than that it's fine

>thinks clean your room means literally, physically clean your room

It means create order in your life, become less chaotic by moving forward and making decisions. The man makes over 70k a MONTH, what kind of absolute retard would even waste a minute cleaning, that's a huge financial loss. Imma do the math for you retards using the month of Januari as an example.

January has 31 days, consisting of 24 hours, each 60 minutes.
70000/(31*24*60) = ~1.57 a minute or 94.09 dollars an hour.

That's easy money, spend like 15 dollars an hour on a cleaning lady and pocket the other 79 dollars. This kind of argument shows such a fundamental lack of basic knowledge of how to make money, it's beyond fucking retarded. You'd have to be a literal

>Only person you should listen to is Brother Nathanael.
Yes goy, listen to Christ. Jesus the bastard of Joseph and whore Mary is Lord and savior.

this is the definition of a 8/10 body with a 5/10 face
remember soyboys that think you can /lift/ your way to chad, you'll just be the male version of this

No shit, the average IQ in this board is about 66.
Just look at all of the fucking retarded tradcucks and christian faggots shitting this place up.

It's better to be a 5/10 face with a 9/10 body than to be a 5/10 and morbidly obese or even just overweight and unhealthy.

>clean your room doesn't mean literally clean your room
>Resurrection doesn't mean literal Resurrection
>mean doesn't mean literal mean

I sorry but you have to be a bit of a faggot to idolise this man. Most of what he says is like who the fuck cares. People preoccupied with appearing intelligent bother to hear him out. They live life with too much meaning. Things aren't ever as complicated as you think.

Quick go buy one of his 2000$ signed rugs of his shitty art work or youll never straighten yourself out

Hurry, the millions from his patreon and 100k paycheck from the university are quickly running out!

>ywn have give seed to spawn jbp's grandchildren
Why even live?

You guys will be in for a good REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when you see pictures of her bf.
Not even peterson daughter-tier is attainable if you aren't chad.

Good bait, but that's not what the original text you are pretend-quoting even says. Made me read though, 1/10 for effort and not an argument.



>He doesn't clean his room
>Pays me to do it for him
Yeah, it's called the division of labor. Once you reach a certain point of income, menial tasks are unproductive for you to do personally because your time is worth more than the labor you put into them.

>thinks clean your room means literally, physically clean your room
>clean your room doesn't mean literally clean your room

>literally quoting a post doesn't mean you literally quoted the post

fucking heil'd

fucking ugly chicks with nice bodies is the patrician's fetish

That's usually how it works, goy. Now give him more of your hard earned sheckles


You said
>>mean doesn't mean literal mean

And yeah, that's called a metaphor. It's something that's often used in books.

mean in the sense of value attribution, not average

reference to the harris debate

teaching woman how to use computers was a mistake

God forbid you follow good advise and accidentally improve your life.

>/Pol fell for him
I think you are mistaking /Pol with plebbit.

Nothing Peterstein says means anything, expect for when he's telling you not to oppose Jews. Then he is dead serious.

>Implying Sup Forums isn't plebbit after 2016


>this again


>buy my rugs goy
this one is called the audiovisualsensationoftacock

Why would you clean your room if you can afford a cleaning lady?

>He has a maid!

In the time he woiuld spend cleaning his room, he would make enough to hire 10 cleaning ladies.

OP is a literal retard who can't understand a message behind a simple sentence.

Probably a hole


>love his wealth Sup Forums
>you (((donated))) to it
Kiss me, comrade

Negro, I never paid shit to this boomer.
You retards think that every single fan of his paid him thousands of dollars for rugs and personality tests.
The reality is that most people just watched some of his lectures and liked them.


Know where to look?

My buddy John flies to California for work. But he doesn't fly the plane himself, so I guess it doesn't count

>Peterson shills out in full force

>God forbid you follow good advise and accidentally improve your life.

>Reddit's new favorite philosopher

Paid shills are not allowed to post in threads with Israel-9/11 links.

This Pasta kills the shill.

Post this PASTA in any thread you suspect of being subverted.

Let's not forget that letting a shill incite a response from you puts dirty shekels in their pockets. Don't feed the shills.


FBI report -
Christopher Bollyn 2014 (60 min lecture)
“Israel Is Behind the 9/11 Attacks and Iraq Wars”
(keep in mind this guy used to be an alex jones nwo NWO missiles and holograms, believer. and may well be being prepped to be a spokesperson for Israel's 9/11 attack hitting the mainstream)

FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1

RT News and Press TV journalist Ryan Dawson - War By Deception 2013

BBC journalist Alan Hart on Israel and 9/11

RT News - Was 9/11 an Inside Job

Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, ( mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot

2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...

3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'

>meme flag
>crying that someone else can afford a maid
>can only understand the literal meaning of words


>Whenever JP pauses it's because he wants to align with you Nazi fucks and pander to your immoral and illogical beliefs.

Same here. I literally walk on dust crust.
Some would say that the lung pain will make me live a shorter life but I'd say with all the time I've saved I technically alredy lived longer.