Can somebody honestly explain to me this phenomenon that seems to be the standard now of people not caring what race...

Can somebody honestly explain to me this phenomenon that seems to be the standard now of people not caring what race there dating/marrying/having a relationship with
The obvious answer would be the (((media))) says that its cool and trendy and your a civil rights activist if you fuck a nigger but honestly is there more to it?
Like ok maybe I could even understand just fooling around but fucking marrying and having kids?
Like 20 generations of Italians here lemme marry a indian
Im so tired of this world Sup Forums bros it seems like you can either off yourself or become a recluse if you hate your society
Like i legit dont know what to do I cant go outside without needing to take blood pressure medication
im so sick of this party culture of women acting like men of race mixing of this Jewish media of Christianity being subverted to the point where i dont even know if its a religion anymore
like im legit worried im going to snap one day and just shut something up and blow myself up

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People are retarded and don't understand or care about anything but taxes and sportsball

dat grammar

>spell checking on /r/ reddit
isn't the whole point of having kids to reproduce your genetic line?
whats the point of making a chinese kid if your black for example?

It's not like this on a large scale at all. The bluepilling media are trying to appear as if they were actually blackpilling, but the truth is that the silent majority does care about all those things and only a small percentage of the population degenerates. Still, while not the majority, it's a much bigger amount than back in the old times because freedom is simply toxic. People are too stupid to know what's best for them, especially in an era where there's so much contradictory information flying around. There's not enough time to segregate all of this garbage and pick all the fine qualities when you're forced to work for 8 hours a day for your Jewish overlords. Back in the days you knew what's best for you because you looked up to your ancestors and replicated whatever allowed them to survive, creating tradition. Nowadays people would rather read a short article and take everything for granted without verifying it because they're too busy.

>isn't the whole point of having kids to reproduce your genetic line?

You can't define a point of something. Shit's complicated. A lot of people the point of reproducing is simply to fill a void and accomplish some kind of mission and have a "pet" to love and cradle.

It doesn't get any deeper than that. A lot of the kids nowadays weren't even intended. There was no point behind their creation except accidentally.

you have a point user
shit still doesn't make sense to me like why the fuck would you want to have nigger kids if your white for example
yep completely agree Sup Forums bro (xd epic pun)
still this doesn't help me with the other point i made, like i tell this to ppl and they dont seem to believe me
i walk in to a coffee shop and wait in line and i lose my shit just from how the ppl are dressed and that they cant just stand still and wait in line for example
God I hate this fucking world

>why the fuck would you want to have nigger kids if your white

Well, I don't remember ever seeing a case of a good white woman with a nigger.

Good white girls do go out with the quality black men, and the white girls that are with niggers you can tell are white trash skanks.

That to me makes perfect sense. I mean the good blacks are better than a lot of shitty whites, so I can understand why a white girl would take them serious, especially if a white girl thinks to herself that a black guy would value her more than a white guy because white guys can easily take their pick of white women where black men I imagine have a harder time.

Its not as common as you think. Ask any white woman who is married with children why she decided to marry a white man. She will struggle to claim it has nothing to do with race

Most people have an innate tribal characteristic to want their kids and partner to look like them. I know I do. It’s tribal and engrained in us through evolution. I wouldn’t even marry a south Indian girl or a dark skinned short Indian girl much less a blonde/blue eyed European or chinese girl. It feels weird and just unnatural to see dark/super pale skin with pale hair and I cannot imagine having kids who have oriental eyes or are 5ft 5 or have blonde hair.

This is precisely what makes most ethnicities marry/fuck people who look like them so almost always their own tribe. This biological tribal bias is weaker in some people and add social propaganda and brainwashing to it + (western degeneracy pretty much) personal perferences and you get increased inter-ethnic marriage and even relationships. Plus there is 0 social stigma in your dumbfuck countries to marry within ethnos leading to hippie valley girl types.

Here you literally have matrimonial ads stating “bride has to be 5ft 5+, Punjabi and xyz upper caste””

>quality black men
user pls
the typical reply i get is "i dont care about what race he is but yeah obviously i prefer my own"
that's like the most red pilled they can pull of

>The obvious answer would be the (((media))) says that its cool and trendy and your a civil rights activist if you fuck a nigger but honestly is there more to it?

not really. Modern-day whites have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that having a preference or support for their in-group is "evil".

bro, I know you won't believe this but I'll waste my time telling you anyway.

There are black guys out there that are better than you just for not wasting their time bitching on Sup Forums whining about shit.

Black guys that actually have careers, like doctors and shit and have houses with nice cars and good credit.

a pajeet who wants to marry his own pajeet kind,i would shake your hand if we ever meet,but then again is full of shit.

their weapons are sophisticated user. all of society is developed to fuck up your hormonal regulations. this is how kikes wage war. circumsicion is fucked because it fucks with puberty development (coincides with 8th day).

it is social engineering, but you are at surface of the issue.

You're already just as equally retarded and short-sighted as they are for having kids in the first place, Goyim.

I want to fug Christ-chan.


Based answer shit bro

dunno m8 I think you have a wrong perception of pajeets from interacting with the few liberal kinds who go abroad. You’d literally get disowned and lose all your family/friends if you marry a foreigner (of any other race) here or even a lower caste Tamil. Even almost all the pajeets I met in the US were dating/married other pajeets of their caste. We stick to our traditions

First off, reproducing your genetic line isn't the only point of having kids since culture, environment and education are much bigger factors to determine how someone will be formed than genetic material. You have kids to transmit your culture and what you know to them, and to prepare them to be capable people.
Second, your genetic line is still within your kid even if he's black and you are Chinese, ''race'' is not the only factor that determines genetic material.
> A lot of the kids nowadays weren't even intended.
Most kids weren't planned for most of human history, it was just something that happened naturally.

lol don’t fucking kid yourself mate. If hypothetically you are pure Japanese and your own blood looks like a sub-saharan African you have effectively destroyed your bloodline. The kid will never be Japanese and never be African, culturally and physically. All you’ve done is create a bloody outcaste that has no tribe or ethnos.

pretty much thisyeah your genetics might be in him but he is basically nothing now just a mut and will probably just associate with the race he looks most like, for example the niggers with white moms just saying im black
you sound like your a mut yourself user

I always assumed that the meme of if your white you can fuck anybody in India is just that a meme
so its true?

You pretend to talk about biology here, but what you are actually doing is associating race with collectivism and tribalism, in other words, the problem for you isn't that your kid didn't inherit your genetic material, but that he can't use his race as a symbol of self identity.

Just wanna say: Christianity won’t save you.

Also: Jesus didn’t exist.

Repent, unbeliever!

feminism in action.



It’s a meme. Might be true for Indians living in the West but in the motherland you’re literally an outcaste and never will be one of us so huge disadvantage. Whites still have it easier than blacks or orientals cuz similar proto caucasoid features. Still p hard tho. Imagine a white catholic girl tryna fuck a mexican or black guy in rural Alabama.

Asian males btfo :(

>the Asian guy was with a white girl
How do you get less BTFO than landing a Lucan Gillespie?

No. Entire civilizations were built and destroyed on tribal collectivism. You are talking about the entire history of mankind. We have always been tribal. Having mutt DNA in you isn’t going to change your social and cultural identity upon which you live your life. No one is gonna ask you “hey user, are you homozygous recessive for xyz trait too? Or do you have xyz allele leading to abc features too?”

You get placed in a tribe the moment you’re born

>Entire civilizations were built and destroyed on tribal collectivism.
You are not wrong about that. Collectivist ideologies, such as the ones seen on communist China/Russia, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, killed more in less than a century than 2000 years of wars, famine, slavery and colonialism all around the world.
Society is a bit tribal and that's okay, but what you are trying to do is define the identity of someone or of a society solely based on the color skin, when things like culture and environment play a much bigger role in defining that.

>You get placed in a tribe the moment you’re born
You get placed in a tribe by your actions and by the actions of your tribe, and these actions are caused by a series of factors. You are trying to narrow a extremely complex situation into just something about race, and you are trying to act as if race identity was the alpha and omega to determine how a society develops, when there's empirical examples to disprove that.