Redpills on Talmud and other Jewish Scriptures as it relates to Marxism and One World Government

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Please post anything you have on this.

as much as the kikes hate to admit it the Protocols are the cole's notes version of the judaic talmud

Have you got any quotes/passages from the talmud which when compared to the protocols are similar/have same meaning?

noope, just the protocols and a lot of flack when I post it

The Talmud is the written “oral” torah of the Pharisees. The “burdens” referred to in Luke 11:46. Jesus mocks their interpretations right before this like not walking over graves and elsewhere calls them hypocrites and the laws of man and not god.

Basically the Talmud is a very psychopathic and materialistic drawn out interpretations of jewish law and ways to circumvent them which is why the orthodox have eruv cables and pre-programmable ovens and all sorts of stupid backwards shit. It’s also jewish supremacist and sees non-jews (non-pharisees) and animals.

The talmud is concerned with living in this world and living in the moment, nothing about enlightenment or spiritual development. Nothing about the future. There is nothing in it about being a decent person. Just some stuff that says you should obey these laws which will make you a decent person but only because god will punish you otherwise (then proceeds to explain how to circumvent these laws).

>It’s also jewish supremacist and sees non-jews (non-pharisees) and animals.
OK so this I guess explains why they want to rule the world, as their religious belief dictates that it is their right to do so seeing as "they're the only humans".

I had a pic with a lot of quotes from the Talmud but I can't find it right now, but I can give you an interesting Information about it.
It's written down and translated BUT you won't find it in most books shops.
On Amazon germany used to be comments that all the "Talmuts" are cutted versions or false translations.
Getting your hand around a real and full translation would be a starting point.



Forgot to mention. Every other jewish script/book is available in a translation from non-jews, the Talmud is not

But what I want to know specifically is whether the way they intend to achieve that end (of them controlling a one world government) through globalism, marxism, international banking etc, whether this is expressed in jewish scripture? And is the goal of controlling the planet stated in their scripture, or do jews simply deduce that they should control the planet seeing as "they're the only humans".

The end is all that matters to them I think (Zionism).
Which ever way they can push to get to their end goal is the way it will be.
The end goal will be a complete totalitarian system ruled by who they believe is the actual Messiah.
Unfortunately for them, he already came and the Messiah they will bow to will be the AntiChrist.
>And is the goal of controlling the planet stated in their scripture
They do, the Old Testament does say speak of them ruling and there's much debate even who the real jews are but to simply put it... They believe we're still in OT times and they're supposed to rule over us because we're essentially cattle in the field.

"Whoever saves a life, saved an entire world." Sanhedrin 4:5

"True focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity." Nezikin 14:3

"A legal decision depends not on the rabbi's age, but on the force of his argument." Bava Batra 142b

John 8:37-47 is Jesus trying to explain to the Pharisees where they went wrong and why they aren't "jews" anymore.
Again, there is mch debate over who even are the jews.
I personally believe the jews are the ones who keep Gods commandments and believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave.
I don't believe it has anything to do wit genetics.
Obviously jews will disagree with me because they reject Jesus.
Romans 2:28-29
1 Timothy 1:4

Talmud is Rabbinical commentary on Torah.
No Torah, no Talmud.
Judaism is a death-cult.

Well let me tell you about a book called the Bible and in it there was a man named Jesus. Who thought that people should look out for one another, and that sharing wealth was good.

>Le good Samaritan meme
Matthew 15:21-28
It also doesn't say to let your country be flooded with people of other religions who will no doubt kill you.
>sharing wealth was good.
Charity is not forced payments user.
That's literally the opposite of charity.
You're not really giving when it's taken.

it also rationalizes that Jews are above God and themselves God.

Look up the Zohar, Lurianic kabbalah, and the Sabbatean-Frankists.

>calling the word of jesus a meme
>luke 16:19-31
Remember the story of the man in purple?

Judaism is not dedicated to worshipping the God of the Bible -- the true God of True Israel. Judaism’s god is derived from Talmudic doctrine: it is the Judaic people themselves. The religion of Judaism is fundamentally oriented toward the manifestation of the deadly sin of pride in the form of the racial idolatry of their self-worship:

"...I am a committed Jew. I belong to an Orthodox synagogue, send my children to Jewish school and yearn to instill in them the same devotion to the Jewish people that my parents instilled in me." Prof. Peter Beinart, New York Times, March 19, 2012 p. A21.

Prof. Beinart makes no mention of devotion to God as his first priority. Instead, the first priority he cites as an Orthodox Judaic, instilled in him by his parents, is “devotion to the Jewish people."

the talmut was written by russia for the jews to make them go away

When did I call the word of Jesus a meme?
>Le Good Samaritan meme
Is a term used when people take those Scriptures out of context. It wasn't in any way meant to discredit or say being a good samaritan meme is not right.

>good samaritan meme is not right.
good Samaritan is not right*

Fuck these fucking kikes
They never stop lying
I think there may be only one way to stop them.
One way to end the infection of this most foul parasite

Which is why I posted Matthew 15:21-28.
It's not as simple as, "Oh these voodoo priests are poor and hungry, we should let them live in our houses because they are poor".
It's just not how it works and even Jesus points that out, he didn't heal the womans daughter for nothing.

Israeli citizen Yossi Gurvitz, a former Talmud (yeshiva) student reveals the racism, homicide and child molestation-advocacy in the Babylonian Talmud and subsequent authoritative rabbinic legal texts authored by Rabbi Moses Maimonides and Rabbi Joseph Karo (“Shulchan Aruch”). He reveals Judaism’s sympathy for Islam and its undying hatred for Christianity.

Rabbinic laws intended for access by Judaic persons only, teach that goyim (gentiles) are malevolent. For this reason, the goyim are grouped together with those categories of criminals and transgressors who cannot act as a witness in a court (Shulhan Arukh: Hoshen Mishpat 34).

to avoid a rebellion by the goyim, devious exceptions to the rabbinic law are made in public for the sake of pacifying (mipnei darkhei shalom) gullible goyim.

I believe the story of Lazarus even backs up my position. In Luke we're told he is seen at Abrahams side in heaven, meaning he believed in God and should have been helped by the rich man who didn't make it to heaven.

It is a Blessed Deed to Kill “anti-Semites”: "Amalek . if (it) becomes clear that a certain person is an Amalekite or following in their ways, it is a mitzvah (blessed deed) to kill him (see, Kol Mevaser 2:42).

All gentile women without exception are: “Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah” (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes).
—BT Sanhedrin 81b - 82a.

BT Kiddushin 66c: “The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft.” The uncensored version of this text appears in Tractate Soferim

Idol worshippers are liable to the death penalty under the Talmudic “Noachide Laws.”
—BT Sanhedrin 57a.

All of the inhabitants of the world are compelled to accept the Noachide laws. If any non-Jew does not accept these laws he should be killed.

The call to execute all those "among the nations" (goyim) who do not accept the Noachide laws (not just those who are prisoners of war), is indubitably present in Hilchot Melachim 8:10

When passing a church they utter a curse upon it as follows: “Beis gee'im visach Hashem.” —Birkath ha-Minim, 12th Amidah. BT Berakhot 58b.

Only Jews are human. Non-Jews are not human.
—BT Bava Metzia 114b. BT Kerithoth 6b and 58a.

Regarding a Jew stealing from a non-Jew, the act is permitted.
— BT Sanhedrin 57a.

Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a gentile.
—BT Baba Kamma 113a.

If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
—BT Moed Kattan 17a.

Children, life and sustenance do not depend upon merit but upon mazal (one’s lucky stars).
—BT Mo’ed Kattan 28a.

What about how it relates to Red Riding Hood and Leprechauns?