Should pedophiles be allowed to adopt?

Should pedophiles be allowed to adopt?

Yes, of course! Denying pedophiles the right to adopt is pedophobic!

Cant be pedophobic


they shouldn't be allowed to breathe

Well of course since they are one of the few capable of loving children (like the title suggests).
Most of you will never feel love or even get a glimpse of it (it's not dependency lol you mental midgets).
Most parents are extremely sad excuses of humans who only utilize or more correctly abuse their children for status points and virtue signalling (psychopathic pathologies).

>not taking the Tarlpill
Honestly poll lost its edge

However, therein lies the problem that MOST of the population are psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, lacking empathy despite however skilled they are at hiding it. Envy is what they mostly feel. Even MOST children are soulless (although all children go through a narcissist phase as part of development) so sorting through this slew of toxic and potentially hazardous humans for actual relationship potential is certainly the challenge of the age. MOST of you simply don't get it, nor have the faculties to even recognize a healthy relationship.

Pedophiles should be allowed to swing from a rope by their necks. That's literally the only thing they should be allowed to do.

Unfortunately for you, real men don't use words like
Shoo, shoo, little gelding.

Enjoy getting raped to death in prison when your kiddie porn stash is unearthed.

Nah it should be an automatic hanging for pedos

that's anti-semitic

Ooo, wow, an empty unsubstantiated threat! Shiver me timbers!!!

Enjoy getting killed like all the other narcpigs once your fraud is revealed.


This thread only proves that any 'spirit of chan' is effectively dead. Only conformist redditors here, now.

No to both genders.

I need to know where to find more pics like this... so I can not go there and stay away from them.

what kind of name is tarl?

Please kill yourself

Good ol' UK

Uk is really finished.

Yes, but they should only be allowed to adopt 6 foot 6 black men called bubba that have a fetish for tearing open horrible little cunts arses open whilst shouting "who's bubbas bitch".

I think this is a reasonable resolution.

A pedo name
