hey Sup Forums I know with the current political and race climate in America something big could happen at any minute but I have a question. My best friend of 15 years is a black guy, he's pretty much like a token black guy and is really smart, he's pretty redpilled on the JQ and race/iq. He's helped me many times when I was need, thanks to him I now have a job and can support myself. I've been going on here a lot and I know separation and a white ethnostate is a must and that I need to stop being friends with this guy because he's not of the tribe, but as gay as it sound it hurts to just throw him out of my life just because he's black.

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I wish both of you the worst


Why do people need to think so simplistically. You think an actual White ethnostate is going to have 0 non-Whites? No international relations? Does it even matter since it's not going to happen in your own lifetime? You can support the movement and still be a normal fucking person.

Well I guess that settles it, blacks are wonderful. You have proven what yeara of cold hard facts never could, blacks are just awesome people.

i hate other blacks I just like him and his family they're good people

the purpose of an ethonstate is to be 100% white??? what are you on about?

By the same logic a Canadian can't be friends with an American. Sit down and think before you start spewing crap.

No, that is stupid. Even when Europe was at it's very Whitest there were extremely tiny minorities of non-Whites. A realistic ethnostate is something like what Japan is today. Some aspergers vision of an ethnostate is fucking retarded, won't happen and doesn't even make sense.

we need 100% separation before that can happen in the case of japan they were isolationist until the 1900 correct?

race and nationality are completely 2 different things. Race should always come first

most of the mongs here are retarded. in fact the same idiots that will say 'my ancestors had nothing to do with slavery' will then somehow make it seem like they're more American than blacks who in many accounts date back further as Americans than the mongs trashing on them. Do black americans have some problems in their community and population, certainly but ostracizing and separating instead of helping up and reconciling isn't ever going to be any sort of way forward except in mongoloid brains

Tell him he needs to become a Black National Socialist and push his people to form a Black fascist state that can purge all niggerdom from itself. If they can't do that then they are hopeless.

Nothing is every 100%... how many years have you lived? It's not happening. To answer your question, the Dutch ran a trading post in the early 1600s (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dejima). There are many reasons why you need some interaction with non-Whites. I think 5% non-White population is acceptable and achieves the desired result. Fighting for that last 5% is not worth it and will only bring pain and sorrow my friend.

>let me just throw out all of my personal relationships that retards on the internet may not approve of when in an anonymous forum
You're an idiot. Of course there are plenty of intelligent people of every race. Just because of *generalities* between races doesn't mean no black person has ever done anything good. Ideology is way more important.
The chances we're going to have a totally white ethnostate within our lives is very slim, so why don't your postpone your decision until that gets a LOT more likely?
Just don't let him fuck your girlfriend and you'll be fine.

before he moved to my school a decade ago he said the other blacks used to bully him for reading and "talking white" etc he hates them and everything about them

just because 99% of blacks are useless niggers doesn't mean there won't be some that earn their place amongst whites. if anything i think your post speaks towards your friends character more so than normal due to the fact he is black.

but just keep in mind that one good doesn't change all the bad.

I'm 25 and I didn't know that

are you fucked in the head? what the hell is wrong with you, wanting to cut a best friend out of your life because some literal retards on a mongolian basket weaving forum told you it was a must? kill yourself

yeah exactly he's 1 in a million he's a good person he was just born to the wrong race

I believe in the shit 100% I want to better the white race how am i "fucked in the head"?

They have no place among Whites, and letting the top 1% of blacks flee their own people and live with us just makes blacks as a whole worse off. It also makes that 1% into niggers after all, as they are fleeing their duty to their own kin.

He's just a normal black it sounds like, nothing wrong with that. There's a big difference between blacks and back stabbing lazy niggers destructive niggers.

He never implied any of this you celestial scale fucking retard.

>"a normal black"
bro he's way above average blacks I must even admit he's probably way smarter than me, it makes me sad to see him be born black. His parents are like that as well his dad was professor and his mom was doctor. Their whole family on paper has the income of 15 black families combined

a doctor* fuk

i had one once,he acted like every other educated human except he was a nigger ofc,i see no problem as long he mimics a human and acknowledge that whites have higher IQ and are less prone to outbursts of violence,why not, go for it,but as soon as he chimps out or summon the nigger from within get hid of him.

I can't imagine him chimping out he's an introvert who keeps to himself.


don't make me get poland, russki


Shut the fuck up filthy nigger. I'am 1/4 pole and don't give a fuck about stupid ru-po memes.

Then no one would suspect you if he disappeared.

get DNA tests for yourself and the negro. Do you share y-chromosomes?

The motherfuckers from Good Mythical Morning finish each others sentences and many thought they were gay but then they discovered they have y-chromosomes from the same strain of R1b.

Is the negro a mulatto?

You still haven't explained why you need to abandon your friendship.

Back to my example, you are being obtuse on purpose. A Japanese national and a Korean national can't be friends? How about an Anglo Saxon and a Swede? Come on buddy....

Are you genuinely retarded. What we really need to happen is for whites to get their heads out of their asses and rule their country again. More importantly keep our pets under control, since they have a consistence of breaking stuff

>Not phased
Pick one.

Ffs you don't have to stop being friends with him, but you can't let the friendship hold you back either. My best friend is part native, like probably less than half but at least a quarter. He hates natives and only identifies with his Nordic side. We hate on the kikes together. Shits great.

korans and japanese are still ethnically of the sam race same with swedes and anglos, blacks on the other hand are completely different, I just feel like it wouldn't better my people if I was friends with him but in the back of my mind I know it's wrong and that he isn't a threat

me and him are exactly like that, he hates niggers and jews as if he were a regular Sup Forumsack he even is a big fan of Jared Taylor believe or not

You don't have to stop being friends with your buddy. Even if the whole white world collectively woke up and blacks were all shipped to Africa (won't ever happen) there would still be blacks in leadership rules and they would basically be the Black Hitlers of their country. They would still be friends of ours, they just wouldn't live in our country.

Race is a thing of the 20th century. We must look forward and prepare for the age of augmented humans. WILL YOU BE FOR OR AGAINST CYBER ENHANCEMENT?

>Koreans and Japanese are still ethnically of the same race
Lol they are not, are you insane, do you even know what is going on in Australia, Canada and the USA. They are not European or of the same origin, they are Mongoloids.

wow, he sounds like a great guy.

can't wait for him and all his based black friends to call for sanctions against south africa due to the horrific mistreatment of whites and the upcoming land grabs.

if i showed you a korean and a japanese man you wouldn't be able to tell the difference prove me wrong

he actually signed the change.org petition to have white south african immigrate here also black americans are a different race than african bantus

That's because you're an uncultured faggot

Wait, I may have misread what you wrote, but technically I am not wrong.