Why are psychologists and psychiatrists so useless?

Why are psychologists and psychiatrists so useless?

I have to keep seeing them to maintain disability pension, but it doesn’t do anything to help me, I am too far gone for any kind of help, but the government doesn’t seem to care or understand this. They’re forcing me to keep seeing mental health professionals as part of me having a pension.

I’m being moved onto a 4th psychologist because after 5-10 sessions with the first 3 they realise they can’t do shit to help me and they move me onto someone else.

The psychiatrist I see at least had said he can’t do shit for me and that he’ll just keep seeing me once every few months for reasons concerning the bux, but he can’t do anything for me.

I have Schizoid Personality Disorder, all the mental health professionals I have seen so far dont know how to do anything about it because according to them conventional treatment doesnt work and not enough is known about the disorder.

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Love of money is the root of all evil, user.

>Why isn't the therapy working?
>when I consciously decided beforehand that I'm unfixable and not willing to try and change

Open up the nut houses again. People like you need serious treatment

Just let them run wild. We already let niggers and jews do that and they get by.

>Why are psychologists and psychiatrists so useless?
Not evidence based

Yeah they get by on our dime and wellbeing.

I'd at least like to be able to visit my local city without being yelled at by maniacs that should be institutionalized.

maybe the ones u are seeing aren't the right fit for you. Shop around if you can. Also, they may literally just not know enough about your issue at this point in time and can only help so much. I would try reading the med journals.

also this

Institutionalizing them is on our dime as well. Most of the ones I've hung out with are alright. You just have to understand that type of crazy.

I went through the same and a local church actually helped me more in a year than people with diplomas and modern medicine could do in 10.
I still have issues but its much more personally manageable now.

Here's what happened to you dummy.
When you were a little kid at some point you realized your penis is a penis and not just your body. Then you innocently and proudly tried to show your penis to your mother, but she got very mad and made you feel ashamed of your penis and you never understood why.
You need to have your mom apologize for making you feel bad about your penis, especially if she circumcised you, have her apologize for that.
Get a kitty or pet snails (feed them kale and cucumbers and carrots)
Try Maeng Da Kratom (1/2 teaspoon) and a little nicotine (2g gum) as well.

You're welcome.

What did they do for you, user?

I would euthanize people like you.

There's literally no scientific discipline that has more evidence on its object than the psychs. Because the psych fields are consumer oriented from the start.

"Normal" just means you feel proud and ready to show your dick to anyone. That's how you feel naturally before your parents made you ashamed of you dick and fucked you up. Just get back to that.

Keep doing what you have to do to survive. If that means useless meetings to some shrink so be it.

You may also try praying the Rosary every night, or at least praying the Saint Michael prayer and the prayer to your Guardian Angel.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

That's the opposite of truth, Mr. B.F. Skinner. Your feedback loop is as fucked up as it gets.

Why am I even posting here seems nobody actually knows anything

Feel like I am in a situation where I am actually a special snowflake.

Maybe the brain MRI will show something. Just have to wait until whenever that happens in this public health care system.

fMRI might show something. Regular MRI at best would show that you have some structural irregularity that modern medicine can't do anything about anyway.

They're just extracting more money from the system to justify putting you on drugs to get more money or whatever the case might be.

In other words, it's basically data collection so they can try to correlate your behavioral outcomes with brain structure or possible gross brain damage.

psychiatry has false materialist metaphysical assumptions so it cannot treat spiritual problems
sorry to hear that you and others like you are forced into it for money

Move out into the wilderness and become a hermit. That's about it?

Psychology is full of shit user. Nowadays, the study of the soul (psyche) has turned into poorly researched pharmacology that inevitably leads to bogging people with antidepressants. This is the result of a naturalistic world, in which happiness and other state of minds are reduced to biochemical mechanisms in your brain. So what difference does it make if your body is producing these biochemicals naturally than popping pills to achieve the same chemical balances in your brain?

Your pic related is much more relevant to your soul than these psychologists you mention.

There is no standard or definition of "chemical balance" in the brain. Chemical balances do exist, but ask your doctor or therapist or whatever what they are and enjoy the answer you get about why yours is "not balanced" and what "correct" "balance" they are trying to achieve.

I told you you moron start taking Maeng Da Kratom and a bit of nicotine you'll feel normal.

>conventional treatment doesn't work
They aren't trying to treat anyone, that's why it doesn't work.

Psychiatry acts as if every person is a planet floating around all by itself in the middle of space and all the problems on that planet stem from that planet alone. In reality, we're social animals and sick society=sick people.

The pyscharist won’t give me any drugs as there are no drugs for schizoids. The reason I have to keep seeing them is because the government assumes that if they’re paying me a pension for mental health reasons that I should be seeing mental health professionals. They don’t differentiate between any of the mental health disorders they just put everyone into 1 big thing.

I don’t really blame them either I’m on just on extreme end with a condition that has no cure or treatment, 99% is other mental health conditions are normie-tier treatable.

The psychologists work off your normie ness, for example they get people with maybe 20% or 50% normie level, and their job is to increase that higher. My normie level is 0%, how do you increase 0%? You don’t

Do you want to do anything for yourself or just work the system to collect gibs?

One thing is why is schizoid personality disorder something that distresses you enough that you want treatment for it? A cursory reading of SPD seems like one of the more benign "mental disorders."

Psychologists are useless cunts, don't see any harm in not seeing one as long as you have somewhere to communicate with others.

As to the psychiatrist - one of my Aussie mates was telling me the medication and treatment down there is pretty shit. Mental health is not an absolute science, if you were seriously interested in trying to find relief of your symptoms you would have to voluntarily admit yourself to a psychiatric ward where they could attempt treatment under close observation. Especially when you get into the schizo type shit because even something like Abilify can make you shake like mad the first time you take it.

It's ultimately up to you mate.

Cause op is a gay lil faggot and they cant help him


>The pyscharist won’t give me any drugs as there are no drugs for schizoids.
listen you dumb fuck:
maeng da kratom 1/2 teaspoon
nicotine gum 2mg
it works, do it for a year.
-former schizoid

Maybe try a jungian? Dunno.

How did you figure this out?

>One thing is why is schizoid personality disorder something that distresses you enough that you want treatment for it? A cursory reading of SPD seems like one of the more benign "mental disorders."
normies tend to not to want to work with schizoids, so schizoids tend to not have employment. it isn't about treatment just getting money to survive in a world that doesn't want to work with you

years of various attempts at self-medication with weed/alcohol/everything available.

Do you know anything that works for general anxiety disorder, or insomnia? I don’t have schizoid.

It takes away that gap you would feel near others. you feel part of everything thats going on, not distant from it

>I am too far gone for any kind of help
Said the guy who needs a psychiatrist and psychologist

How the fuck do you know, you don't know shit, you're a nutcase

>why is secular spiritual counselling made up by some neurotic kike useless

Its a mystery

Hey, it's better than wageslaving every day just to survive and sucking off mr shekelberg. And you're even allowed to work for up to 30 hours week and claim DSP at the same time while getting special treatment for being """"""disabled"""""". Pretty sweet deal IMO.

Parents applied for me. I am content as a perma NEET shutin

Been this way for 15+ years (30). It wasn’t till 2017 that I finally agreed to see mental health professionals after 15 years of being NEET

I never even allied for NEET bux throughout that time.

learn to play guitar, study some esoteric religion stuff, then start a cult. we're working on reviving the Branch Davidians all over the world for lulz and to troll the deep state. Look up the Waco siege.

>Schizoid Personality Disorder
If that was true, you wouldn't be here cuck, stop scamming the government and get a job. Sagetto.

Okay, but I can think of many jobs that can be compatible for someone with SPD. A data analyst for instance.

Try having to survive in the real world. The only people I hate worse than fucking normals are people like you who ask for help after being treated liked babies so they don't mess up the whole fucking system.

You have the intelligence of a nigger, jew, or retard. Go fucking trim hedges or stab ground spiders or whatever for a living. Holy fucking shit.

Posting text “anonymously” to other anonymous people requires no social bonding.

I am highschool drop out, don’t use public transport, don’t drive. My dad drives me to the appointments I have.

Tell your dad you're fucked. It won't be nice for him, but he has to confront that reality if he has any chance of raising you right.

Do you exercise and are you a healthy weight? It’s important because it helps you feel confident and better about yourself.

I have sympathy for you, user. What do therapists say about finding a career?

Are you big? A bouncer or security position of some sort can work with someone with SPD. I suggest you not to lose hope, there's always ways to better yourself. You can learn to drive for one, or exercise or something.

As additional pressure, remind him all the neighbors and families are going to know dicking up your mom resulted in a retard so there's no point in trying to hide it.

All he can do now as a man is try to show off making the best of being dealt a bad hand, which is honestly the true test of a man.

Might get a new I.D posting on computer now.

He knows im fucked. He is too old to give a shit anymore.

My siblings are all normies with successful social lives and careers so its not how my parents raised me. Ive always been this way since day 1 of my first memories. There was never any time in my life that I resembled any kind of normieness. My parents tried often to get me help when I was younger but back in the early 90s I guess the systems were different and they said nothing was wrong with me and that Im just a kid and ill change. Literally never changed.

Yeah I have been lifting for 6 years. I have a home-gym.

They don't say anything about finding a career. They're trying to convince me to do smaller things first, like leave the house other than going to appointments.

I dont know what else to say, the only other time I havent always kept to myself and stayed at home 24/7 was when I was forced to goto school, until around 15-16 when I could finally legally leave.

Take off half of your power level then. Normies enjoy it if you're the one who doesn't give enough of a fuck to conform, and who doesn't care what they think.

Learn to use whatever you've been given in life.

Psychiatry = normie: the science. Being a schizoid isn't a disease, it's only labelled as such because it's not normie enough. Personality doesn't significantly change after a certain age. Maybe you had a shitty childhood and one or another personality trait became a bit too dominant for normies to handle, maybe you're just born that way.

It's a good reason for disability pension in a society, that doesn't really care to help such a person find a place in it. Nothing really prevents you from having a meaningful positive impact on society and a working style that suits your personality. It's just easier to not even try to help you achieve this and grant a small pension for you to keep you out of the normies' way.

Psychiatry in general has always been about containment than curing people. The psychiatric care system is also built with the livelihood and professional curiosity of the staff in mind. Results aren't expected and the normies are satisfied as long as they don't need to face the whole spectrum of humanity in their little bubble.

Are you one of those dipshits that thinks schizoid means schizophrenic?

You're fucked but because it's in your head the government forces you to keep getting treatment that doesn't work to make sure they know you're not lying
Fucking stupid. A diagnosis should be all that's needed for disability pension. If it's untreatable you should be left to continue your life in the way you see fit.
Probably getting checkups to make sure you aren't gonna go schiz and kill a few people is possibly another reason

What I don't get is that other people on here tell me they get disability and that they never see any psychologists or psychiatrist. But the centerlink people told me that I have to keep seeing them to maintain fresh recent evidence, and if that I dont have fresh recent evidence that if my pension gets randomly reviewed, that there is a very high chance I would lose it.

It is in their belief that if you stop seeing the psychologist/psychiatrist than you must be doing fine.

But with SPD we don't want to see anyone and ant build a relationship with the mental health professional, so thats part of the problem. Its more of just a yellow-tape thing.

Look, having to deal with other people sucks. But either you have to apply yourself to learn how to slide by among them or you have to learn how to learn as shut-in.

I do some of both to split the difference, but there's probably some Jew admixture in my genetics.

just make a game of it or explain to your doc how much you hate having to go in for visits, and that is part of having spd. he could give you like valium to take during visit, or let you just video phone meeting or something

>But either you have to apply yourself to learn how to slide by among them or you have to learn how to learn as shut-in.
Really ignorant comment. Having SPD is definition of "can't learn to deal with other people". SPD is perfectly fine living as hermit. No interest in sucking social dick.
"Just learn" is stupid normie speak thinking they are helping by saying nothing.

Maybe it's your bureaucrats who should go check out if they're mentally retarded.

>SPD is perfectly fine living as hermit
The Jew stabs you as he cries in pain.


You need bux is motivating you to say retarded. Sort yourself out, life is tough quitter but also a lot of fun.

You can learn to deal with people though. You just can't learn to enjoy it.

I was this way from age 15 to 30 without a cent in bux. It has nothing to do with it. My parents just want me to have some kind of income as I am a 30 year old man that has nothing and doesn't care.

I already accepted that I will be dead when my parents are gone, long ago.

Why will you be dead?

You don't understand why babies die when their parents aren't there to take care of them?

>Schizoid Personality Disorder

Isn't that the new "depression" from /R9K/? All the threads on it cap out with everyone saying they now have it. It's truly pathetic. Fuck off.

Because id rather be dead than forced out into the normal world. Nothing can motivate me to be normal, not even being forced out onto the streets, I would not last long there because I would still not interact with anyone to get food and I would starve to death.

Simple as that.

lol @ people homeless people who actually are normie as fuck, sticking around populations, annoying people and begging. If I was ever homeless I would just walk to empty place where nobody is around and just eventually die from starvation.

Pre much this.

My psychiatrist keeps repeating that I need to try to bond with someone outside of my parents because I need someone to check up on me when theyre gone.

But I dont want to bond with anyone.

Just move out breh. The best short interval of my life was when I figured I might as well just go die anyway and had to figure out where to find food with nobody's bux.

That's how I learned to eat right, and I even made enough bux to buy a gun to put into my head. Good stuff. Fuck everybody else. I miss those days.

Sup Forums needs an /md/ board, so we can get some real help, Obamacare sucks.


Bux is only $1800/month

The only place I could rent would be living with other random people. I just stay with my parents in house where I can be to myself.

That's pretty fucked up, especially in terms of rent. I made total utilities and rent about $250 per person where I lived at first, but I have a criminal mind and I don't give a shit what other people think as long as I can justify it as helping them live along with me in their various forms of respective misery.

Many of them were random people, but filtering out the bad ones are just something you have to learn how to do in life. Inviting the good ones works better.

For reference, I was so out of it I once had an 18 wheel truck stop and ask me where I could find bux to refuel and I went into a rant about where to park it and how to be a wise subject for scientific studies.

Yes, I made foodbux by having so much time to kill that I found scientific studies that paid. It paid for my fucking food. Stop being so week-willed. At worst you wind up with other friendly people who live under bridges or whatever, to whom I've given food and pocket change once I could afford it.

Why do you keep posting my portrait?

Lord Jesus

My brother you are 30 give two fingers up at life and go your own way. Stop caring what others think if you stop caring for how you will survive or what will happen to others. They will manage and so will you. Dead is certain but life is uncertain. Do what you love and do it well so that you may love yourself. You have time and you have the energy. Do shooms, go mountain climbing, run a strip club, go live in another country it really isn't as hard as you think stay positive.

I dont care what others think of me

Everything else you said was a blur of normieness

I am not asking for advice, I am asking why psychologists are useless.

It's very simple why. If you have internet access, or even a public library, you can learn about allopathic medicine or the flow of money. You can even listen to it on internet radio for the time being, e.g. Jennifer Daniels.

It's a scam.

Aaand who runs the scam? Kinda prodding you along here.

In this case, "Wild Bill" Donovan, the originator of snake oil salesmanship. Are you asking to discuss those who worship the devil?