‘Common Purpose’ is a disturbingly subversive organisation

Anyone have any extra information post in thread. I’m interested to learn more.



David Cameron and Clegg both talked explicitly about a common purpose... this is blatantly signaling to the organisation.

What can we do about them?

Other urls found in this thread:



Boris Johnson interviewed about common P

Cameron and Clegg on CP


Clock 'Brian Gerrish' on YooToob

Yeah I was watching a stream and he was one of the guys on it, why am I only just hearing about them? Every one else is obsessed over Freemasons/illuminati stuff but these guys are a tangible organisation!


Interesting. Bump

>why am I only just hearing about them?
Subversion by stealth.
They'll become so embedded that there will be no stopping it.
People in Britain don't give a fuck though.
Tell them about stuff like this and get met with indifference 9 times out of 10.
No-one gives a fuck about anything until it affects them directly, by which time it's too late.

I’m surprised it’s not talked about here that much if I’m honest, some of the stuff I’ve been reading about sounds crazy

Common purpose

It’s actually linked with Rotherham



finally people waking up to Common Purpose, the invasion by institutionalisation.


I wonder if some kind of small business alliance would help to counter this small group of people trying to dominate the world by using their wealth. There are more of us than there are them. We can act as a lobbyist against them.

Apparently they were the first people to start pushing the use of the word ‘diversity’ in a political way?

We could set up our own version? Train our own leaders to fight back?


>Is there a provable behind the scenes connection between those leading South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham MBC Officers?

[hint: yes, and UKC evidence this in the article]
[archive: archive.is/Hmwd1]


interesting, although any "organisation", institution, large group, brand is suitable to be co-opted and subverted by the COMMON PURPOSE

the best defence is awareness of the means they use
awareness of the language
individual action and motivation within institutions

although they are feeding into the status quo system, the best option (although more difficult) would be to shift the status quo

currently, there's very little research into the network of common purpose organisations, something useful anons could do is look into the work done by gerrish, and find out more about the organisations / institutions and methods that make up COMMON PURPOSE

power to the people.

All of the NRA talk over the last week started to get me to think about applying a similar tactic but in an economic way. The sheer volume of small businesses and people that truely do want to support them could help this situation. Enough with the billion dollar welfare companies that want to strangle communities and flex their muscle “or else we leave.” We should build something ourselves. I don’t see why it can’t be transatlantic either. If Israel and SA can donate, why can’t we donate to each other’s causes?

I like it, worth exploring.

Yeah I’m surprised there hasn’t been as much interest in them here on Sup Forums. I wonder why? Maybe other things seem more important.

how many people are redpilled in the UK about this shit?
I can't say I meet many at all...

I just think about what happened in the rust belt during Obama’s years. It never stops being shocking that this happened, and still is happening, in the US. Maybe if we had something in place that could have helped small businesses expand into those cities when the big companies left, which would help them grow at the same time, could have lessened the impact. We don’t need a bank and lots of loans to do it either (I wouldn’t count on them anyways in case another Obama or Theresa Mao get into office), we can use our donations instead to help them. There are millions of us. They shouldn’t have to do it alone.

I’ve started to think about pic related more often and trying to figure out how to apply that to our societies better. The financial part of it is what sets us back more than anything, but it’s a much more stable system and worth exploring. No more octopus and hydras.

>other things seem more important

yes, there is a campaign to sidetrack Sup Forums with certain issues. it's been long-known that people here are easy to distract with a certain group of issues / statements. this effect has been magnified by an influx of newcomers without the tact to ignore the pap, leading to more 'static / noise' and the range of topics falling.

that being said, if Common Purpose can make it into the common Sup Forums lexicon, we will have come a long way in raising awareness on the topic of institutional subversion, and the new form of control.

Interesting article from BBC in 2009 here.
Title: A Secret Society?

Some excerpts:
>Its critics say it is a secret networking organisation at the heart of the establishment, with a hidden agenda and influence.

>... prominent supporters include BBC business editor Robert Peston, Assistant Deputy Commissioner Cressida Dick of the Metropolitan Police and numerous top public sector officials.

>The conspiracy theorists ... believe it is shaping people to work to its hidden agenda of promoting a European super-state, forcing diversity on British society, and imposing political correctness.

>A Freedom of Information request by Conservative MP Philip Davies uncovered the fact that the Department for Work and Pensions had spent £238,000 sending its people on Common Purpose courses between 2002 and 2007.

>Its meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which means everything that is said in them is unattributable.

>"The whole philosophy of training of "leaders" is based on an implicit assumption that the rest of us will be "followers"."

>"I am sure that Common Purpose does a lot of "good work" just as the Masons do. But anyone who denies that this is a potentially bad influence is simply naive. Do we really want already powerful business and political leaders to have cosy networked relationships with our leading Police Officers?"

something like a 'guild of small businesses'

one pitfall to avoid is taking the MSM current talking point and trying to lift that
eg/ small businesses for the NRA
this would achieve only minor benefits at a potentially high cost for small businesses.

then again, building a broad forum for a large group without some strong motivational issues will be hard.

it needs a low cost to join, low controversy, and can then build up inertia.

a trend that is working well in the UK is a loose coalition of activist groups, each with their own local issues, that share a common enemy

That’s true, I meant the NRA as only an example of solid structure that has lasted through the years and educates it’s memebers. I think if they used “NRA is the same as this small business group” as their talking point, most people would think they’re crazy anyways, though I don’t put it past them. MSM keeps getting dumber and worse by the day.

I’m throwing out ideas, I haven’t come up with a concrete plan or anything. It’s complex. I think about the positions politicians get put into when a company threatens them with anything or waves a checkbook over their head. They should have other options available to them instead of caving under pressure, which sometimes I don’t blame them for doing. There are short term and long term effects from their decisions, I just think they should have options before making it. And fwiw, I have no problem with successful companies at all, business success is great for all of us and the communities they’re a part of. That’s a good thing. The problem is when they want to craft policies that are detrimental to people and our societies, when they do it at the expense of. THAT is the part that is wrong. That part is when a politician should have the choice to say no if they could. It’s gotten to the point where it has to come from the people.

>a trend that is working well in the UK is a loose coalition of activist groups, each with their own local issues, that share a common enemy
That’s interesting, it would be more effective against subversion. I understand that it’s a bit foreign to people who lean to the right, but the last 50 years serve as an example that there isn’t much time left to argue over dumb shit and they need to do a better job of working together. When a city or town starts having economic problems, it can be opportunity to diversity their economy. Hopefully we’ll never see another Detroit again.

although that's entrenched in the Leninist mode of thought.

big groups
small groups
it's all just

anyone found anything more about common purpose, please dump it and keep the thread alive, for awareness as much as anything else




demonstrates how they work

gather small groups of """leaders""" (read bossy cunts)
grab a group of impressionable mid-IQ students, preferably with an inclusivity criterion (racial, gender, disability)

hold a group of hands up to see who can come up with the best way to make a desk job more agile to enhance the resounding ideals

get these groups and companies to network with each under under the banner

push it out in a tweet and get all of 7 likes

nobody likes you CP!

We’re smaller than you think but probably have a broader reach than you expect with 70,000 @CommonPurposeUK alumni #xpsleadership

correct, i have never heard of you.

I actually know someone who was sent on a CP training course by his company (private company but lots of Government contracts), there was a heavy bent on 'promoting diversity and equality' and the rest was on persuasive speaking and networking. Everyone on the course was strongly encouraged to stay in touch and help each other out afterwards, there were town councillers, school headmasters, police officers and nhs managers on the course.

Of course there is the usual back scratching and corruption just like with freemasonry but it's much more sinister because of the entryism and society changing progressive agenda that is the main aim of CP. I would say that CP is like a stay-behind of the Blair Government ensuring that the transforming mission of that government continues to be implemented. Many underestimate how radical and destructive Blairism really was. The Blair government mandated by law that all public institutions (and private if they get gov contracts) required Equality and Diversity officers to combat 'institutional racism', thus creating a kind of stasi whose role is to spy on public sector employees and root out politically incorrect thought and of course, to justify their existence and their £70,000-140,000 tax payer funded salaries, they find racism everywhere they look. Providing training for E&D officers is CP's main remit. Consider Rotherham and the fear many had of speaking out and know that the council, local labour party, police, social/child protection services where all riddled with CP graduates, many of whom have simply used the cp networks to find new public sector roles, still parasiting the tax payer and still subverting society.

>was a heavy bent on 'promoting diversity and equality'
this is a key policy in common purpose. it is the means by which they will manufacture a need for a "change of leadership", and to give their tokens / leaders a persuasive in when they, in reality, offer nothing unique.

witnessed here:
>Currently thrashing out the top five (and only five) @CommonPurpose characteristics of leaders. A fierce debate over awareness and EQ. Resilience, Vision and Courage on the list… EQ takes the win! One spot left… #AmExLeads

[We presume EQ means equality, but is more inclusive as there are fewer letter to argue about]

>stay-behind of the Blair Government
the hangover never ends!
T May is pretty much a Brairite and is completely open to this vein of manipulation. as she is a weak PM she's even more open to being used and then usurped by the agenda drivers.
plans like Kalerghi, Agenda 21 have to percolate into the mainstream of society and organisations
this is why govts seek to form private/public partnerships, to mold the future generations and to fix the terms ahead of time for future discourse.

funny that they expected no kickback on this, because it's highly insidious

>thus creating a kind of stasi whose role is to spy on public sector employees and root out politically incorrect thought and of course, to justify their existence and their £70,000-140,000 tax payer funded salaries,

boop. good spot. this is the next level of government control, you thought political correctness gone mad had gone mad? well the kids who were born onto an ipad screen have been indoctrinated from day 1 and will soon be running things. There is a war between red and blue pills for your childrens' minds.

> Consider Rotherham
this is an ongoing scandal, ongoing coverup and really the tip of the iceberg. if only we could motivate deeper motivation on the subject


>T May is pretty much a Brairite and is completely open to this vein of manipulation. as she is a weak PM she's even more open to being used and then usurped by the agenda drivers.

yep, here's the thing though I believe the subversion is so metastasized that there can't really be a top down correction anyway. I think right wingers often have naive fantasies that if they could just get the right ppl in power that it would be possible to 'drain the swamp'. Imagine the perfect PM and a principled government determined to correct course, now imagine them falling to a death by a thousand cuts as they are assailed from all sides by a hostile media, a hostile judiciary, a hostile civil service, hostile NGOs, etc etc. Every local authority, every nhs trust, police station, university and so on is a battle ground.

The right either needs to start engaging in entryism or hope for such catastrophe that radical correction is the least disturbing option for the public. Consider the kind of extreme scenario though that would lead to wide spread support for the abolition of equality legislation it's probably not realistic outside of a perceived imminent existential threat.

Can anyone redpill me on
>Cultural Intelligence
>also known as CQ

>Off to our International Forum - I’ve been working through our on-line pre-programme accelerator on CQ (cultural intelligence) - it’s both interesting & challenging #IFCQ2018


good shout.
what do you think about Corbyn?
he's against many things that CP are behind; big banks, institutional revolving door etc.
although he is controlled / held ransom to some extent by the SJWs in the Labour party so as to keep him on the "progressive" end of things.

is the choice therefore,
>play by their tune
>dance to their tune

everyone's begging for entryism but it only destabilises the system more; Cameron and Osborne have admitted they want "chaos" because it's easier for (((() them to control.

on your point about equality legislation, the only route out is repeal, or TRUE equality legislation
(eg/ affirmative action is not egalitarian as it promotes one group above another)

I actually think people are gently becoming more redpilled at a low level, particularly with fake news and a lack of faith in government. The worry is that the 'big issues' or
>a perceived imminent existential threat
have enough power to overcome that 'soft-friction' against the authority and allow conscious minds to be browbeaten into submission

Bump for good thread. Wish more people knew about CP. There's waaay too many government posts in this country and it seems like these cunts are directly involved with selection and education about glorious diversity.

The founder's a creepy bitch too - Julia Middleton. She co-founded the Demos think tank (exactly what you think it is) which has ties to a bunch of old Marxists.

post moar Julia infor
have heard of Demos

not one shill...

Was away for a bit, glad thread still going.

The fact that it’s all pervasive in society’s positions of authority makes it so hard to attack. When you go for one area the other parts attack. It would have to be a all encompassing ‘revolution’.

Alex Jones doesn’t talk about this anymore.. he used to though

gonna drop some quotes and stuff, see if we can get their elite-speak translated

>"Leadership is simple, but it's not easy"
>Leadership and manipulation techniques have been mastered, we just need to teach you them.

interesting, any link to him mentioning it?
we've still got Icke and Gerrish behind us

I watched him talking to Brian



Some people in UKIP used to talk about CP. not sure what Nigel Farage knows about it, but I’m sure a caller on LBC asked him something about it... need to find the episode

vintage stuff there!

check image related. they have loads of these '7 like'-tier media accounts, retweeted by all 3 of the people at each meeting. beyond sad. but has some diamonds in the rough. just check it

‘Comrads’ Bit of a Freudian slip

this one they keep reposting with different comments but it was posted here with the tweet

>‘The mood fostered throughout the event was one of a global family.’

>‘The mood fostered throughout the event was one of a global family.’ – See what else Jiwani, a student from @UWI_StAugustine, has to say about her time at our #ACUrespect Residential School. @HWUMalaysia @cpstudent @WanSta_R acu.ac.uk/about-us/blog/residential-school-respect-jiwani-peters


we could defo make people aware using these, just extrapolating the agenda that we're aware of and show how they're trying to innoculate the global citizenry to 'the new agenda'

note that Common Purpose here is woring through the broaded institution of the Commonwealth - specifically through the Association of Commonwealth universities

is this, what some Tories referred to during the Brexit debate, that we could consolidate ties with the Commonwealth as we Brexited?
to rephrase; Is the UK using Brexit to insert its Agenda 21 / CP narrative into the Commonwealth and to generate a 2nd British empire?

[I say 2nd British empire, what i mean is, a globalist empire based in Britain]

also here's a tweet letting slip the truth
they want to "POLICE" the world according to their "DIVERSITY" values:

>Great discussion with Boston Global Leader Experience scholars today about policing in a diverse society

thing is, it's hard to present this to the public at large as a bad thing. (diversity=good). even when it's literally thought police. no antifa in sight...

Hmmm interesting idea actually... might have to see if they have any connection to the CANZUK movement. Personally I’d like to team up with CANZUK countries but I don’t want to invite in the other commonwealth nations

Won’t be much of a brutish Empire, more like a ‘Common Union’ empire


classic pic here

>Common Purpose logo
>Arab (UAE) oligarch

nothing suspicious here at all...

yes lad, i love NZ, Canada, islanders and can even tolerate Aus
I can't tolerate all of our governments collective corruption though.
so far the commonwealth link has brought us 5 eyes - the biggest spying organisation in the world, above the law, above oversight.
It would be nice to imagine that the anglo-diaspora could get together and do something about these legacy institutions and their anti-human crimes. we'll have to see.

nice slip

Well as it stands we have the Queen in business with the monarchies in the Middle East, propping up dictatorships and so on, so common purpose is at least a step away from that.
although common purpose feels very much like a control the populous, whilst bigger wheels are turning in the background [AI, cloning, surveillance etc.]

Found this... Dan Hannan is who comes to mind with the idea you spoke of.



looking now, interesting the EU doesn't host a copy of the question.

on the UKIP point.
Godfrey bloom was defo redpilling on Common Purpose but he got mega ousted

from Feb 22


also found pic related pictograph @ bruceonpolitics.com/2017/07/14/secret-society-runs-great-britain/

and he warns that the program is very strong

>What we can do about this evil? The only real answer is to purge every single Common Purpose graduate from the public sector. They must go because they are brainwashed, they have been programmed, they are like members of a religious cult, the evil is embedded inside them.

Bloom is a legend, in glad he is aware of them.


Article about David C. Interesting read, nothing new though

yeah i remember the furor when common purpose were given charity status
and UK Column / Gerrish have highlighted how much cameron was a common purpose linchpin (i have no doubt May is similar/same)

pic from

The BBC is the main part of the movement I feel, media is where the message is given to the masses. If the language used is recognised it becomes easier to see when there is an underlying agenda in a programme

5th column more like

Uk column is a site that is helping expose common purpose

here's a list of some BBC employees in CP


and a means of contracting FOI requests in the search for CP influence

>You can make Freedom of Information (FOI) requests online free, gratis and for nothing here.

>If the people you want to find out about are employed by a public body, you could try making a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the body they work for asking specifically if Mr X has ever attended a Common Purpose training course. Also ask if they are a Common Purpose 'graduate', when they attended the course, how much the courses they attended cost and who paid. You might strike lucky.


re: the BBC. that's defo true of the modern arms, like the fake news corrector, the social media team and so on, they're on the bleeding edge of this movement

if only there were a 'third way' to do things and escape this left / right dichotomy

>Membership allows them to interact with like-minded ‘graduates’ via a password-protected internet site, and to attend networking events held under ‘Chatham House’ rules, under which no one can be quoted by name.

It would be a shame if someone managed to hack or get hold of a password to access this internet site...


good info on this site!


oh shit

Common Purpose has it's won dicord!

I dread to think what goes on in there
I bet this place has been mentioned more than once too.
oh it's too juicy!
we must see what's in Common Purpose's DMs!

How do you think one would go about trying to gain access? I’m young and recently graduated uni.. think I could apply to be chosen and subvert them from inside?