The USA Fucked Everyone

Fuck the left wing on America.

Identity politics is literally the worst thing that America has every mustered from it's shitty culture.

It spawned:

>Pay Gap between women and men (Bullshit)
>White people are evil
>Colonialism was a bad thing (What is empire of dust)
>Illegal immigrants are OK (See Western Europe)

You assholes ruined every western country due to you culture.

How the fuck can you live with yourself? East Asia and Russia will surpass the Western World purely because they don't give a shit about the topics I mentioned above.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

anti american threads are not allowed.
You are not allowed to criticise their politics here, so many butthurt mutts will report your thread you will end up with a warning or a ban.

Are you retarded? Jews did all that
Google yuri bezmenov

They don't want to own up to it, they are 56% goblins. Look at their fucking country.

It's not from our culture faggot. It's from powerful Jews you fucking know that. The bulk of America voted down gay marriage. Ginsberg and her ilk overturned the wishes of the American public. Then you have the media and Hollywood (Jews) pushing degeneracy on everyone. Some have latched onto it but you never see the average Americans on the screen. Freaks, all you see is freaks.

Literally every problem in the world today arose from the USA and its God damned democracy.

Nope, they won't own up to it ever. If its low level and violent crime they'll blame niggers and if its corporate crime and political evil they'll blame the jews. Every. Time.

But you had guns hahahaha how does this happen wtf hahahahhh i thought you could just rise up and get rid of them hahahah

but you won't, and you haven't, and now they're taking your guns away.

The ultimate cuckolds.

(((American Culture)))


>Blaming Americans
>Not blaming the actual (((Americans))) who cause this

>Are you retarded? Jews did all that
American jews. The Frankfurt school was kicked out of Germany by Hitler and they moved shop to the USA.

USA allowed jewish cancer to spread to their country and begin growing. It is not only completely destroying the United States, but the jewish cancer has spread and is now destroying the entire Western world.

This is the truth. USA has always been the anti christ's country

>The USA Fucked Everyone Anonymous (ID: OR2pv35l) 02/28/18(Wed)09:56:45 No.162
Actually if you read the archives, UK started this. You fucking fucker. They were the ones with Manspreading, Mansplaining, they were the ones with faggot parades, they were the ones with soro riots, and immigration, its not America u fuck.

Blame the government, the kikes and the russians not the mutts. They're on the recieving of all this just like our people now.

But please mericans. Please. They're trying to take your guns now along with the other blatant treason, surely now's the time to overthrow the fed and government ffs

Identity polotics built most of the nations of today, people shared an identity and formed a society around it. Youre thinking of self destructive altruism, extreme individualism, and marxist postmodernism.

>Identity politics
>From America

You are a fucking idiot do you know who Karl Marx and kikes are? Gas yourself you stupid faggot never create a thread again

Fuck off Paco.

There's a reason why America is the best... it's because it is.

It’s still identity politics when you yell about white genocide dude

people go to america to study and they come back brainwashed

You stupid motherfuckers have double digit IQ's don't you? Why are you all fucking clueless?

They just don't use your country except to steal children to rape and kill because it is piece of shit. You really think it is "Americans" that run anything? You motherfucekrs are massive morons

>Fuck the goldberg man, alway keeping us down

Americans are the niggers of white people, fucking mutts

I agree. The ball got rolling on all this shit at least 20 years before I was born though, don't know what to tell you. But yeah, I have no idea how we even function as a nation considering how much everyone hates each other's guts. Unironically I don't understand why lefties don't like the idea of partitioning the country into ethno/special snowflake enclave states, it seems like dividing everyone is their ultimate goal anyway


How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Most Americans are defending themselves in this thread instead of actually owning up to it. Yes, America is the great fuckup of the planet. It will only get worse as more and more immigrants leave America, go back to their home countries, and spread this shit culture there too.

It's not even just the Western world. You're seeing it in South Korea, Japan, and now China as well, which is seeing a growing anti borders sentiment, pro immigrants sentiment, and rising feminist movement through "sexual liberation" with their own version of Tinder and the MeToo movement. On top of that, rap is now the most popular type of music in China. The people behind this are largely younger people who studied in America.

The best thing that could ever happen would be for North Korea to make good on their promise to enact a nuclear holocaust against the United States. Short of that, this will just keep spreading until the America disease has affected the whole planet.

That's not how this place works

We hate it too.

Or you can do America a favor and get the fuck out, traitor.

The American virus must be contained. Under no circumstances can it be allowed to spread. It has already done enough damage to this formerly beautiful planet.

>the right controls the entire government

Sup Forums is full of retards. Plus OP is a fucking Ausfag anyway, what the fuck does he know about the USA. Go prep your abbo bull, cunt.

>government = culture
Spoken like a true American retard. America is a cancer and the only treatment is chemo.

The Jew problem started in Europe aided by Europeans. You brought them to America you stupid fucking shit stain. I hope you enjoy the blackening that you actually all deserve.

All Europeans do is whine and point fingers like the literal niggers they are.

You are looking at the symptoms not the cause. And the cause of this begins with the letter "J" and ends with a letter "W". This word has the same number of letters as the word "RAT".


Aaaaarrrrrrg! We are NOT a democracy. We are a Representative Republic. Italy is a democracy. And look at what a shithole that place is.

all you foreigners do is cry and whine. this isn't even banter, this is straight up pissing and moaning. britain and australia have cucked themselves and are long past the point of no return, and the best you can come up with is mutt pictures.

either take responsibility for your own shitty countries or shut up.

American humor, ladies and gentlemen

post gay version of your flag

the USA was just the beta test/distribution center for this anti-western cultural rot. our culture is being sabotaged by our elites. half the country hates all of this bullshit. btw i hope russia and other areas DO surpass us, i dont see the damage that has been done to us being recoverable. i plan to get out of here once trump's term is over. eventually the left will take power again and they will unleash hell on earth.

>How the fuck can you live with yourself?
they cant. why do you think so many comedians killed themselves?

>USA allowed jewish cancer to spread to their country and begin growing.
We didn't know.


I have to agree sadly. Everything that America does we eventually start doing as well.

I hope the bubble bursts in America soon so we won't reach their levels of SJWness

I always knew my jaw couldn't be trusted.

Mother fucker get your shit together and help us fight the Jews. We hate it, too, and it's not coming from the white people in the US. It's coming from Jews. Everyone knows this. There are countless articles, books, even infographics you can avail yourself of. Every time you think you point the finger at some other nation's white people, you're actually pointing to its government, and by extension these days, its Jews. You are part of the problem every time you sow dissent among those who might help you in your common battle. When will you retards learn this. I guess probably after Soros goes bankrupt and David Brock finally chokes on a dick.

Get your mother fucking shit together, OP. You are being a tremendous faggot.

It came from Europe retard.

The state of european denial is mind fuckingly insane.

European niggerdom is real.

I really wish we had done this to every leftist like Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Bill Ayers etc. in America during the 60s.

We had a perfect opportunity to take care of leftism in this country by enforcing the Communist Control Act, but instead we coddled these loudmouthed degenerates instead of giving them the deaths they so rightly deserved.

yeah fucking right. We don't have pussyhat parades and even if we had them they would be laughed at to hell and back. At least now they would, who knows where we'll be in 5 years

I'm afraid all this bullshit won't end and will spiral out of control. Soon we will be worshipping death and spilling blood for entertainment, just as we have done time and time again. Before every collapse of civilization. This is the inevitable destination on the path of immorality. This is where the end begins.

They don't have pussy hats because their pussy is being filled with BBC nigger. I have seen feminist marches in Europe quit fronting. Europe helped the Jew thrive and you know it. How about go practice choking yourself with a rope. Isa dindu nuffin is be a good european. Who brought jews to the new world idiot.

Jews did it. I have been opposed to this shit my entire life. Now I'm just written off as a racist from the wrong era. I've been spit on, punched, fired, and bullied online and in person for opposing these ideas and it only got worse just like I said it would.

I ask every American who encounters a thread like this to expose the Europeans as the hypocritical niggers they are. They allowed jews to thrive and infect every continent with the cult of Marx.

>How the fuck can you live with yourself?
i subsist on liberal tears, memes and psycho-active drugs

>They don't have pussy hats because their pussy is being filled with BBC nigger.
yeah argument discarded right now. Real life in Europe isn't Sup Forums memes. Maybe you think Sup Forums is reality? Or maybe this is actually the case in America but not here. Get fucked mutt

US plays a important role in the Globalist plan. A home base and the military arm/army of the Globalists with the UN.

US has a base in every country.

[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

The USA? This shit started with (((The Frankfurt School))). It was euro-Jews that started this, so if your people are too retarded to resist it, then you deserve to be Islamized.

Refuses to take responsibility like the literal niggers you all are.

Winston Churchill was a drunkard in service to Zionist jews. Who goaded America into a war that established the state of Israel.

>ITT: America gets blamed for German Marxism, French philosophical nihilism, British banking collaboration with the Jews, and Soviet subversion

At least we're white paco don't you have some monkey's to eat

Wow what an amazing obser fucking vation dude, you really plugged in!

gys you retard

No one here speaks russian, german or french.

Go ahead ask me from where they learn all that BS.

murica got jewed

Don't forget about Rome and Israel my dude. Let's see Rome created the slaves under (((Christianity))) destroying indigenous cultures and their knowledge of the global Aryan Empire and forces them to be (((Christian))) slaves, the British (((Empire))) then tries to finish off China, Japan, India etc. We fight the faggots off but they just seep back in a few 100 years later. (((London))) runs the finances, (((Israel))) and the (((Vatican))) give the commands, the (((US))) runs propaganda and military. (((Switzerland))) hides all the laundered money and other looted items.There we summed it all up nicely. Don't be faggots because your country isn't important enough to be in the loop all of you fuckers donate troops and equipment to the (((coalitions)))

Let's not forget (((Spain))) and (((Portugal))) spread that (((Christian))) love for Rome and how the (((Soviet Empire))) tried to spread it worldwide when we weren't fully kiked yet. If your country is not in here it is because you live in a nigger tier faggot shithole, get over it bitches we are all on this ride together.

Can't argue with this. Why though, must the rest of the world lap up our garbage media likes dogs at a bowl? You have to stop. Actually it doesn't matter, it is already too late.

America didn’t spawn these schools of thought. But we DID fuck up by not suppressing them and the people promoting them like other western countries did.

TL;DR we went soft on degeneracy and mental illness. Now we are paying for it.

So let me get this straight the Soviet Union spreads Marxism and infiltrates every Western Country and institution, and it's the United States fault?

>You assholes ruined every western country due to you culture.
but they did elect Trump so that kinda makes up for some of it.
rip Billy Graham

This shit goes back to Ancient Egypt my dude they clueless don't worry

Then guess what! It goes back even further to Atlantis yay!

>btw i hope russia and other areas DO surpass us

You do understand that Russia and the Bolsheviks caused all of this by spreading their shit ideology which is the pinnacle of intellectual laziness. McCarthy was right.

Why do Euros lie so much?

funny, last time I checked those jews came from Frankfurt, Germany.

yeah but I agree with him. There are always a bunch of retards that reflexively jump to our defense but deep down we know how bad it is. We do export a shitload of degeneracy but the americans here are trying to fix it so it's preaching to the choir.

In part you're right.

They complain about Jews, but Jews didn't do the shit alone.

America has great contributions, but has very shitty ones as well.

Well, the illegal immigrant thing was our doing to be honest...


Don't forget about the porn from being pics of horny amateur European couples to a whole industry with professional hookers also BLACKED.COM.
Thank you America

I meant Europe. Jews spearheaded this operation, but idiot liberals followed

Also capitalism. Every poison you pour into it grows to an industry

post some Argentina hotties for free so we can beat the system

The Germans are the biggest ethnic group in the US and so the US is subjected to their autism, the autism of great potency, the autism that starts world wars

>Germans started

We were infected early on by the frankfurt school refugees, if i could go back in time and erase those people from existence i would.

Pretty accurate, actually. Our people are so fucking stupid and gullible, falling for the dumbest shit instead of actually critically thinking about things.

checked, serbnigger down