With the critical and commercial success of series like Angel Beats and Charlotte...

With the critical and commercial success of series like Angel Beats and Charlotte. Do you think we'll get another Key Original?

>critical success
Please go back.

Afraid anime is growing up without you?

I'll bet she sucks dick like a champ.

Yes allow me to cite some of my favorite intellectual anime youtubers as to why you're an uber faggot.



I was making fun of you. Whatever.

>critical success of series like Angel Beats and Charlotte
find me ONE critic

Well gorsh you dont gotta be so friggin mean aboot it.

Jun Maeda is literally dying, so no.

Me (OP)

Old news he got over that

I want to fuck this gook.

Not unless they can actually get it to be a 2-cour

What's wrong with 1 cours?

Angel beats > Charlotte > Clannad > Air > Kanon
But keyshit is never good.

>pushing the "gochiushit is intellectual" shitpost meme

That's more of a Maeda Jun problem. He's incapable of scaling back his overly ambitious story ideas to fit into a short anime timeframe.

Charlotte was perfectly paced

This is bait, and I say this as a Key fan.

Clannad > Kanon > Air > Little Busters > wasted potential > Angel Beats > Rewrite >Charlotte