Jew here (oy vey)

Jew here (oy vey)
why don´t you just shut the fuck up and accept that you goyim are going to be outbred and extinct in just a few years?

We own your banks, your schools, your media your military and we sell your foreskin at profit so your whore women can rub it in their whore faces.

You are nothing to us, but yet another goy to be herded into slavery.

Make peace with your destiny, there is nothing you can do to prevent it

bump for all the inferior goyim to see

>Make peace with your destiny, there is nothing you can do to prevent it
Already made peace user.

>why don´t you just shut the fuck up and accept that you goyim are going to be outbred and extinct in just a few years?
who said i didn't? don't mistake being a realist for a defeatist,i know all possible outcomes if one fights back,and none ends why whites winning,the most obvious is,fight back,government sides with enemy,you lose,which is what is going to happen in south africa if they fight back,americans will probably send soldiers to deal with the situation and the ones who will end being killed are the so called whites,is all pointless.


good goys

A small cohesive group will always triumph over a large mob of individuals.

The opposite is literally the reason the (((soviets))) beat the Nazis.

Do jew virgins exist?

pick one

>Jew here

Goyim here, why don't you just accept the fact that after the whites fall, who's going to protect you? You think the average Mexican or Nigger thinks of Jews as something other than white? When the horde comes for the whites, that will mean you too Bernie Shekelgoldenvergenstein. Of course, as there is no US really left, or Europe, I'm sure all the Muslim countries surrounding Israel will leave them alone with no one to prop Israel left. Maybe the Chinese will care about the Jews?

Who are we kidding. Ya played yourself too Jews. Odd that the final solution will be conducted by brown idiots, but that's how it's gonna be.

>A small cohesive group will always triumph over a large mob of individuals.
>The opposite is literally the reason the (((soviets))) beat the Nazis.
Underrated counter-example.

Why don't you just accept that your destiny is to be violently expelled from every country you'll ever inhabit. It's happened over 350 times now, and it's not stopping anytime soon.

I'd like to see you try that.
Most of your kind would rather waste their lives in hedonism.I bet you wouldn't even look jamal in the face while he fucks your blonde fiance.

You won’t be talking this way for very long. Your whole plan is falling to shit. Now you’re here acting as if more and more bromide don’t smell the shit. Shekels and degeneracy will only get you so far.


>kill whitey
>no empathetic stooges left to exploit empathy from
>all those brown people I sic'd on them are looking at me funny
>my feet hurt
given the amount of European admixture in modern Jews, I'd put my money on the niggers

I can't wait for the muzzles to rape your Jewish women and then kill every last one of you demonic fucks. So gloat on kike because we both know once whites are gone the Muslims will destroy you and it'll be totally justified. Sleep well

Friendly reminder that the Clever Jew works through manipulation and coercion, not force.

Think of the Jews as a parasite; a low level coward. He knows he "needs" whites to maintain society and protection for his own well being. Any thread threatening the "end of the white race" is in fact a psyop to get white men to breed more white women and create new tax bodies for the Clever Jew. The Jew wants you enslaved within his system, paying his taxes and his interest....thereby maintaining his control over the white people.

You can remove the Clever Jew just like any other parasite. Simply cut off the blood supply (ie: your money: your participation in his crooked system) and the blood sucker will die.

Can you imagine that we would have a colony on Mars at this point if it wasn't for jews and niggers.

yeah white boi, muh colony

Yea you guys always get close. Then we kill you.

It has taken me most of my life to realized all our "modern advancements" are hardly what they could have been had we not taken the degenerate path of the Jew and his flock of Niggers.

Slaves were a mistake.

I dream every day of white Utopia. Me and a select group of Anons are heading NORTH to start one. The children will be above average. The women will be beautiful and the food will taste of the raw power of the earth.

Somebody wants to win the golden shekel award.

russia say NO
east europe say NO
western europe is awaneking
and you are so mixed in amarica that in 100 jewinesh wont exist there
Say good bye jews you will end like started a mediocre tribe in the middle east surrounded by your subhuman brothers

>t. Some leftist trying to troll

Can't meme
Can't troll

There is one flaw in their plan jewish women want the bbc too.

kek maybe i will live long enought to see that happen

>Can't meme
>Can't troll
>Where the white women at?!
>Sweden shall pay the toll

youre a fake jew niggers are the real jews

we hate you because we are superior Chosenites and goyim are inferior cattle. we have souls and you have none. we are ordered to exterminate all Edomites/Amelekites (scroll up).

we were put on this earth to dominate over the goys. if you have a PhD we will get 5 PhDs. if you have a Harvard, we will break down the Jew quota barriers and flood your Harvard with Ashkenazim. If you have a gentile Washington D.C. we will infiltrate and remove the last goy from power and put our own as King.

we do not tolerate anyone above us. We are GODS. Every Jew is a GOD. From Soros to Kissinger to Bloomberg to Cohen to Weinstein to Leviev


the current deception is a very weak and feminine way of exterminating goyim. it makes us look like some whores who scheme against and poison their husbands. being a part of this feminine destructive force is pretty disgusting

we should be valiant and strong like Israelite warriors and fight the goyim head on without this feminine deception shit

you wont win retards the only one who has win weakening america is china nor jews or european ,you subhuman short sighted vampires
you are finished 2000 years of slavery has trastornated you

The gullible goyim are to trick Moshe.

kek you cant even control sirya or iraq anymore

You are a mongrelized people who are up for extinction. People are waking up and a man will rise who will make hitler seem tame in comparison.

It is written in our ancient scriptures that the Jews are superior and were chosen to be the Gods over the nations, the leader of all nations. Despite being small in number, our scripture contends, the Jews will rule over everything, including all the goyim. But we will meet much adversity in this journey, especially from the tribe of Edom (which is ambiguously referring to European people) and another more mysterious tribe called Amalek. We are commanded to exterminate every last one of the Amalekites and Edomites. This is in the Bible, not even the Talmud or Zohar.

Kabbalistic works go into more detail. Jesus was considered the son of God, and God himself. But Kabbalsitic works, even those who predate Jesus, say that all Jews are not only the children of God, but are God themselves. Jesus may have been better at harnessing this fact, but every Jew is God and this divinity is the source of their power over the goyim. Being one with the Creator, Jews can will reality into existence. Even without training. But training increases this connection to the Ein Sof within. Everything you see going on is willed by us. This is how it is written in the Zohar and Talmud.

It's because Jews are divine. This is the orthodoxy of Kabbalah. Jews are not harnessing magic external from they, we are harnessing their own potential as being God.
It comes from the idea that Jews are divinity, we can counter God because we are God.

Midrash haNe'elam 6:14-20

"Souls of non-Jews come entirely from the female part of the Satanic sphere. For this reason souls of non-Jews are called evil." [Yesaiah Tishbi, Torat ha-Rave-ha-Kelippahnbe-Kabbalat ha-Ari (The Theory of Evil and the Satanic Sphere in Kabbalah) 1942, reprinted 1982] The Messianic age of restoration and redemption (tikkun olam) forecast by the religion of Judaism and spoon-fed to their partisans among the goyim, posits a world restored to universal harmony and justice. That's the cover story, anyway. But the truth is it is somewhat more macabre, as Tishby relates: ". . . the presence of Israel among the nations mends the world, but not the nations of the world . . . . It does not bring the nations closer to holiness, but rather it extracts the holiness from them and thereby destroys their ability to exist . .

God chose poorly.

>the current deception is a very weak and feminine way of exterminating goyim. it makes us look like some whores who scheme against and poison their husbands. being a part of this feminine destructive force is pretty disgusting
>we should be valiant and strong like Israelite warriors and fight the goyim head on without this feminine deception shit

That is the most autistic LARP I've read in some time. The only intel I can gather from it is that you're an Turk LARPing as a femanon Jewess who is secretly offering chaos to Lord KEK in the hopes of mining new meme.

Why are jews the best EDM dancers in history? Is it the joy of the great success that brings such rythim to your feet?

>American reasoning

too much blabla for for the mouth of a declining and impotent frankestein ,you time is ending even if you dent see it

>not knowing of Yiddish Jihad
lurkmoar newfag

Jew here

Nice troll thread cancer faggot.