Is the new anime adaptation gonna be any good?

Is the new anime adaptation gonna be any good?


There is an old anime adaption?


Source material was bad therefore yes, it cannot get any worse

Or can it?

it can't

So what you didnt like about the story?

pig guy

OH okay. Of all the things i didn't think it would be that though. He probably doesn't get it on with the bitch in the LN but we havent gotten to that part yet

As someone who finished the long web series, it would be nice to see it animated. Was good up till around the final chapters. Never read the official light novel or manga though so the anime might be new to me.

It would be nice to see the whole thing but it's probably going to be the usual 12/13 episodes. In that time the ghost ship or pope will be a realistic end point. Maybe Cal Mira if we stretch it but no longer.

The relationship with his kid-not-kid is so fucking creepy.

Yeah theres been a lot of changes. The changes become noticeable from vol 3 and onwards.

That's pretty damn far off.

No way the anime will cover it. They might try to squeeze up to the 3 heroes church arc into the anime.

The racoon or the bird?

I think 12/13 for vol 1 and 2 and then another cour adapting vol 3 and 4 would be the best.

Any idea where to read the spear hero spin-off manga, and if any TL groups plan on translating it?

Comic walker has chapter one, i think its digital for now. Dunno who can pick it up, and lionmask who was tling the wn is MIA

The author changed the ending because people were butthurt
Should tell you everything about how "good" the source material is

Did you like the original ending?

He turn in God and can use other weapons outside of the shield. And before he fucked some random prostitute (no neko girl), but you never see this in the anime

What a pussy author.

he fucked some random prostitute
When was this?

Doesnt help we was going through some shit at that time too.

A polished shit is still just a polished shit.

Anyone hype for vol 9?
Remember that next month there's no manga chapter, but LN9 gets a release.

Also ravioli ravioli lets hope for more fisher loli

yo shieldbro why are you so dedicated to this series? Your dedication is commendable but why do you obsess over it so much

Call it bias for being the first LN i read and isekai on top of it but i am not sure myself. Perhaps i too want to be transported to another world and somehow end up taking care of a bunch of lolis, but i can't say my life sucks to warrant that. Perhaps it'll pass after some time, i was super into touhou before this but it didn't extend to my life offline.
Same for this actually, except for buying the physical versions of the LNs if that counts.

Also, i really like most of the characters and the setting even though some would call it standard issue RPG isekai. Besides i don't think i can put this aside until i see how this all ends in the LN, or if there are no updates anymore.

And well, have a nice day guys. See you next thread i guess.

Similarly to literally every other anime adaptation ever made, this adaptation will not be as good as it's original source and the threads will turn to utter shit.

In this particular case what do you think people will shitpost about the most?

>My first Isekai
no wonder.
Honestly I commend your loyalty to the series, but I pity that you cant seem to move on.

>what will they shitpost about the most?
Looking at the past few days, it will be Bitch and the false rape charge.
I mean if Hajimete no Gal went from being barely talked about to several fucking threads a day, that shit will make people spam the hell out of it.

Dont worry about me, it's not the end yet. Besides im not THAT dedicated to the series as you might think.

The duel aftermath too i guess, they'll probably shitpost about how raphtalia should have instead joined motoyasu's team. but we all know what happens afterwards

And the rape thing is probably in the first episode too!

How many years as it been since Bakahou?
I can't remember the Elizabeth translator for the life of me

Well, how many years has it been since the TLs started?

September 7, 2014-October 30, 2014
Back then, Bakahou TL'd in the Shieldbro threads
And then the Elizabeth translator joined around early October

does he bang the raccon?


Not until the end.

Spoil me the ending, I stopped reading the web novel ages ago.

Which ending?

Web, is there another one?

There's the depressing ending that that the author posted first. Then after a barrage of complaints he was forced to change it where they all defeat the bitch and everyone lived happily ever after. I can explain them in more detail if you wish.

Please do it, if you would be so nice.

Ending no.1: The bitch got flat out kills everyone. However, naofumi gets sent back to his own world. He tries to pass everything that happened as if it were some long-ass dream, but he knows that it isn't true.

Ending no.2: Naofumi, Ren and motoyasu die and naofumi gets sent back to his world, along with raphtalia. They spend one month trying to find out a way to get back to the other world, and so atlas appears and gives them a push to get there. They both find a godslayer who points them in the right direction, and manipulates their sense of time so it doesn't feel like they have been running forever. In the meantime, they train their magic and become sorta like spirits close to gods who borrow power from the world instead of taking it from the bitch. They find ren and motoyasu while going through the void between the worlds, but raphtalia has to stay behind to get motoyasu since he's trapped in a timeloop. Naofumi arrives at melromarc, along with ren who had aged two years and manage to block the advance of bitch's forces. Later on at the final fight with the bitch, raphtalia arrives with motoyasu. She doesn't want to talk about what happened in the timeloopy shit motoyasu put her through. At the end, The bitch god pulls a demonbane-tier multiversal erasing attack aimed at everyone, even the world. Naofumi reflects and amplifies this attack erasing the bitch and only leaving vague memories of her existence.

In the epilogue, naofumi & raphtalia take a vacation from the godslaying business they had and pick up firo to take on new adventures throughout the multiverse. "This was truly the rising of the shield hero™"

I have a feeling the ending will change again in the LNs, there's a lot of changes to warrant that anywaa.

I mean instead of taking it, like the bitch.

I don't like endings changing, but that first one is garbage. depressing endings should at least be interesting

Ending 3 is him going to MT's world and fucking hitogami in the mouth until he gives up
screencap this

He's probably feeling like shit that he wasn't able to protect anything, but i can't really confiirm that since i don't have the original text.

Then again, he knew it wasn't true. I heard the author was going through some tough shit around that time so he wrote it like so. Dunno what happened tho.

Hey, at least he didn't drop the WN for 2 years cause its fan base went kaput thanks to popularity, then went on to make random shit nobody liked.

I guess that's good. But who did the thing you said?

watari wataru, LN in question being yahari.
don't even bother with the threads here,season 2 plus the 2 year wait killed them good.

Wait is that what happened to yahari? I thought it was only the translator the one who dropped it

Nah, yen press went with the good o' C&D and kicked spyro outta the translation but some fuck on reddit went and translated volume 11.

Kinda glad they didn't get Shieldbro first then.
By the way, i wonder why they didn't get shieldbro first? OPB sniped the license right under their noses.

Hello tumblr.

You would know eh?

most likely is Gate level of quality, worst case is going full potato

fuck, even Sup Forums spam mind can write a better ending

nah, kinema citrus is one of the most consistent studio right now


I'd pay to watch that.

>Remember that next month there's no manga chapter
Fucking kill me.

Like i mentioned before, the mangaka is probably busy with other stuff+ the hot springs extra chapter for manga vol 9.

When and why did that happen?

mistranslations are one hell of a trigger

What happened, what was mistranslated?

Back when some koreanbro do a live TL up until the spearhero vs shieldbro chapter.
people were super mad when Spearhero attempt to NTR'd shieldbro

I'm guessing the mistranslation was that it was actually working then?
Damm I can only imagine the shitstorm.

I don't know anything about mistranslation, but people were goddamned mad back then.

kek, I love Sup Forumsutist meltdowns.

>Still not knowing moon
How can people even live with themselves at this point?

well i live with my self.

>he knew some moonrunes that spoken only by bunch of xenophobic volcanic islander

>impying kikeophobia is bad

Time to sleep for me, and i leave you here with the cover for vol 9 of the manga. Goddamn does itsuki look like a smug asshole.