Even God is against your bigotry, Sup Forums

Even God is against your bigotry, Sup Forums.

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Are you literally shaking yet, gun nuts?

Fuck rethuglican politicians, right?

Looks like even your imaginary creator is on the right side of history.

>impersonating God
Enjoy your free ticket to Hell

Staying silent, eh Sup Forums? Figures.

That is g*d though, you virgin.

>Man in the clouds

Does anyone have a picture of the jew that runs this account? I've seen it before it's very stereotypical.

They’re actually Jewish?

Of course

They are mentally ill, who in their right minds would wear clothes of the opposite gender and pretend to be the other gender. A liberal atheist with a twitter account or not.

>muh spatgatty munster
>They can criticize you but you can't say anything bad about them
>muh russia

this piece of shit lampoons Christianity like a good little cuck but defends Islam

I hate atheists so fucking much even though i am one myself

He's a kike right?

God made you in his image.

Talking blasphemy about God only insults yourself, a flawed copy.

I’m an atheist. They are mentally ill.

Even if God doesn't exist and everyone else on earth is schizophrenic it still doesn't effect your own mental illness. That's a separate issue.

Fugg big if true. Always assumed it was some nu male atheist

Yes he is. There is a picture of someone calling him a jew and posting a picture of him on twitter and he replies to them completely outraged

Does this Jew think only religious people see trannies as mentally ill? I'm as Atheist as it gets and I think trannies should be hanged.

Also I wonder if he would dare to tell Muslims they believe God is "a man in the clouds".

Someone please post it

This peed is always ragging on God. Once he gets a sympathetic audience he starts on about the age of consent and finishes with consenting sex with kids of any age is good.
It's a KYS situation

Smug faggots like him brought me back to the Church.

only religious nuts who believe in fairy tales like diversity and equality believe trannies are normal though



David Javerbaum,longtimeDaily Show producer, prolific writer and the man behind@TheTweetofGod

Not the same account as @thegoodgodabove

What a gassable face

Correct I couldn't find the picture of thegodabove but I'm 100% sure he's jewish, I've seen pictures of him.
It's a common tactic for jews to use christianity against the goyim.

I'm a euphoric to make Neil DeGrasse Tyson blush and I'd be about 10 thousand percent more likely to believe in God than some biological fuckup who thinks they should have their dick chopped off isn't mentally I'll. I live in Portland and I've met more of these freaks than is the average and all but a handful weren't completely insane with narcissism.

Your blasphemy has no power here.

He was already doomed for being a faggot, the fruity kind, not the chan kind.

>SJW masquerading as god to shame and guilt christians so they kowtow to leftists

Not really surprised the amoral are manipulating those with morals with their own morality.

Blasphemy destroys the soul. Pretending to be God is blasphemy. Transgenderism is mental illness. Promoting it as normal is blasphemy.


Mentally ill, let alone blasphemous for a person to claim to speak as God


Juden, what more is there to say

>Thinking higher powers created the universe and are currently sustaining it is synonymous with sympathizing with the mentally ill
The existence of God himself is more likely than a transgender person actually being a "boy stuck in a girls body" or some shit.

You must know you're not convincing anyone to change their minds by being a snarky baiting faggot. Preaching to the choir isn't a winning move. If you were smart you'd try to convince and persuade, not guilt and shame.



>implying anyone believes in a man in the clouds
I also don't believe God loves unconditionally nor only under certain conditions, because that would take deep analysis of what "love" is, and the bible doesn't say either of those things. People who feel the need to lie and strawman in order to mock a position have to know they're wrong and evil deep down, right? Or are these people so delusional that they're not aware that they're lying, when the truth blatantly contradicts them? Also, thanks for reminding me I have to filter the faggot flag again.

God doesn't real.
Trannies are mentally ill.
There are two (2) genders.
IQ is largely hereditary and there are significant differences between racial groups.

I believe both groups are batshit crazy.

You've got the Sup Forums mantra down except for the "God doesn't real" part. You didn't get that here. You got it from your feelings and misplaced confidence in braindead heroes.

God does love you unconditionally

It's your own rejection of God that sends you to Hell



There are three genders, use 'other' as a blanket term to describe 23rd chromosome abnormalities

eehhhh I'd say God loves you unconditionally up until He sends you to hell.


We used to burn heretics in the good ole times, now we have to kneel down and spread our asshole wide for the atheist cock.
Welp, at least i can still burn faggots in my little shithole

That’s not God, that’s a mentally ill liberal with a Twitter handle.

No, I got it from a rational world view that precludes belief without evidence.


You kikes are easy to sniff out.


"""Precluding,""" whatever you mean by that you stupid kid, belief without evidence is an argument from ignorance, i.e. "no evidence therefore it doesn't real" is an argument from ignorance. This is IRrational, the exact opposite of "rational." What's funny, is you probably misunderstood Hitchens (one of those heroes who pandered (burn in peace) to your feelings).

Stupid newfags pretending they're anything else are not wanted here. Get out, really.

>Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, the claim is unfounded and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss it. It is named, echoing Occam's razor, for the journalist and writer Christopher Hitchens, who, in a 2003 Slate article, formulated it thus: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." The dictum also appears in God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, a book by Hitchens published in 2007.
>Hitchens's razor is actually an English translation of the Latin proverb "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur" ("what is freely asserted is freely dismissed"), which was commonly used in the 19th century.

This is true, however it can fallaciously be taken to mean, as may have been Hitchens' intention, "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed as false or unlikely without evidence." Those who interpret the statement as such, commit an argument from ignorance -- absence of evidence nor expectation of evidence absent are not evidence of absence.

They're both mentally insane

Based Roman Catholic bro. Too bad we can't go back to the good old days of the inquisition.

Always hated this smug ass account. Is it fucking possible to be an atheist and not be a cock sucking liberal douche?

You're right that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I never said otherwise. Without evidence though, the only reason to believe is faith or "feelings" as you decried in your former post.

Yeah you can be a rightwing edglord too


You are just too stupid to understand his witty smart humor you idiot bigot.

You got it all wrong fagtron.
Love God unconditonally, God gets to set the conditions for your salvation.

>Is it fucking possible to be an atheist and not be a cock sucking liberal douche?

Pretty much no.

>Without evidence though, the only reason to believe is faith or "feelings" as you decried in your former post.
The only reason you believe anything you stupid kid is because you HAVE FAITH that people you want to believe know what they're talking about.
Disacknowledging the evidence doesn't mean it isn't right in front of your face. All you have to do is 1) Stop having faith that atheists are smart or know what they're talking about, and 2) Open your fucking eyes.

>a gender
pfftHAHAHAHAAHAA and this

It's a meme you newf*g.

Militant atheists are the absolute most cringe inducing human toilets on earth.

>Projecting one's own consciousness and morality into a superior being
>pretending to be born in another body
>not seeing the difference

Trans people are perverts who have completely given-in to their perversion

Convert to agnosticism

If you don't want to understand the horrid reality in which we live, obviously.

mfw there is a particularly special place in Hell waiting for this blasphemer to die

Faggots are pathologically trapped in some obsession with logic. Like you literally have such an emotional attachment to logic than you can't see outside the logical structures you shape and shift to justify whatever you do while calling the other guy a hypocrite.

The go to arguments for faggots are:
>By that logic///
>Mah hypocricy
>and usually assertions of nazi/racism
The attachment to these forms is a sign of unhealthy development of consciousness. That's why you're gay, not mature enough to have real rational debate or value companionship and reproduction with the opposite sex. You're children.


>causing doubt
Hey rabbi

So, this guy is saying that mudslimes are mentally ill?

I agree, but this fucker is brave twitting it.


Someone mentioned earlier that the owner is jewish

good thing I know god doesn't give a shit.

Tell us another one, hebe.

hah. jew outs himself.
faggot kike.

>Having the craving to chop off your dick isn't a mental illness

>God is a soy boy
What a faggot lol

Yea the fake twitter account run by a liberal is his
>liberals think this works.

I've argued with him and he's so pathetically bad at making any form of rebuttal, he literally just says "well I don't want to talk about it so blocked" then goes and makes a strawman video on the subject.
Fat SJW women on college campuses have offered better debate than this guy, he's a walking vagina.


only a lieftist kike would do something like this.

I got a headache reading that drivel, whoever wrote it knows shit about philosophy.

Believing in religion period is KYS situation.

been around since 06
Never heard of *t

>who in their right minds would wear clothes of the opposite gender and pretend to be the other gender
your dad?

This. I come from an agnostic/atheist family and was pretty antitheist for quite some time until I realized all the arguments I heard and repeated were completely trash strawmen. God bless.

So... This guy thinks they're both mentally Ill? Or... Does he think transgender people are normal and people who believe in God are mentally ill?

What the fuck is he getting at?

I’m an atheist and still thinktrannies are mentally ill
Do I win something?

then (((god))) is my enemy and i shall so slay (((god)))

>I hate atheists so fucking much even though i am one myself
I know that feel lil nigga

Sage and faggot.

Fuck all of you.