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What happens when students loans crashes?
Do they pay our debts?


Who cares not like they can file for bankruptcy its a full proof ponzi scheme

if you dont want the dept dont go to school


Thanks for reminding me to pay my student loans, user.

I've been so busy with MHW I totally forgot.

Trump needs to push for a student loan bailout for American citizens. Even conservatives would be on board. Better than bailing out the auto industry or banks, and would demonstrate that tax money is intended for all citizens, not just those "too big to fail".

He needs to acknowledge that college and loans became just another kike hustle.

2008 recession times 2
We'll probably go full depression and it will of course be called Trump's Economic Depression

>be young male
>hear constantly about college being a trap
>see tons of people saddled with student loans for decades, whether they're dumb or not the image still stands
>think about trade school, get bombarded with articles about trade school students feeling unsatisfied with life
>can't even settle down because western women are defective
>drop out of society
This is going to be a double digit % of the generation graduating high school around now

Times 10, actually.

That money doesn't exist. Fuck them.

Just another great Dem policy passed for good optics without regard for the future. Originally student loans were supposed to go toward STEM degrees to beat the USSR.

Or go to community college and then transfer after two years.

>notice USSR cranks out thrice the amount of graduates that you do and has a space program
>establish NASA, fund education
>scientific advancement caused by pressure from commies
You're welcome!

Get fucked (((lenders))) you knew the nigger studies loans weren't getting paid back.

School is for nerds anyways

Bailout means pay the kikes fucker. Did you mean jubilee? Debt forgiveness? Kikes get fucked? Maybe I'd go for that but it's not really fair to reward people who lived above their means with what is effectively a huge transfer of wealth is it? What about everyone who decided not to put themselves $100,000 - $200,000 in debt and have instead been working and producing from their late teens to mid twenties?
Honestly the only fair thing to do would be to revoke the bankruptcy protection from the predators and let people who can't pay their student loans spend 7 years in credit hell to pay for their mistakes.

Dont worry, our banks are too big to fail, remember???

scary shit
could crash global economy worst than 2008
thanks amermutts for being too busy gobbling burgers to work your college tuition

That was because we didn't know that the rest of the world just pumps out college degrees to give to people for free like they do in India, so when we saw that Russia had more graduates ,we actually believed them to all be scientist instead of getting a degree in factory working.

Now we just have these ultra-large colleges that do the same thing shit colleges in India and Russia do but much more expensive.


your country doesn't exist anymore

Hahaha if you guy voted for Bernie and not Hillary your loans would have been forgiven.

it does
despite all your efforts
suck it burger

You thought Al-Qaeda was bad?
Watch what happens in America.

>tfw no student debt

Debt forgiveness is the proper way to handle it. Tuition prices and "college as a necessity" are a coordinated scam that has been equal parts financial kikery and educational kikery.

Well that's easy; just claw the money back from the universities and Baby Boomer administrators who actually got rich off of this scam. Students currently hold the debt, but they were mostly used as conduits to transfer funds from one entity to another (government to universities). But I doubt Trump or other politicians have the balls to make this happen.

a big part of it is just how damn cheap labor has become with robots. That combined with the country becoming increasingly crowded, leading to impossibly expensive housing, is basically squeezing young guys into nonexistence

>denbt forgiveness
maybe. i have no idea how that would affect the economy/currency but im fairly certain that debt is never getting repaid. better a controlled crash i suppose

fuck the students no more gibs

That doesn't address the question of what to do about the debt bubble. You can't get the money back from the students if they don't have money to pay.

I really don't see why this isn't 90% of students' decision

ayy 60k of that is mine

Just put me in debters prisons already. I'd have a better lifestyle when the tax payer is shilling out 50K a year to house me.


>thanks amermutts
Don't thank us, Semite. Thank your cousins.

collage is for brainlets

What an irresponsible society. Bunch of retarded kids getting in debt for worthless indoctrination.

If you ave debt, you're a fucking worthless human being and the cause of the problem.

Thats what happens when you shill the (((college))) meme.

She can have my Dick inside her.

You no like the cut n paste?

Can't wait. Hope it takes the housing market, too.

>TFW Americamutts can't get grants
Kek I basically profit from going to Uni and make about 500 euro a year after deducting expenses

Wasn't real communism, you're espousing achievements of state capitalism.

>tfw paid off all my debt as soon as i could in huge chunks
>tfw get to watch everyone else my age suffer through student loan payments until they're way older
Having no debt whatsoever is liberating, bros. God bless the STEM master race.

Literally me 23 and neet atm but i can make a call and have a job driving a dump truck for like 20/hr

>tfw daddy and mommy paid for all of my college
>tfw no debt

Even if you have no debt personally, an economy crash will affect you too.

Yeah as a 34 year old male I agree they fucked alot of people over through the kikey of student loans.

Orphaned in 2000.
Graduated 2002.
Had scholly but had a brother and grandmother dying of cancer.
Registration day - take this free money goy. You have to have a degree to make a living and you can't afford of you don't.
I did.
Entire economy collapses and auto, banks, boomers, etc. got bailed out yet kids that were forced fed loans got left holding the grenande while no fucking jobs were available (not Obama restaurant jobs nigger).
>$80K in student loans
3.8 GPA, 162 hours, no degree, never going back
>mfw did what I was told to do my entire life and became a lifelong kike slave.

This. There won't be a student loan crash, the damage will be limited to all of the Universities crashing and burning with every single person who got a student loan suffering until they die of a heart attack working at Walmart when they're 90. The rest of the economy will choke until something sets it off down the road, and when it breaks it will break so hard it will be felt for a century.

because these dumb fucking useless high schools keep pressuring all these low IQ retards to go university even though they can't afford it.

Loaning money to subprime people.

It would start a depression. The credit bubble is also twice as large as that. It's literally only a matter of time.

These same fuckups have no problem taking out 30k in auto loans that have to be paid back in 5 years.

remember the last time that happened
good times, good times, i remember it like it was just 10 years ago

There aren't enough community college courses to meet that kind of demand. Many of them are already backed up, with long waiting lists for certain subjects required for transfer to 4-year universities.

It's a systemic problem now, not an individual problem. It became systemic due to the size of the debt bubble. There are also financial instruments called SLABS (student-loan asset-backed securities) that could potentially blow up the financial system like mortgage derivatives did in 2008. It's a mess.

50k of that is mine :^)

It's not this. College tuition increased at rates like never before in human history. Outpaced everything. Autos, gas, housing, food, etc. And it hasn't fucking came down. We didn't have STEM degree options. During the 1990s it was you are either going to make it by going to a liberal brainwashing school or you will die on the streets in a cardboard box. They financially enslaved an entire generation for life.

I know more wealthy people than most. 1/10 of the richest people I know have a college degree and used it to make his money. He got a $150 million golden parachute.

The government insures all student loans, it will increase our federal debt.

why do u think home ownership is at an all time low yet chinks and boomers keep skyrocketing priced

It's OK, the next war will reset your feminist studies makes.

Tell us more user, can we purchase Credit Default Swaps on them?

i was in grad school and took as many loans as I could since rates were so low. Invested the money and currently besting the interest rate 2 fold

There are two classes of student loans - federally-backed (about $1.3 trillion) and private loans (about $300 billion). Private loans are a smaller chunk of the total, but still a growing problem due to rising default rates and the fact that they are tied into other financial instruments.

This is not really true. Lots of kike banks involved that actually lent out money as private loans at kike rates backed by government guarantee. Gov guaranteed them because there is no bankruptcy provision. It's a fucking timebomb. What a financial shitstorm that's coming.

If you had enough money, yes. The SLABS market is very "opaque," though. They mainly seem to be traded between large institutional investors. You'd probably need a few million dollars to purchase them as part of a larger pool of derivatives; I don't think they are being sold on an individual basis very often.

>$1.5 T R I L L I O N

in exchange for what, exactly?

indoctrination against white males

Proof that communism doesn't work.
It's relatively expensive for a simple economics lesson about gov intervention fucking with the free market. When the gov subsidizes something the price goes up even if the value is plummeting. Same reason healthcare is unaffordable but at least you can discharge that shit in bankruptcy.

>there is no bankruptcy provision
there is always a bankruptcy provision

it's called Industrial Society and its Future

america seriously needs to overhaul their education system. you dont need a university degree for most jobs. you dont learn shit concerning actual jobs there. a certified apprenticeship system, not only manual labor jobs like electrician but also for IT, bookeeping and all kinds of office jobs. college is also way too expensive, college sport and pampered students demanding luxuries are also to blame. focus on the learning aspect, get rid of fancy shit like million dollar teams. bailout wont help, the goverment is broke, at best it delays for an even bigger crash later.

finished paying off student loans last year and it took me 20 years to payoff. Now I'm debt free and life is good.

America has the second lowest amount of private debt among developed nations. Only Italy is lower.