I propose an obesity tax. Mandatory physical checkups every year...

I propose an obesity tax. Mandatory physical checkups every year. Your income tax goes up with your BMI after a certain point. 40 BMI? How does 75% income tax sound fatty?

You propose this to Sup Forums or do you hold some office we should know about?

considering how many fatties there are I think of them as a natural resource
how about mandatory exercise bike that supplies small amounts of energy to the grid.

cheap food makes you fat.
Op's solution: tax them to make them poorer.
You can't make this stuff up.

everyone is lining up begging for their rights to be taken away lately.

I agree, but bmi based model is brainlet tier , any semi-chad with decent muscle mass is going to be over weight according to bmi , just go with percent fat ratio

what about a nigger tax

It’s still in the proposal stage. There is room for amendment

>behavior tax

Fat percentage, not BMI.
Also at least >50% tax on >20% bodyfat

Free gyms in all apartment complexes, mandatory weight loss camp or liposuction and mandatory loose skin donation for medical purposes.

Just ban companies adding extra sugar and fats and state enforce quality food.
Redirect fat tax money into better food and society should be healthier within a generation.

I know japan takes a series of measurements every year, could we do that?

>ban depressed people

Id stick with a percent fat ratio to muscle ratio with a correction for age and gender to make it as simple and streamlined as possible and retain some accuracy

Half of americans effectively dont pay income tax as is, dingus. Whats your genius plan to get wagecucks and welfare niggers to FIRST get a job that pays more than $20-50k/yr (depending on family size) and THEN let them know they have to pay MORE in taxes once they magically achieve that. Fatties ate notoriously poor or nonwhite

I suggest we cull retards, starting with fatsos and OP

They're obviously not poor enough.

Some ACTUAL POVERTY would be really fucking good for these people.

This is what real poverty looks like

It shouldn't be based on BMI, but on a more direct body fat measurement. BMI punishes muscle mass far more than fat.

It does if your goal is to pay for their increased health costs, not to change them.

What qualifies as "extra" sugar or fat? They add as much as they think the product should have. How would you enforce such an arbitrary concept? Many products use sugar as a core component of their structure. You can't just lower the amount of an ingredient and expect nothing to change. It only makes sense in the context of the soda industry, and they already shill sugar alternates really hard because they're cheaper.

Companies add excess amount of sugars and fats to enhance flavour.
This has to do with competition among other companies.
Yes, sugars and fats should still be in food, but only the natural amount and not extra for competition purposes.

The state should heavily regulate our food companies to secure a perfectly healthy society.

Go by body fat%. It's more accurate than BMI for a fatmus test

that fat nigger is certainly very oppressed

literally just eat less "cheap food" you obese fuck

>Libertarians will argue against this

>cheap food makes you fat.
No, cheap ready-meals and junk food makes you fat. Bulk-buying rice, beans, cheap vegetables and spices costs next to nothing and is perfectly good for you.

We could just end all corn subsidies, it'd prevent companies from selling high calorie junk food super cheap.
Reverse the Americans with disabilities act, and let insurers deny coverage to the morbidly obese. The problem would sort itself out.
Taxing them isn't going to end up doing much good since tons of these people are on government assistance and have no taxable income. There needs to be more serious consequences to their lifestyle. They exist largely because our society has decided to pamper idiocy at every turn. We make endless excuses for these people which only enables them.

It isn't cheap food, its sugar.

Or what about a point of sale obesity tax?
All purchases in stores licensed to operate by the government must be preceded by a weigh in. A maximum weight can be set for each height (muscle can only get you so far. No 6 foot male should weigh 300 pounds). You pay a higher sales tax based on your weigh in if you are above the max

or just let the free market take its course and then the retards have heart attacks

What is the natural amount for an artificial product? Most obese people get the majority of their calories from snack foods like chips, soda, and candy. Do you actually have any specifics in mind for how this would be enforced?

Would you ban butter as a food additive because it's an unnatural addition of fat? Would restaurants be banned from serving butter with meals?

>obesity tax
Why? Only because you don't like to watch fat people or do you want pùblic healthcare? I thought that was against muhh freedom?

How about we just abolish public funding for healthcare, so fatties die without imposing costs on the rest of society?

Sugar also makes you addictive.
You always want more.
More Sugar->More Purchases->More Profit

How about a tax on busy bodies that need to tell everyone else how to live?

They’re abominations. You would know something about that wouldn’t you?

Kill yourself, lolbert

Taxation is theft and Americans pay for private insurance so there is no reason for the government to get involved anyway,

Get fucked neocon cuck

That could work and it would probably work faster


I support this, too many fat fucks on this planet

Mandatory Fat Camp. It won't waste taxpayer money either because we will make them work for free like prisoners.

Eating too many calories makes you fat. Your suggested foods are low value food sources so it's hard to eat enough to get fat on them.

>muh taxation is theft!
Then don't live in America. This government was established with the basis that it had the right to levy taxes.

Will it take off when going downhill?

Healthy food is CHEAPER than bad food cunt. You fatties always make this fake excuse.

>America makes enough money in tax to pay all their depts 10 times over
Sounds good to me

For what purpose, dumbass? They're probably already on welfare, you'd be increasing nothing

Fuck off free market kike, why aren't you fascist yet?

Natural amount differs between each product, yes sugar is an ingredient, but only minimal sugar should be added for the recipe to turn succesfully into the final product.

And in the hypotethical ethnostate of mine, fat people will be heavily taxed and if they don't lose enough weight by next year, they have a choice to either go to weight loss camp or get liposuction with mandatory excess skin removal which later will be donated for medical purposes.

Every apartment complex will have a gym inhabitants can freely use, fat tax money will be redirected into research for optimal macro ratios in our food, gyms, weight loss programs, checkups, etc.

They should pay less taxes because they spend more on sales tax
Also never seen a fatty shoot up a school

>just make government bigger theyll fix it

kill yourself.

If I really had my way we would just execute fat people and feed them to farm animals for free to subsidize the food industry which creates more fat people which we then feed to farm animals until my depopulation plan is complete.

Gym rats are a waste to society
Gym rats are a waste to society
Gym rats are a waste to society
Gym rats are a waste to society

why? I hate fat people, but it's not like they are a burden on you or your health system.


Move to Somalia then if you want anarchy


>Fattening food is cheaper than healthy food
>Folks already poor are going to be hit hard by even more taxes

Also there's a better way of doing it mate, just tax the product, that way you hit two birds with one stone, your government gets tax revenue from fatties poor habits and you make fatties think twice about buying stuff.
And likely you will create your own version of our Viinaralli.






Your myopic view does not take game theory into account. Poor people could incorporate this into their budget equation BEFORE they get fat.

They are an eyesore and that’s enough


>Mandatory physical checkups every year.
Nah, I'm never using western medicine again.

So who is paying for this? Does it come out of my own pocket to get tested? Does it come out of the government's pocket?

If I'm paying for it, fuck you. If the government pays for the test I guess I could handle going once a year if it made the nation healthy.

None of the dietary regulations are necessary with your other rules. Still, how dow you regulate the sugar content of candy? Do you ban candy outright? That's not going to go over well with anybody.

There is no natural amount of an ingredient in an artificial product. I could see an argument about say, sugar and fat contents in breads and meats. That's already regulated to a certain extent anyway. Fat people don't eat plain bread and meat, though. They eat snack cakes and drink sugar water. What is a "natural" amount of sugar to go in a "serving" of soda?

It achieves flight with flatulence



And spotty neckbeards aren't? or dumb cunts posing for selfies every 5 minutes?

We should tax the fuck out of people on welfare


You don't have to be a "gym rat" to stay in decent shape and not shove 15 hamburgers down your throat.

What are you talking about? People have to pay to use gyms, so they already have jobs that contribute in order to support that on top of their lifestyle. They're at the very least no worse than shut-ins who go from home to work and nowhere else.


Why don’t they just euthanize?

What am I looking at?

Feed fat people to farm animals to make meat cheaper which makes more fat people that you then feed to farm animals. Depopulation. Genius.

I am not looking to ban candy, but excess amount of sugars and fats in daily regular food must be cut down.
It's a fact that sugar and fat amounts in our daily food has massively increased since the 50s in our consumerist society.

My answer is bringing those levels down to the standard of that time period with heavy state regulation.

Candy can stay, no excess sugars and fats in regular food.

>reading is hard
necrosis, aka rotting flesh, from an infection.

I work 8-5 5 Days a week and then hit the gym from 530-730
What now fag?

You don't understand. Obese people don't eat "daily regular food". They eat the super fattening stuff on a daily basis. The sugary sweets ARE their "regular".


This is such a fucking stupid and costly idea based on a fucking insane mischaracterization of the problem.

Just stop subsidized healthcare.
Stop mandating that insurance companies accept fatties.
Fatties are a public menace not because they're unsightly, but because insurance companies must abide by anti-discrimination laws. It's an artificial externality. Just end anti-discrimination laws.

Also stop subsidizing all food. End EBT. We have too much corn syrup because we grow too much corn.

Darwin will have his way with fatties if we just let him.

Feed these wit gibs and you are going to have 27 more. Let natural selection take it course.

>weigh 600lbs

Don’t go by BMI, go by bf%...

I’m 5’9” 185lbs and 10% bf.
By your standard I’d be overweight even tho I’m a shredded cunt

Make eating more than once a week illegal

>You would know something about that wouldn’t you?
I have to lose 12 pounds in 2 months and I go to run 3-4 times a week, I don't really care about fat people is their health problem so fuck them, who cares ...

Exactly. In order to maintain an obese body you need to continue eating inexcusable amounts of food. Every day.

At what point does the skeleton snap?

The consumption of candy and junk food is a cultural trend, and all cultural trends can change.
The consumption of sugar only sky rocketed in America when the colonies producing sugar cane began to be exploited. Sugar cane and sugar beets aren't much of our total sugar production any more, the overwhelming majority is corn syrup, and thats only the case because we heavily subsidize corn crops.

Simply by ending subsidies corn will be less profitable to grow, the production of HFCS will plummet, and cheap candy/cookies/cakes/soda will increase in price. People will consume less or it. The likely case is that other natural sweeteners like steevia will take over. That'd cut a massive source of empty calories out of people's diets. A little government propaganda demonizing the shit on top of this could go a very long way.
Lobbyists for the sugar industry could push back against this, but under a Fascist government we could call them enemies of the state, and there is an extremely strong historic case for that. They've actively paid scientists and researchers to publish phony data in the past and government dietary recommendations were based on their poisoned research.

Mainstream politics has no answer for dealing with these people. The court system would give them a slap on the wrist and never solve the issue, all over years of litigation costing the tax payers hundreds of millions. A healthy functioning state would simply administer punishment.

The top part of this image with the fat content of various foods shows part of the problem. People think eating fats is making them into hambeasts, but it's actually the fucking mountain of carbs they are ingesting. Soda, fuckheug coffee drinks, snack foods, etc. all have ridiculous amounts of carbs and these fucks keep ingesting them while saying they're dieting.

When you're that fat you're probably living off a shitload of gibs or as a dependent anyway.


Taxes don't solve the problem. Cut government subsidies on grains, no more cheap high fructose corn syrup. Actually saves tax payers money

If they can't pay can we turn them into soap?

Fake excuse
Microwave food is expensive af compared to the things I eat and I hear it from a lot of fatties who eat a lot of that shit


First time I vomited to a png

Poor kid

Let them eat themselves to death, taxing will only slow the process because more taxes for fattys = less money to spend killing themselves.
