Kemono Friends

Is it Fennec or Fennecu?

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is it Japariman or Japaribun?

I am Kemono

Kemono is all over the shop.

who is your favorite Animal Tomodachi and why is it Backpack?

My favorite Beast Companion is Snapsack.

Gay shall leave japari park.



you shall call her mistress, Arai

I don't get it why she always holding rice.

> Smug Nazi foxes

I didn't know I wanted this.


These friends need more sandstar.

Where did she get the papers to draw.

It's a lodge, she probably gets them from Campo.


dare you enter her magical realm?

Dumb doggo.

Paper, pencil and eraser are all expendables and I wonder park could reproduce it anymore. It's pretty surprising that wolf improves her manga quality to that level before uses up everything.

Thank you doctor Otter.

Sandstar can make more.


I'm sure they have plenty of office supplies lying around, considering it's a massive island complex and those supplies aren't exactly in high demand at the moment

Who is stupidest friends.

Technically the phrase magnificent bastard was coined for Rommel the desert fox, so yeah a Smug Fennec makes sense.

Tie between Arai and the owls



Post scared owls.

You know the answer.


that night, poor assistant had to wash the stained undies of Hakase

Those are some tiny hippos.

Who the fuck is Kemono?



>mfw this thread

I still can't believe Arai is fucking dead

Actually human are pretty strong compared with small animals like raccoon or otter. But why Kaban seems lot weaker than other friends, did sandstar not boost his strength?.


Humies use their brains.

Kaban is probably stronger than Serval if she wild release.

mah Kaboy!

Did wolf develop the literacy system by herself for the manga? If so she is beyond genius.

She reads her stories outloud and uses paw prints as sfx.

Then how goraffe didn't know about volf ?

>Then how goraffe didn't know about volf ?
That make a good point, the fact giraffe "read" her manga prove those paw really work as literature.

I'm sure she did it like many small kids too young to read and just looked at the funny pictures

how smelly must Kaban have been walking through the hot savannah?

She took a bath on river and the hotspring so I guess not so much

Dumb smellfag.



Kiss the cat?




NO lewding.

The big live concert is tomorrow.

Holy shit. Another concert?
In Singapore still?

Tokyo, it's the first time Kaban's VA is going to sing live with the rest of the cast.

Ahh, Fennec, or some say Fennecu.

Where in tokyo?
Tokyo Dome?

I don't know. Can you repeat the question?


It'd be great if she wears Kaban's costume



She isn't. No fun allowed.

But relative to body mass? Sandstar makes those small animals human-sized supposedly with appropriate scaling up (or down) of strength and speed. A 1.5m human is stronger than a 0.6m racoon. What happens when that racoon is also 1.5m tall with a human-like skeletal structure?

Music station, right? Will it be on TV and stream?

I think the Mstation is on another day. Looking at the official site there is a concert tomorrow and another one in December in Osaka.

How's the situation with the stage play subs?

>But relative to body mass? Sandstar makes those small animals human-sized supposedly with appropriate scaling up (or down) of strength and speed.

I don't think it really works like that. It's all arbitrary. Something like a Bear or Elephant Friend would end up rather weak if their strength were proportional.

I still think the car leap was pretty much done for comedy though, especially considering Serval's inability later to break through rocks with her claws (which should have been enhanced too and are her main attack weapons).

Are you my friends?


None of those 3.

You have rolled Sandcat as your Japari partner! How long until you return to being sandstar?

fennec! fennec! fennefennecuu! fennec! fennec! fennefennecuu!
(sugoi yo, a lie-san)

Well,she has bag-like straps, so I guess that counts.

You made me hear it

arai, not a lie.

Was Serval using sandstar when she tried to break the rocks? If you mean when they tried to escape the labyrinth I just checked and she didn't use wild release, so her strength wasn't enhanced. That was the point of the river crossing, to show off wild release. But I admit it wasn't presented well. I didn't notice at first that her eyes glowed and it wasn't pointed out directly. Why didn't Kaban ask how the friends could be so strong? But that's how Tatsuki likes to do things. He's big on the show-don't-tell style of script writing.

Never. We'd both just chill and make sand art and hum songs all day.

> That was the point of the river crossing, to show off wild release.

But her eyes weren't glowing though, which is the tell tale sign of Wild Release. I think Serval was just supposed to be that strong, which was never implied or shown before that point. That scene was entertaining, but it did not make much sense unfortunately, which is why it tends to blindside people.

There are a bunch of small holes like this in the show, though people don't really spend a lot of time pointing them out, especially not fans who are used to the show's goofiness. Given some time, a person could probably point out a bunch of errors and odd choices in the storytelling, from its plot, its visual storytelling, and little inconsistencies that aren't explained at the end of the show.

I do not get this meme.


Is this what happens when you try to lewd the Hakase?


>But her eyes weren't glowing though
You're right. And there wasn't even any sandstar sparkles. I could have sworn both were in that scene. My headcannon must have inserted it. As you say it doesn't make much sense on its own.


You're not supposed to.

It was a Japanese wordplay that spiralled out of control if I recall correctly.

What's everyone's favorite piece of Friend Merch?

Link to tweet please, I can't get enough of Serval onee-chan.

Hey guys, the thread's not bumping. Sasuga mods.

Though I don't really mind. It's a good time to take a break until the we get info on the concert tomorrow.

I'd expect more activity when TGS comes around and we get more info about Pavillion.

>Fennec and Arai-san everywhere
Why are these two such merch whores? What about the kashikois or Alpaca and Toki?

How long do I have to wait for a figure that isn't a main character?

Oh surely. It will kind of suck that I won't be able to play it yet, or that it's likely going to be gacha in some shape or form, but I'm pretty stoked as to what Bushiraod has in mind.

I haven't played many Gacha games, only Phantom of the Kill and Gacha World (The latter I ended up liking more because it's weebalicious silliness was charming, and that you could get good units without paying a dime), I've only heard bad things about them, though. Is there any game with a Gacha that's largely lauded outside of Waifu appeal?

I like Owls.