Daily Reminder:

The problem is not guns. It is our culture. Our parents and their parents and their parents had guns. American culture is diseased and causes already unstable individuals with no sense of community or strong social ties outside of their immediate family to lash out. In schools, zero tolerance policies have made passive aggressive time bombs. Cultural norms that have been established continue to isolate and push away our youth. THEY ARE ANGRY! But instead of shooting their politicians and cultural icons who create all this bullshit, they shoot their classmates, who are no greater instruments of abuse than the shooter; the classmates are simply manipulated tools by the cultural icons and politicians.

Other urls found in this thread:


Our parents had access to automatic weapons and kids these days are dying due to access to Tide Pods.

You're basically complaining that burgerland isn't Nazi Germany and

yeah i feel you


Again, it's a culture problem.

Although I wish I was living in Nazi Germany,

It doesn't even have to be culture like Nazi Germany. I mean look at the Amish, or even Mormons. I don't even mean one based on religion, rather a people unified by a standard or idea.

So yeah, like Nazi Germany....or how the US was a long long time ago.

So you're saying they SHOULD BE shooting their politicians and cultural icons who create all this bullshit?

We got rid of children and replaced it with nothing. Kids have no moral base and we wonder why they're shooting frogs in their back yards.


Guns don't kill people; gun culture does.

Take responsibility for this and show how we can turn America into a safer country that doesn't idolize shooters and high scores.

What do you think? The problem is not

>hoardes of drugged up loonies
>video games
>violent movies/shows

Sure, there is a problem with mental health, but what causes these types of people to be so angry to commit mass murder? It's social interactions gone a fowl, so it's a culture issue.

Anyone who says it's the guns, vidya or violent media has an agenda. People who say it's mental health most of the time have no idea what they are talking about.

This is years old but still funny
Liberals can’t take a joke


However, what moral base is missing or taken away? WHAT was the positive element removed that now causes them to shoot their peers?

It can be traced from every recent event to Columbine.

>Take responsibility for this and show how we can turn America into a safer country that doesn't idolize shooters and high scores.
Gee, I wonder who's responsible for this


Here we are, EXACTLY the kind of kike I referred to above.

You have an ulterior agenda that requires the removal of firearms, and I doubt ir means safety for all in the end.


>gun control in Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil
>bombs targeting westerners in Europe
>knife attacks in China
>Poison attacks in South Korea and Japan
>Acid attacks in Europe

You don't care about safety. You don't even care about the welfare of Americans.

You just want people like me disarmed and gone.

It's so obvious. I swear I won't shed a tear if one Pollack snaps one day and shoots up a synagogue.

>You have an ulterior agenda that requires the removal of firearms, and I doubt ir means safety for all in the end.
No, I just think there are too many guns in America and it's become too unsafe for the rest of us.

Even toddlers are armed these days. Can you defend this situation????

>gun culture does.
Are you retarded? People have been killing other people for millions of years before gun culture ever came along.

regardless of what the problem is, the right has not offered an applicable solution since this trend started, and therefor people are willing to take the left's proposals.
Protecting the 2A meant making sure it wasn't abused, and advocates for it failed to come up with a realistic way to tackle it. The arguments for mental illness never persuaded anybody because since Reagan the right wing has not shown any capacity to deal with mental illness and cut any sort of research or help they can get. consistently.
the 2A will be taken away because it wasn't treated with the care it needed. let it be a lesson


This is good stuff.

Joe Rogan, as lefty as he is, talks about the effects of overpopulation on human behavior and health sometimes. I think there is gold in this theory.

>too many guns in America

And yet, they do not fire themselves, nor pick the targets they aim at.

So how do countries with strick gun laws like El Salvador, Mexico and Brazil have so many firearm related deaths?

I disagree. American culture is rotten. There is no unifying idea or set of morals in this country unless we are attacked, and still there are people inside this country who will always sympathize with the aggressor, no matter how alien and foreign the motive for their crime.


Toddlers had guns during the birth of this nation. Kids actually helped dad hunt.

Where were all the school shootings from 1700 to 1960?

>So how do countries with strick gun laws like El Salvador, Mexico and Brazil have so many firearm related deaths?
Third-world countries, so comparison doesn't apply. Australia would be a better point of comparison because it's economically and culturally similar.

I think that the main problem people are not discussing on Sup Forums at the moment is toddlers with guns. Guns to not fire themselves, but often toddlers fire the guns.

Australia doesn't share a border with Mexico so it's a shit comparison

It's such a basic and easy to grasp concept.

This is why I believe anyone who says guns are the problem are SO FAR DELUSIONAL that they have no hope, or the obvious option, they have ulterior agendas.

it almost sounds like you advocating for assassination. youre walking a fine line.

Your absolutely right. These lazy fucking kids should pick higher value targets.

culture has nothing to do with it. unless you mean shitty culture coming out of commiefornia known as violent movies, violent music and violent video games. maybe these people should consider taking one for the team and stop supporting violence with the their "art"

Keep dreaming.

The day the 2nd Amendment is removed, there will be war. I will see to it.

Let's not forget that with every proposal to deal with mental health in this country, someone on BOTH sides has rejected it.

>realistic way to tackle it.

People advocate for training
>you can't make my kids learn to shoot!
People advocate for a return of the draft
>you won't send MY kids off to fight!
People advocate for armed teachers
>you want MORE guns?!?! Sicko!
People advocate for veteran protection
>I don't want sick deadbeats around my kids!

No, all the proposals people want heard are to disarm who they see as gun nut right wing America. Nevermind that most mass shooters of late were registered Dems.

>Australia would be a better point of comparison
lurk more

The cultures of the South, North, Midwest and West have been constantly removed and replaced by individuals who used hot topics like gun control today to advance an agenda that has in the end erased the cultures that were.

I wonder if it is coincidence.

Daily Reminder:

No one is on our side. The elites are working together to depopulate and enslave those who survive. Your governor, mayor and local sheriff are all in on it.

>In schools, zero tolerance policies have made passive aggressive time bombs.

floridian here

in the area that this happened, kids literally walk down highschool hallways smoking blunts

its literally a bunch of fucking beaners committing crimes everywhere to a point where they were being offered federal grants or some shit just to lower the (((youth))) crime rate, which they did simply by fucking ignoring it, which is why cruz likely went under the radar, i guess

i mean you'd really have to make an effort to ignore something like that, either way




Are you saying that because there is a difference of culture, my question is illegitimate?

Are you really suggesting that strict gun laws in the countries I mentions with high gun deaths is irrelevant because they are sub human?

It's almost if you're saying that CULTURE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE PROBLEM. Which is my FUCKING point!


Do you really think mexicans are to blame for gun violence in america? I think there's like.. one mexican gang that has prevalence in this country. Do you think thats where most of the people that commit gun crimes come from?

I call it correcting cultural errors.

It's because the love of the Father is not in you, godless swine.

The argument that culture and society have to be changed BEFORE gun safety measures are taken is a transparent sandbag.

For no other Right do we continuously suggest changes to society in order to support it. For fucks sake, we have to censor the movies, music, tv, stop all naughty words, and no boobies on the screen, before we talk about gun safety. Re-goddamn-diculous.

they cant get EVERYONE in on it man, there are definitely towns with good sheriffs, but this is not one of them

florida is notoriously full of beaners and jews, i dont know why everyone is all that surprised and the incompetence and or corruption happening in broward

>nigger culture

Can someone give me the 411 on OP's pic?
Whats' the significance?

most violence in the US is committed by non whites

its not that much of a stretch dude, we're barely a majority

if you really want to see something alarming look at the crime statistics of niggers

Every Sup Forumslack needs to read the Calhoun Mice Overpopulation Study in full. I've seen summaries on here from time to time, but the full text really gives specifics on a seemingly utopian mice colony (without disease, famine, inclement weather, and plenty of space) eventually succumbed to population collapse. I would like to point out certain parts of the study that are seldom mentioned on here.

>Population growth first began to slow down when young mice came at odds with older, more established mice. Normally the older mice would die due to disease, predators, etc., but here they lived on and maintained their grip on social power, causing generational infighting over limited social/sexual power. I EMPHASIZE, this generational infighting (young vs old) starts off the entire social collapse.
>Younger mice who failed to find a place in society retreated to the center of the colony with other loser mice. They routinely attacked newcomers, had high stress levels, and displayed wounds all over their bodies.
>The "Beautiful Ones" emerged as birth rates plummeted. They are a group of male mice that keep to themselves and groom themselves. They don't care about mating or fighting for social power. They eat, piss, groom, and sleep. They had low stress levels.
>Unlike males, which either became a beautiful one or tried to fight for social power and either failed/won, females all fell into a neurotic misandrist state. Young females would routinely attack males that tried to mate instead of displaying interest. Most died childless as the experiment went on.
>Mother mice began to abandon their young at an early age and sometimes even attacked their own young. Again, the females become increasingly neurotic and irrational as the experiment goes on.
>Male mouse were taken from this experiment and placed in proximity with a normal female mouse from a separate colony. The male did not show any interest for the female

SeeSo what causes the increasing trend of mass murders of every flavor of people? Young, old, random...

No user, I think culture has everything to do with it. There's nothing wrong with violent media.

The problem is that the people doing the shootings can't place a distinction between their communities and a real, foreign threat. They see their communities AS THE THREAT. None of these kids are getting high kill counts in mosques, immigration centers, or foreign dignitaries at the foreign ambassador offices.

So what does that say about the American communities?

Paranoid much?

You're not wrong.

We obviously don't pay taxes to protect US.

No, those taxes go to protecting Jamal and Abdul from evil white people. Due process and all.

wondering how that breaks down by race

>A female mouse was taken from this experiment and placed alongside a normal male mouse from an unrelated experiment. The female mouse attacked the male mouse and showed no interest in mating.
>Dr. Calhoun concluded that this pathological behavior as seen in the males and females was due to complete underdevelopment and failure of social bonding at an early age. The males never learned to court females, defend territory, and the concept of hierarchy. The females never learned to act maternally towards the young and reciprocate offers to mate.
>Dr. Calhoun states that "autistic-like" creatures emerge out of social dissolution. This is further exacerbated by high contact rate amongst individuals which prevents further social development.
>The species is no longer capable of complex behavior and thus the population inevitably collapses.

There is this. Teachers and school officials in public schools just don't give a fuck anymore. They can't discipline the kids without fear of losing their jobs.

Still, on a social level, there is no healthy, moral guiding set of ideas for the young and mid life individuals to adhere to for the sake of the community.

In other words, there is no community. We have become predators that share one forest that eat one another.

See my point to him here
He says guns, not culture is the problem, then goes on to say culture and race are important, because Australia.

Dont like it?
Get out.

>So what causes the increasing trend of mass murders of every flavor of people? Young, old, random...

The weird thing is that OVERALL homicides are way down in the US.

If you study the shooters you'll notice a common interest in alt-right ideology, and if you study alt-right propaganda you'll notice a common interest in spreading maymays that glorify this sort of shit - the 'Siege Culture' crap, the shitposters pretending that Breivik is some sort of hero, the Spencerites, oh, and PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

Mass shooting is up because you goddamn hitlerboos recognize modern civilization as your enemy and go out of your way to encourage these shitheads to commit terrorist attacks.

I agree with you. The problem isnt the tool, but the person using it.

People largely know this, but are subverted enough to believe:
-legislation is easy and effective
-culture change is difficult enough to be pointless
-actively dismissing and deriding our first principles is moral

>transparent sandbag

I disagree. More gun control is a band aid fix. Outlawing firearms at this late in the game, which I would never advocate for, is a band aid fix.

Take away guns, and little Tommy may still plow his car into a football field on Friday night at the school, or hack up the prom.

Even a savy kid who studies chemistry might make a bomb.

I said nothing about boobies. For fucks sake, tits are not making kids shoot up the school. I'll bet Cruz didn't stop once to feel the tits of the girls he shot.

Niether did the Columbine boys. I'm just fucking saying that the thought process to make a kid place no value on his peers to kill his neighbors needs to be fixed.

Wow. Thanks for telling us about this - good stuff. Sounds about 110% right....


That is Emma Watson graduating from college. She believes in gun/fun control enough that she....



has anyone here ever made practical use of their firearm?

That kid has horrible trigger decipline..

yeah i get that, i wasn't trying to get a 'gotchya' situation going, i just wondered since you brought up mexico if you thought that was a contributing factor. it seems to be a popular belief here and i'm just starting to wonder where that shit comes from

The shill is defensive. Must have struck a nerve. Whats wrong? Are you afraid of something? tell us. Maybe you'll feel better.

I thought they were implying boomers contributed significantly to the phenomenon, not that is wasn't occurring.

Who is this 10/10 qt?

It's a mix of things
>Attack on the family
>Attack on gender roles
>Attack on the mind at large via fear-based infotainment, porn, and pharmaceuticals

That's not true. Most of the mass shootings since 2008, which is when all of this ramped up, were committed by registered Democrats.

>Siege Culture

user, if it were about Siege Culture, these fucking people would be doing what I said in my OP. They would be shooting their cultural icons and politicians, not their fucking kids and each other.

there is NO solution to school shootings, you fags need to stop already.
the most you can do is put more cops in schools, but then you complain that "dey is rasis"

All I've said of Mexico is that they have very strict gun control, but have far more firearm deaths.

As for Mexicans, I have my complaints, but this isn't the thread for it.

Emma Watson graduating college. With armed guards while advocating for gun control.

Not unless you count accidental discharge.

The reason Mexico is the shithole that it is is because the only ones with guns are the Cartels and corrupt government, paid by the cartels

fair enough. to the point of mexican gun control being strict, certain groups don't have to pay attention to laws there. but yeah australia is isolated so can't really compare necessarily, although i don't think its a useless comparison. they do have the same culture. so does canada. canada actually has a ton of guns

Cartels make their money off the US drug trade. when a countries black market makes for a stronger economy than the normal market, fucked up stuff happens.


This began with globalist liberalism and media state management in 1966 and grew with it into today's horror stories of school massacres.
Dawkins says that the races, now forced together to be ruled by God knows who, are different subspecies. I don't like his spiritual dyslexia but I like less that science is misused to rule the people from the inside out through the medias mouth of Sauron act. Trillions a year are used to calibrate and produce this effect. There has to be a better way than fashion and greed. What happened to truth and honour?

At least you see the problem. We can all trace in form of another how it began, but to fix the culture is the issue.

Taking away tools is not the fix

> their politicians and cultural icons who create all this bullshit
You mean the 1% of the 1% who own the banks and thusly own and control everything ?

Elliot Rodger's manifesto explicitly stated that he was happy to meet some kids who shared his love for fascism.

You left out the Umpqua guy (half-black white supremacist), neglect to mention that Loughner's reading list included Mein Kampf (though as best I can tell his ideology was more 'incoherent' than 'nazi'), and I can't even find Adam Holmes on the Internet - did you mean James Holmes? Breitbart apparently reported he was a Dem, but they made that up.

>The problem is not guns. It is our culture. Our parents and their parents and their parents had guns.

exactly! gee i wonder what changed.....

> yo nigga fuck you, yo nigga i`ll kill you for ya shoes

surly this line from a 12 year old kids phone blasting at full volume on the bus this morning and similar music has nothing to do with the glorification of violence,drug use, and sex.....

>inb4 but but the school shooters are always white!

id rather some crazy cracker shoot a few kids at school every year than niggers and spics robbing,raping,shooting 1000`s of people everyday. fuck everyone who isnt white or japanese. your the problem.

>Our parents and their parents and their parents had guns
Your grandparents had a bolt action rifle and a hand gun.

so did there goverment

Most mass shooters and criminals in general come from fatherless households

hmmmm, i wonder why the jews push the strong single mother who dont need no man (but god help him if he misses child support by one day) narrative so much....

I went and killed a couple deer last month with ,wait for it... a gun

So how do we fix the current culture problem outside of doing our best to not produce bastards?

Also, Cruz was adopted. His parents, or at least mom, died four months ago.

I agree. But the average person is pretty dumb so they direct their rage & pent up anger towards people in their immediate life instead of the politicians & elite that are allowing the cultural problems, moral and spiritual decline to go unchecked.

>mom, died four months ago.

ah, yes. the classic mkultra trigger. death of a loved one.

My grandfather had SMGs from WWII.

That's because there is too many people on this planet. And some people get left behind in the social structure. Forcing them to take extreme measures. To correct this we must follow the Georgia guide stones (too which the population limit I don't agree with... They say 500 mill) current population of the world about 7.1 billion... Ideal population, 3.5 billion.

>bomb BBC
>Southern poverty Law centre
>Hollywood red carpet events
>Anything in Washington.

The eliete are immune to the problems hitting the lower clases beacuse of their wealth. They need to learn that they need to participate in cultural reform or else they will suffer the consaquences too.

Dude if it wasn't for video games angry young men would have already burned their decadent countries to the ground and hung their traitorous politicians from street lamps.

Boomer politicians should be wearing NES Mario brothers game cartridges around their necks for good luck.

It’s ssri’s.

If it's a culture problem then you'd still need to take guns away to prevent more shootings of the nature you outlined whilst the problem is being solved
Which, will probably be a long time. America isn't turning into Switzerland any time soon

>American culture

>The males never learned to court females, defend territory, and the concept of hierarchy.

>posts a Spanish lady and a Spanish retard baby

i dont get it...

I feel like I'm a socially autistic male, how do I fix this?
I desperately want to be normal but I shut down in social situations. Doctors only gave me numbing drugs like benzos and ssri which I don't take anymore.
I done well socially with females when I take cocaine or MDMA but that isn't practical.
I'm working out eating clean but still can't act normal in social situations I don't know what to do.

Thank God, someone who realizes this.

The closest mainstream media has gone is from Fox to mention how the lack of fathers created these shooters, but they won't talk about the failures of the (((sexual revolution))) and how garbage the family court system is towards men.