Redpills are more bluepilled than bluepills

Bluepill opinions: Unimportant, wrong, and distributed by mainstream media.
"Redpill" opinions: Whatever bluepill opinions are being shared, but reversed. So they're still unimportant since they're based off bluepills, and often wrong since the opposite to a falsehood isn't necessarily true.
Important opinions: Drowned out by retarded "redpilled" people.

The bluepill is believing the mainstream media.
The "redpill" is stating the opposite to whatever the mainstream media is talking about, which amplifies the volume of discussion.
The true redpill is realising that what's important is never mentioned by anyone.

>The true redpill is realising that what's important is never mentioned by anyone.
And that is...?

There's still the same fallacy:
Blue pills -> wrong (assuming you're right)
Red pills -> (opposite of blue pills) -> wrong
Blue pills + right pills = mentioned pills
unmentioned pills (opposite of mentioned pills) -> still no reason to assume those are right.

whatever. you are a fucking idiot

we the redpilled people wont be defined by fucking idiots

You and OP are both fucking idiots.

True redpills aren't simply opposing the accepted narrative. They're reasoned conclusions soundly based in logic.

Now fuck off with your existentialist bullshit, faggot.

>"Redpill" opinions: Whatever bluepill opinions are being shared, but reversed
Did you start browsing Sup Forums in 2014 or some shit?

Both the red pill and the blue pill are sides of the same coin; controlled opposition to put citizens at one another's throats while the true masters operate with impunity.

Consider that the concept of the red pill was taken from a hollywood movie created by transexual jews. The story of the matrix takes a neet faggot into a new reality which it turns out was just as manufactured as the old one, allowed to exist because it was part of the design required by the matrix.

He was baited by some mary sue pussy into a suicide quest where he was the biggest pawn of

but please, tell me more about how the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism

No, retard. The red pill and blue pill come from the matrix, where the blue pill is to choose ignorance and the red to choose truth

The red pill was just as much a lie as the blue pill.

>Bluepill = Wrong Opinion
>Redpill = Opposite of Bluepill

I really hate nu-Sup Forums

Take a chill pill, I was just deducing OP's logic.
I don't think we (or atleast I) should worry about any of this shit as it literally won't affect my life. Just keep on open mind.

Your logic is flawed because it means something considered "redpilled" can become bluepilled simply because the same information becomes mainstream. Truth is not relative, hence the name "redpill". You take the redpill and you see society for what it really is.

Bluepill => Comforting lie or half-truth that pacifies people or gets them to act in a certain way
Redpill => Uncomfortable truth

The mainstream media pumps out bluepills because it does not want the masses knowing uncomfortable truths, they want the masses docile and passive. If a truth is ever published, there is an ulterior motive behind it.

There is some merit to what you say in that there are some redpills people like spreading and some redpills people don't spread. However, your logic besides that is flawed.

That you can easily see why things go wrong, and what will happen in the future, by understanding phenomena that naturally arise from simple sets of rules.

For example, in communism vs capitalism, neither side offers grounds to run a permanently prosperous civilisation.
Capitalism causes an odd relationship between productivity-per-capita and wealth-per-capita where as productivity rises, so does wealth, but it eventually peaks and further productivity decreases wealth. What happens from there depends on how the economy is set up, in pure capitalism the economy collapses exponentially faster but in modern capitalism it is stabilised by welfare and unproductive labour.
Most of the world is currently in the post-collapse stage of capitalism, where the economy is reliant on consumers being unable to get any poorer thanks to welfare.

The faults in communism are much more obvious, they need no explanation.

>The "redpill" is stating the opposite to whatever the mainstream media is talking about, which amplifies the volume of discussion.

Nonsense. The redpill is literally the entry into the realm of reality, it is not contrarian in its nature but only in its affect. That is to say that, for example, the mind numbing garble produced by the mainstream media is clearly telling a true story, but it's only a part of it. Becoming aware of all the events that the MSM delet from their broadcasts is the redpill, not saying that the stories which they report on are false. You will never ultimately win with your invalid logic, kike.

The truth can't be a lie. Then it's just a blue pill

so you're saying that a red pill is just a reaction for blue pills?




It wasn't the truth though. Neo and the people in Zion were as much as construct as the matrix, as described by the architect and designed by him as well. Morpheus was living a lie, totally deceived that he was somehow free when the machines had life and death control over him the whole time.

Cut your dick off jew.

>The bluepill is believing the mainstream media.
>The "redpill" is stating the opposite to whatever the mainstream media is talking about, which amplifies the volume of discussion.
>The true redpill is realising that what's important is never mentioned by anyone.
That's literally what I just said.
What is with these Americans who can't read, only write?

vaccines are why the earth is flat retard

there is one universal truth.
relativism is a falsehood.
kys, communist.

Well let's say for the sake of argument that Morpheus was telling a lie. Then that means both of the pills he was offering were blue pills. However, that doesn't mean the true red pill doesn't exist. It's still out there, but no one in the Matrix found it yet

>That you can easily see why things go wrong, and what will happen in the future, by understanding phenomena that naturally arise from simple sets of rules.
You're just taking the opposite side of complexity. No different than what you described and derided in your OP.

The underageB& OP is hilariously wrong, but on the right track. Technocracy is the answer.

>The bluepill is believing the mainstream media.
>The "redpill" is stating the opposite to whatever the mainstream media is talking about, which amplifies the volume of discussion.
>opposite to whatever the mainstream media is talking about
>”redpill’ is
What is with these little kiddies and their inability to understand or use abstract concepts correctly? You original premise that the redpill is inherently contrarian is wrong, kiddo. Why can’t these children write or think right?

No one gives a shit about the story you tard, its about the concept of truth and ignorance

Both the "bluepilled" and the "redpilled" assume that all wrong in the world is deliberate.

t. brainlet

I hate when posters here do that too. I like reasoned discussion but people like the guy you replied to stink things up

>"Redpill" opinions: Whatever bluepill opinions are being shared, but reversed.

Just completely not true, utterly arbitrary.

No they don't, literally no one assumes that except maybe a few fringe religious cults.

It's almost like you can't shove truth into a false dichotomy created by a contrarian Malaysian live action roleplay forum

thats an oversimplification of
the red pill

most of the good stuff in my red pill books are openly published by
mainstream presses about 75% of it

the red pill is that none of you idiots read
so the information is not merely opposite
but the correct perspective
cause it includes all perspectives
the blue pill only contains
the official media record
not the published record
nor what is available to everyone
and published by jews for all to see

actual reality is the red pill
it's not just a dichotomy
the dichotomy is the blue pill
it's a fake debate
fake news and fake containment

red pill is reality


That scientists create all our food in a lab to look like it came from animals so that PETA can exist, where they launder money, for research on animals. And that’s why so many cows are simply raised for slaughter, among many other animals

Faggot OP doesn’t understand what redpilled means

>The true redpill is realising that what's important is never mentioned by anyone.
"never" is a bit much, but otherwise agreed. most of Sup Forums is too intellectually lazy and emotionally under-developed to tell the difference between cognitive dissonance caused by a lie and that which is caused by an uncomfortable truth. most discussion here is just glorified sloganeering.

Who doesn't think they know the difference between a lie and an uncomfortable truth? You certainly think you do. I bet >90% of people polled think they do. And is there any more of a glorified slogan than cognitive dissonance?

It matters what is important to you. I sort of get where OP is coming from.
The Mainstream or a place like Sup Forums can determine what you perceive as important, but has a more difficult time determining what conclusions you come to about the issue brought up. Your own values will have more of an effect on that.

I only ever see "redpilled" anons blaming literally anything and everything but themselves for their issues.

There's nothing "redpill" about living in a delusional wonderland where you constantly make excuses for yourself by blaming others.


Yeah them too, you dichotomous tard.

And of course, it doesn't matter what conclusions you come to if what the media has caused you to deem important is unimportant.
For example, Trump.
The media makes Trump seem important and causes him to be discussed a lot, but in reality he's the most neutral president in a long time. It's been an entire year and he hasn't started a war, committed some kind of scandal or atrocity, or made some dramatic decision that majorly affects everyone in the US.