What convinced you guys to embrace islam?

What convinced you guys to embrace islam?

For me it was the moral superiority. Islam rejects degeneracy, promiscuity, feminism and cuckoldism. Islam means peaceful unity and justice.

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Bacon. Mmmmmm lovely bacon.


While the positives of islam you have stated are true, I refuse to follow the teaching of the false prophet and be damned to hell for it.

what I would suggest you should follow is the more conservative Christian movements, these will vary depending on where you live, for me in the Bible belt of America these are all around but you will just have to find your own.

I don't like to stick my ass in the air 5x a day like a faggot sorry.

>le religion of peace meme

>Islam rejects degeneracy.

Yeah tell me all about that.

>Who is really behind this post?

its not fun. thats why i don't follow that, christianity or any jew shit.
Lucifer was the rightful heir to the throne, not Jesus. Mohammad wasn't a prophet, he was shifting divinity to man.
God is dead, and the power is waiting to be used

My favorite part was shooting sand niggers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

stfu towelhead



Christianity is morally superior to Islam. It's just that """Christian""" societies chose the pleasures and rewards of Earth and somehow worship Jesus as a god instead of focusing on his primary moral message.

>shilling the religion of the false prophet

Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Go to sleep Muhammad

>moral superiority
fucking christ please be bait
>death penalty for apostasy
>slavery ok
>sex slavery ok
>uses prophet sallaallahualeihiwasalaam as template of 'perfect' morality, which means any underhanded backstabbing deception and manipulation is not only permissible but encouraged if it serves the spread of Islam
I could go on for hours.

althought Islam Is lame, the fact that a german feels anything remotely close to moral superiority and not self-hatred should be applauded in this day and age. We dropped atomic bombs on civilians in Japan and they ended better off than Germany.

fuck off sand nigger


>What convinced you guys to embrace islam?
The Zionists' machinations enter their end-game phase of world domination and the ushering in of the rapture...

All muhammadeans will be cast into the tires of hell.

However, I look forward to the opportunity is for martyrdom the future caliphate's will provide. Although Islam is a faithless diabolical sect it's semblences and pretenses to modesty for women and other materials morals is far superior to the current state of the west.

Way to betray your race and heritage German Cuck. You traitors will hang first.

There is nothing Christian about modern society. Society began extricating all fundamentally Christian aspects of itself since the 1700's. You live in a freemasonic society.

Islam means submission, and I'm not some pedophile's bitch. Fuck his boss too.
BTW, the shit's all made up.

a. Homeland Security
Or b
Anywhere in the ME

>For me it was the moral superiority.
tell that to the little boy that got raped at the swimming pool because of sexual emergency

Black nationalism is the only way, communism is theft and capitalism is imperialism.

what to do.
Christianity got boring and they turned to occultism and all types of esoteric philosophies. In my opinion Christianity was corrupted very early on, but we still have everything we need to make it right.

Shieeeeetttttt Islam goood bro
bitch be talking too much
fucking acid bath her face
look at dat moral superiority. Soon all england will be like this.
Honestly though calling yourselves morally superior when you fuckers encourage taharrush gamea to women who do not believe.

islam is the final redpill
Sup Forums is not ready

I'm gay and afraid of heights.

why do you even feel the need to make it right? what questions do you feel christ answered for you, or even god for that matter. fuck, the nordic explanation for the tree of life and dealing with the inevitable was even superior to addressing the larger problems of the human condition.

for me? not for me. for society. religion evolved naturally with society, as a way of optimizing our ability to live in close quarters. it is crucial, and always will be. you can try to replace it with tv, sports, televised sports, meth and twerking, but these societies always crumble. what they lack is strong morals. the literal holiness of the family unit? i dont know. the absolute superiority of its ability to create good people? a fact. we are simple creatures. we need strict rules, and a beautiful story to tie it all together. from what i have seen, the moral message of jesus is superior to the others. it calls to individuals to make themselves into examples of righteousness in a way that other religions do not.

Don't waste your time with that pseudo religion. Come home to God through the Orthodox Church

I don't disagree with you, however, "the moral message of jesus is superior to the others" is often a statement expressed by people who only research the three abrahamic religions. I don't think there's anything Jesus said that Buddha didn't say better. obviously, for your argument christianity makes more sense to reinstate, assuming one cares about such things, but its a pretty conflicting religion that comes with a lot of problems. which i would argue are the reason for its decay

> its a pretty conflicting religion that comes with a lot of problems. which i would argue are the reason for its decay
because it was misinterpreted very, very early on. today christians will die for their interpretation that allows them to be grossly wealthy and still be "good christians".
the enemy, essentially, is christology. Jesus worshiped as a Jew.

Ach komm halt dein Maul!

>islam means peaceful unity
what is jihad.

when i say its conflicting i'm looking at the religion, not the followers. followers will always fuck up. there's too many opportunities for them to fuck up with christianity imo. like i said, buddha said the same things better.
that being said, jesus had a pretty good balance of putting humans at peace with their flaws which i would say is the strongest aspect of that religion. it encourages self improvement more than any other teaching.

>Islam means peaceful unity and justice
OK this bait for sure, but I'll bite. Everyone on this board knows islam literally means 'submission'

Islam is the purest depository from the ancient world of the filth that the Jews have designed for us, no thanks

Embrace? nah, but as a christian I recognize that they're our brothers, even more devout than a lot of us. Islam rejects degeneracy, promiscuity, feminism, and cuckoldism. Islam isn't peaceful, and that's ok, I wish Christianity was back at a time when it wasn't so peaceful and reserved like now

yeah i'm sure you'd like any excuse to kill for your jew god because of how bad you hate women. Have you considered giving in, and just being gay?

I'm comfy being a Jew, I don't need an inbred-subhuman sand religion.

"Be prophet of Islam"
"Fuck nine year old wife"

Fighting degeneracy, huh?

"Islam means peaceful unity and justice"

Oh, that's why the shias and sunnis get along so well.



Christianity has the same fucking morals as Islam you fucking retard its just been turned friendly because the last time a band of Christians were together the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth nearly dominated all of fucking Europe.

Being a mudshit isn't an economic system you blithering retard


You idiot. Islam is only like that because of a strong push by Islamo-FASCISTS in the 60s and 70s. Look at Tehran and Kabul back in the 70s, skimpily clad girls just like the West, foreign companies taking profits and resources, etc.
The key word there is Fascist. It even emphasises that on your picture when it talks about embracing the Fascist idea of the Third Position.
Islam isn't the solution, fascism is, and your intent to confuse fascism with Islam reeks of a Psyop or shill attempt to push Sup Forums away from the far right by linking far right ideas to a religion Sup Forums despises. In any case fuck off and die.

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