I’m drunk and I don’t know what I hope to accomplish or where this thread will go, but whatever

I’m drunk and I don’t know what I hope to accomplish or where this thread will go, but whatever.
>be me
>have nog for neighbor
>run into him and his sow all the time
>they’re super cordial
>reciprocate because never relax
>run into nog Saturday
>get caught up in small talk
>talk about pool
>he likes to play
>anytime I go to a bar, I go with the intention of hustling pool
>mention my favorite bar has free pool on Tuesdays
>drunkenly agree to play pool Tuesday
>knock on my door
>nog neighbor
>have drinks
>go to bar and play pool
>start talking
>nog expresses his admiration of Hitler
>confesses his lamentations of nogs
>nog is super ethno-nationalist
>realizes Africa could be superpower with an intelligent leader and subservient population
>nog understands and appreciates white nationalism
>nog supports ethno-balkanization of US
>agreed with my comparison of him and I as GLR and Malcom X.
I’ve noticed the “lebasedblackman.jpeg” memes, but I think I’ve found a unicorn.
>inb4 fuck off back to T_D
I don’t visit that shithole
Share your positive interactions with the Untermensch
Or discuss reasonable methods to achieve the ethnostate in North America
>inb4 Montana
Fuck off. We’re full.

Other urls found in this thread:


i'll bet he can't shut up in a movie theater

>Make Liberia Work
>Incentivate American blacks to go there
>Get rid of them in USA

We all have our flaws.
He fully understands the JQ
I’ll take a literal mouth breather who acknowledges the existence of the JQ over Stacy/Chad who doesn’t.

"le based black man" meme is mocking CivNats; earnest black ethnonationalists are /ourguys/

All Intelligent black men need to do is kil the bottom 5% of the black population (by iq and criminal behavior) every year for 100 years and

1 billion niggers 2020

Now just let him cuck you out of your wife. Pls upboat me xD

Sorry, but I’m already divorced.

judging on melanin is pure retardation. judging based on behavior is pure retardation.

i judge based on feminization. if the guy is a 'alpha' he is probably going to fuck your SO cuz his feels override his judgement of bros before hos or he will emotionally be the shoulder to cry on and it will 'just happen'

combine this with a woman who has been force fed that blacks are exotic fun fucks and you have a dumpster fire.

i don't trust feminine men. if the guy looks like shit half the time i see him, hes alright.

most malcolm x type niggers do. but they lump in whitey with the jews, believe that a renegade nigger scientist created whitey just to thwafrt niggers and that niggers are orbiting the earth at this very moment waiting for the right time to come down and reconquer the earth.


Did you hustle him tho?

yeah man ally with the other nations, thats normal. just preserve the nations rather than mixing them. only the jew wants to mix them that he might better hide among them

I don’t want to hustle him because hustling him would be relaxing. I have to live by him
I don’t have a SO right now
Besides, he has a kid with one on the way
He acknowledges the importance of the family

Youre a fucking retard. A friend is a friend. Fuck his sheeboon wife.

No thanks. She’s a fat, light-skinned sheboon. I’d have to grab a popsicle stick and a rubber band to make that possible.

>realizes Africa could be superpower with an intelligent leader and subservient population

>>realizes Africa could be superpower with an intelligent leader and subservient population

Stopped reading here


Oh, fuck off. Africa is literally then most mineral-rich continent on the planet. It has insane amounts of arable land. It has 2/3 the ingredients to become a superpower. The last thing it needs is a leader to male shit happen.

Just as i thought. You want him for yourself and are hiding your feelings under meme racism.


Same thing can be said about mexico. Sucks when oppression is highly profitable.

Sounds like a cool nog to me,but no le based nog bs,always be prepared for a chimp out since the nog is a very sensible creature,but if for now it is working,go for it then,try to be friends.

hi user it's me Tyrone
I had no idea you frequented this board too. Please don't call my wife sheboon

Forgot to change your flag, leaf.

>Share your positive interactions with the Untermensch

90% of the people I've met who don't like Jews are black. Or I should say, 90% of the people willing to admit to it. White people, even religious white people who think Jews are going to Hell because they don't believe in Jesus, always refuse to condemn them because that would be RACIST.

>attend international university
>working on project with a hot black lady from Nigeria
>she tells me she is terrified of Nigerian Islam refugees coming to America
>said her church got bombed 6 six times by Muslims in Nigeria
>said she tells liberals this and white women call her racist (literally a black lady from Nigeria)
>says she didn’t really like trump but she voted for him to keep refugees out
>wanted a giant Christian nation

Nice Nigerian lady. All of the Nigerians in my college program were super nice and calm people.

You found a black bf?

This thread is BASED


Believe it or not, there are nogs who exist with an IQ comparable to that of intelligent white men? I know they’re a statistical outlier, but they do exist. It boils down to a way to ensuring their roles of power in African “nations”

I got a similar situation with a half french half Lebanese friend that i made here in college. He mentioned the JQ one day and has some admiration for Hitler. Never thought i would find someone like this at college.

All the more proof that race is real, and the African race is incapable of making use of even extremely fortunate surroundings. If they were capable of achieving anything they already would have done it. Niggers around the world act like fucking niggers, no matter where they are.

>balkanize the U.S. come at me you commie fucker shill

these kinds of people are more common than you think.

>falling this hard for the Wakanda meme

95 percent of blacks are niggers. The problem when you find the handful of blacks that act human is that you forget the other 95 percent are niggers.

The best way to avoid falling into that trap is to just avoid unnecessary contact with niggers. Hold the door for a nigger, give them an occassional "s'up", but don't go above and beyond the most minimal contact with niggers. The next thing you know, you'll let your guard down and it's nothing but BAD BAD BAD things.

that woulda been some funny ass shit

"Judging based on behavior is pure retardation"
You don't understand how stupid you are do you?

>inb4 Montana
Larp detected, this pic is Salt Lake Valley.

5 stages of pol

1. Shock and disgust with pol
2. Denial of everything read here
3. Slow realization and agreement, Sup Forums is always right. F the jews, kikes, nogs and so on
4. Growing confusion, apathy and disillusionment in everything.
5. Finding Jesus and God, accepting that we all have faults and are sinners and that each mans ultimate destiny is to be the best honorable man he can be and help his fellow neighbor out regardless of skin and background.

Why....what the fuck Sup Forums. Why is this happening to me?!

Moved to Philadelphia and EVERY black male I have met knows or is getting woke to the JQ. Im thinking that is why "they" work so hard keeping them enslaved just like they sold them into slavery to begin with.

I even watched at a political event where I met a person and became friends BLM people calling him a nigger to his face for him telling them their fakes, frauds, phonies and blue lives matter. that really happened you may even have seen it since it was on that guys channel.

in the battle against them who rule the world we must unite to defeat such a menace. Anything less is failure and they know that and make threads here over and over with black hate to keep people wasting time posting or conditioning them to keep all of us from working together to destroy them.

There are good people and bad people. Color doesn't matter

The reason color matters....

95 percent of Whites are good
5 percent of Whites are White Niggers

95 percent of blacks are niggers
5 percent of blacks are good peeps

Color does MATTER!

This didn't happen

How good was he at pool though? I play in a league myself and notice that even the best blacks dont match up. Maybe i just havnt played any really good ones but ive jammed up quite a few nog shooters because they dont know what to do against defensive shots.