Why didn't archer just project Rule Breaker, duct-tape it to Hrunting...

Why didn't archer just project Rule Breaker, duct-tape it to Hrunting, and them shoot them both as a broken phantasm arrow?

Bam, homing arrow that instantly breaks servant contracts on contact. He'd win the holy grail war single-handidly.

You have to declare rule breaker's name while holding it for it's effect to activate.
Otherwise it's just an ornamental knife.

just duct-tape a walkie-talkie. That way he can say "rule breaker" from a distance.

Wasn't Archer's UBW weaker than Shirou's due to the changes in his mentality or some shit ?
I recall there was a difference between the two regarding abilities and efficiency.


UBW sucked but UFO makes things look cool

You're sure ? I really seem to remember something about Archer's version of UBW redesigned to last longer and be more useful in war while Shirou's is still a short time burst with higher capabilities.

Because it's not like Masters can't instantly re-contract their Servants or anything.

Shirou doesn't have as much magical aptitude as Archer. It lasts less time because he didn't make a contract with The World yet.
He became a Counter Guardian in exchange for gaining enough power to solve a crisis.

>[staticky] Rule Breaker, over.

They're equivalent. High setup cost and time with free projecting once they are up.

>look mom, I posted it again!

Why don't Arthur just remove all the seals he placed on Excalibur and btfo everyone?

Why didn't Gil just go serious?

>Archer has been shown to be able to accomplish a task
>Author now says he can't because that would make him to over powered


>shoot arrow with Rule breaker
>does nothing
>shoot second arrow with walkie talkie attached
>rule breaker

someone will probably explain that Rule Breaker also needs to be held in your hand when being used, but there's an easy solution to that. Who says that he needs to attach it to an arrow? All Archer has to do is project an arm, stick RB + the walkie talkie on it, and then shoot it. That fulfills all the conditions.

>Archer is the bone of his sword
>Archer can project swords
>thus archer can project himself
>Archer doesn't create copies of himself

That's the Enrgrish translation. In literal terms it means he's made out of swords which he is. It's why in bad ends his sword healing factor goes beserk

>. It's why in bad ends his sword healing factor goes beserk

In some ends when he receives too much damage swords cover his body protecting and healing him(It's why he lives through many things that should have straight up killed him.). But it can go into overdrive and straight up kill him.
I believe one of those times was when he fell out of a school window.
But my memory is fuzzy.

Oh okay, the show made it seem like he was super durable because of Avalon

That's not entirely accurate. If Saber's nearby, it's still possible to survive that fall. Even though Shirou hits the ground regardless, just summoning Saber is enough to keep him alive.

In the bad end where he falls out of the window and doesn't summon Saber, swords erupt from his body before he dies.

But when he does summon Saber, he survives.

Yeah she catches him, so he doesn't hurt himself, so swords don't frantically try to recover him by exploding inside his body thinking swords make everything better.

Looks good to me

>Bam, homing arrow that instantly breaks servant contracts on contact
damn you're right. an instant kill weapon that never misses is a sure victory.

She doesn't catch him. He still hits the ground regardless.