What is Sup Forums's take on having daughters...

What is Sup Forums's take on having daughters? My granddaughter is due soon and I was wondering what role the father is supposed to play. I only had 3 sons so I'm sure he wont hesitate to do boyish activities with her when she's old enough and I doubt that the mother will protest to this.
Even though they're both republicans they're not really as conservative as i was.
I live pretty to close to them so I'd be able to keep an eye on the situation, he's already talking about taking her hunting and such, though I do agree she should eventually learn how to shoot I don't really like the idea of taking her hunting.

My main fear is that the jews will brainwash her into thinking she's a boy, but I also don't want to put too much pressure on my son and have him not talk to me again.

>she's a girl
You have nothing to worry about except your son not having any male offspring. Girls aren't even really people. Don't let her go to school with niggers.

Having a daughter is one of the most cucked things a man can do. Years down the road, we both know she will be spit roasted between two BBCs.

As a father, you should assert yourself and fuck her first.

Tut was a girl and she was King.

Figure that one out.

Easy, Tut was a girl(male).

>grand daughter
How old are you gramps?

Having a daughter is literally worse than having a ginger male or an autist. She doesn't even carry on your surname's legacy. Waste of a cum to be honest.


Jesus christ man....be an example of what a good man is supposed to be...and show her affection...

>and show her affection
how does one do this without getting called a pedophile

If you do the math the result is always nigger or mexican family

By loving her?

Do you grab your mom's ass while licking her ear?


i got my wife teen pregnant, my two other sons are 10 years younger than him

>he's already talking about taking her hunting and such, though I do agree she should eventually learn how to shoot I don't really like the idea of taking her hunting.

Oh what a scandal a father engaging in a father-daughter bonding activity. What the fuck do you want him to do play barbies with her and bake things in an easy bake oven? Hunting with her father won't make her a masculine feminist, that's silly. If you want her to be raised into someone who is easily jewed, then by all means meddle and interfere with her bonding with her dad. It's only the women who have a poor relationship with their dad who grow up to become feminists. It's pretty common for fathers to go hunting with their daughters in rural parts of America.

Daughters are easy mode.
Father's role is to keep them safe and to not ignore them like modern TV thinks we do.
Spend time with them and teach them things, but it's moms job to teach them to be a woman.
It really isn't that different from having a son user.

Home school

If your grand daughter grows up in a public school indoctrination center she will be a complete degenerate

>It's pretty common for fathers to go hunting with their daughters in rural parts of America.
i dont know man, every girl i met like that is either slutty or looks like a dyke

Trust that natural gender roles exist. To varying degrees your granddaughter will like pink sparkly things and want her hair to look pretty. It’s hard to suppress innate masculine and feminine tendencies hence the constant brainwashing

a bad son is a burden
a good daughter is your burden


Quality pasta. But it should be “as the grandfather” and add “also fuck your daughter in law and put a son in her”.

Red pill your son and then make sure he shares the daughter with the wife. You don't want her to be a tranny, yet you also don't want the mother to make her overly emotional as women often are.

>I don't really like the idea of taking her hunting.
Women being averse to guns is what caused this mess in the first place.
>My main fear is that the jews will brainwash her into thinking she's a boy
That's why you want her to understand that she can do boyish activities as a girl. If you only teach her to do girl things and she has boyish inclinations, she'll notice that girly things bore her and feel a stronger urge to change her gender.