Why is this board infested with liberals suddenly? Anyone who doesn't support Trump should get out of here

Why is this board infested with liberals suddenly? Anyone who doesn't support Trump should get out of here.
Don't even try calling yourself anything other than a leftist if you don't support him.

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yes, le based dog emperor who is now coming for all your guns and bringing in more immigrants should definitely still have Sup Forums's support, am i right fellow magapedes? shadilee!!

go to JIDF twitter and search for Sup Forums

Libcucks are out in force because they know the midterms aren't going to go well for them.

We don't know yet. He could easily turn this around like he has before.

>he watches fake news

Mid terms are going to great for us, I don't know why you're being such a little faggot
>Reeee my midterms reeeee

>why nobody supports a jew puppet
no, its u who should get out

>Why is this board infested with liberals suddenly?
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:








Honestly I wish I could get paid to shitpost Sup Forums. Do you have any links to places I can send a resume?

Also this. Plus he says a ton of shit that people spin way out of context simply because the guy talks a lot and never stops. You can't tell just from what he's saying. Judge him on what he actually does, which we've yet to see.

>hating the president wanting to illegally seize guns

long time drumpf supporter here, its hilarious watching him crash and burn, but seriously we cant let this guy grab the guns

putting that flag on doesn't make you any less obvious of a liberal shill

The niggerfaggot blew it.
No gun control is acceptable.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Hello 55 Savushkina Street!

Hell is for the people who uphold and encourage a system based on the pain and suffering of people in poverty.

>muh Russia
>Hillary deserved to win!! #ImWithHer
fuck off

>implying pres trump isn't a classical liberal

Hell is for ever!

That's different, by liberal I mean those on the left.
Besides, I don't see one thing Trump has done that's unconstitutional. People always like to act like the sky is falling.

Are you actually that retarded to belive that most of The oldfags support trump when he had his daughter marry a kike?not supporting a kike lover doesn't make you a fkn liberal.

I believe your safe space is over at reddit, faggot

you first, libcuck

Shhh its american logic don't question it...


I'm not the one making blog posts about meanies with think differently you manchild

>i c-c-can't read


you gas lighting kike

I wonder who could possibly benefit from trying to pidgeonhole us like this

neither of those two things are related. it's like saying "how many women have to be raped before you support banning video games"

A little soon to be outing yourself like that, Brock.

soldiers died to protect our rights. yes, they also died for the kikes to maintain control. But the FIRST American Soldiers fought for the Constitutional rights and the Freedoms it protects

>implying he is engaged in mem jihad against the left

This. There are plenty of rightist reasons to hate Trump


Eat a dick

Nobody runs this place it's utter chaos and if you can't handle it then YOU GTFO

Why don't you fuck off back to TD Im sure you would fit right in

the admin is sucking brock's dick

Suddenlty? Its been non stop was since September. Shit really hit the fan after the Vegas event.

because shareblue faggots think their failed 2016 tactics will suddenly start working.

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