I'm considering watching pic related. How's the dub?

I'm considering watching pic related. How's the dub?

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*sigh* I guess I'll be the one to dig up OP's grave

cool numbers that go back and forth for a bit


The reel makes them seem okay. But why? Just go with subs, OP.

It's garbage either way

>How's the dub?
One of the few decent dubs I've heard


Terrible I assume
Did you know that fashion is the same word as fascism? This is the only thing I learned from this series

Starts out strong, goes well for a while, meh middle, awesome ending.

So like very trigger show ever that isn't a short

Are you so lazy you'd rather watch an inferior version of a show with third rate VAs who couldn't get onto an American prime-time show, instead of just reading subtitles and listening to first rate seiyuus without any shitty localized scripts?
You're cancer, should fuck off, and lurk two more years before posting.

I only watched up through like episode 8 or so then I got bored

The story of all anime

DAE notice how all anime have great beginnings but the endings are always terrible?

Some dubs can be good, space dandy's dub was far better than the japanese version.

I haven't watched the dub, but I actually got to meet Gamagoori's VA on two separate occasions, and got two different pictures of us in the same pose, a year or two apart. He's a really cool guy.

Go on~~~~~

No it wasn't.
>inb4 reddits list of Top10 most epically dubbed animu

Its fine enough if you dont like reading

The show was written and marketed for western audiences, the dub works because of some of the inner jokes on various voice actors and such.

>all that shitting on JYB

>The show was written and marketed for western audiences, the dub works because of some of the inner jokes on various voice actors and such.

>The show was written and marketed for western audiences
Yeah, what are you even talking about?
You're not going to convince anyone but yourself, reddit-kun.

Anime gives you a lot of creative freedom to make an interesting premise, but you quickly learn that almost all writers in anime are extremely mediocre (if they were good they wouldn't be working in anime)

Learn kamikaze

>I didn't finish it
>the endings are always terrible

Dub's fine. Just keep in mind that the first 3 episodes of the series are by far the best part and the rest will be a mild disappointment


He doesn't deserve a proper burial

The dub's good. Ignore the >dub fags, they'll say that regardless of whether it's good or not

>Nuh-uh, it's REDDIT
not an argument

Kill yourselves.

These are the only dubs you should be watching

>not an argument
I'm so mindblown by your debating skills user. Please, continue.
