The left can't meme

>The left can't meme

Post 'em.




Wasn't fat shaming supposed to be bad? Oh right, I forgot. It's okay when the left does it.

>He doesn't realize imagery of Trump oppressing women only makes him more powerful here.
Yet another reason the left can't meme.


I hate this cherry picking meme

>The British, Spanish, German, Ottoman and Russian empire weren't right wing

Jaba did nothing wrong. Han owed him money.

If anything they should have put the Kekistani flag because at least that's another flag that represents a joke nation. this way they have elevated pepe the frog to the same level as nazi Germany and the civil war. What retards.

Why does Leia look like a man?

I hate this cherry-picking BOARD.

I only come here to see what autists are afraid of, and judging by them freaking out about the gun age being raised, it tells me most here are backwoods redneck teens.

It's probably just former Trump supporters making them.


Yeah the West is just full of awful people. You should immigrate somewhere cool like the Congo or Papua New Guinea.


They went for their role model template, Michelle 'Michael' Obama

Leftists have an intelligent approach to memes. Rightwingers appeal to the lowest denominator, the dumbasses.

America, for me.
I support that you give up your weapons, you'll be easier to put down.

a classique

nazis are left wing though by definition



>muh class warfare.
Stop importing low wage competition if you care so fucking much about the working class.


blame your multinational, multibillion dollar companies who lobby for cheap labour. your government sucks their dicks regardless of who is in power.

>im an intellectual guise!

Seriously though, the left CANNOT meme.
Meme Magic requires truth.

why not post the real version.

Hitler took away the guns. You fascist.

>muh multinational multibillyunaire corpoorayshunnsss
Get a fucking job and stop blaming everyone else for the fact that you're a loser.

i dont get it....


No he didnt


Why do the Left pretend to care about women when they want open borders with Islamic and African nations + cultural erasure of white people?

>saving thumbnails


>I'm silly

I thought we won tho

Yes he did faggot

I like this cartoon.

It is great.

yeah, you are the one complaining about cheap labour and displacement of jobs instead of working on improving your station in life, bubba. stay dumb and poor while hanging on to jeebus, trump and guns while the whole world moves forward and leaves your kind in the dust xx

This one is kinda funny desu

I'm not sure what's dumber, caring about how Trump has his steaks or making a comic about you caring how Trump has his steaks and inserting in a Trump supporter acting like an idiot over steaks.

But that comic reflects thre reality perfectly albeit in an overdone way as required for satire.

You guys are so obsessed you will vehemently defend anything as long as orange retard approved of this.
When Snowden came out with the leaks Sup Forums was outraged about the absolute state of US citizen spying. But when Trump said Snowden is a traitor and should hang suddenly r/the_donald approves of US government fucking with it's citizens.

or caring about a comic discussing trumps steak choice


>People say that the person who wrote am entire news article on Trump eating his steak is stupid for caring equates to this to some people
Gets me every time



This is now a anti Trumpenstein board. No prospect of a wall, shilling only for the Jew for a year with the final nail in the coffin coming yesterday with his gun grabbing meltdown.

We are going to deport all T_D users. We shall attack /ptg/ with the fury of a thousand suns until this cancer is driven out. If you see a Trump shill, destroy them.

Sup Forums AWAKEN!





Love how this stupid comic is so effective at triggering drumpfturds



All funny

this one really fits

Damn, the left really can't meme...

They sure can't. All I see is hypocritical body-shaming and nonsensical references.



all the best rightwing memes were done by putin's troll farm, he has the best propaganda artists

It's not a meme when those three are only evil right-wing movements the author knows about.

i dont know, this is all pretty funny


Why does the hat keep reversing?

hi merkel


This reminds of those shitty anti-Obama facebook posts. Damn, the tables have turned



Delet this



The original

This is Sup Forums meme though, and it's the realest one of them all.


Then kill yourself at any time, Brockpuppet.

I thought he was on our side? This an edit?


>imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

TFW you realize all the lefty memes are copy and pasted from alt-right posters


>Dogecoin is approaching a $1bn cap.
Is this real life?


I really wish the leftists opened that can of worms.

>To enjoy this comic, just disable your brain and pretend that lefties are sane people.


Shaming people for being fat or having mental illness or being feminine/attractive is the thing thr left fights against the most but will immediately do themselves when they get upset. Remember all the leftards hoping Trump had dementia, making jabs at his weight and diet or saying Melania was a whore for basically existing as a skinny, pretty human?



They're center authoritarian.

Yeah like oatmeal and a glass of water funny!

From non Germans. We don't let illegals buy guns either.

>shitpost for ants.

>Liberals do it for the kids


stay mads cucks, my hat's value will only go up no matter what hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Wait, does the pic imply that the jews are ruining his life?

That's actually a pretty woke meme.