Don't use public education

>don't use public education
>only learn what you really have to
>live a simple life
>become primitive

History shows primitive societies get eaten up by more advanced ones.

Why does he advocate white genocide?

Because he's a retard ?

no 4 real tho
he acts like he is the saviour and the role model of white people and propagates this shit

> buy my book at amazon

>taking Varg seriously

>be stupid
so this is the power of right wing ideology...

How come there are still uncontacted tribes and no one is even attempting to fuck with them then?

I gave an actual thought to what he was advocating I have come to the conclusion that barbarism in 2018 would look something like the American wild west. Believe it or not most of the towns had electricity but could only be used sparingly as they didn't have big extravagant power grids. People got around on horses and used manual action firearms. I doubt without expensive machining equipment you couldn't stamp out anything more than a lever gun or revolver. People would be wearing wool, leather, and animals furs. Sounds interesting.

Because right now, living a simpler life is the best way to fuck the immigrant loving state, when the ant workers start working for their own instead of paying taxes and those taxes going to Abdullah (siryan rebel, beheaded a kid with a knife) and his wife and 6 kids.

What if abdullah takes over the state the and comes to you in your mudhut to behead you

He prepares for the ultimate fall of society.
Right now he still uses technology to enhance his life.
Basically, when more people life like this the rest of the world would go back where there were 300 years ago.
Getting back power by not giving your own to the state sound awesome.

One reason (((they)) and our gov. want migrant that never going to work is partly that they vote left and secondly that our increased productivity not end at our people but we just feed more and more people that never works.
Like a tapeworm, most tapeworms don't harm people but you have to eat more and more because they take quiet much food from you.

abdullah and ahmet are not strong or clever. When they try to rise they are easily spotted from the masses

muzzies can't even survive at these latitudes without their nearest supermarket being stocked with food, how do you imagine they're going to "take over the state"

varg is a cucky little SMALL-TIME faggot who thinks whites should live in small-scale ethnic villages and wear traditional costumes like Congo Bantus and stop messing around with grand politics. his vision is deeply anti-Aryan

I have been thinking about Varg for a while and he is the result of what happens when a grown man with the world view of an edgy teenager, that did not develop further, because he was in prison for murder for 16 years, has the intellect of an adult to rationalize it. He has six children, so that's good in my book, but the rest is just pure insanity and half-truths justified with stuff he pulls out of his ass.

He's also white ISIS. Literally.

Right, because they never conquered and occupied the entirety of Spain. THIS is precisely the kind of half-truth meme world view and ideology that Varg teaches.

varg is a larping faggot shill being paid as controlled opposition. anybody who ever sent this faggot more than 1 PENNY deserves to be raped for major retardation

>unironically comparing moors to immigrants with no weapons, skillsets or central administration

They can't even take syria, let alone france or norway. Also they aren't so stupid, once the welfare (the real reason why there are there ) it's over they will seek asylum elsewhere

DUDE, let's just collapse our state! And get back to the stone age, because we cannot cut gibs for immigrants! DUDE WEED!

>white ISIS
perfect description

aight, keep supporting those muzzies with your tax yuros then

These arabs the western world have to fear are long gone. The spain think was over 500 years ago.
If they was an invasion they could be more clever than trying to outbreed us on wellfare.

Vikings fucking needed to steal and have pointless wars because they never knew a way to self sustain their shitty lifes

He doesn't think we have time to get to the stars and acquire unlimited resources, so his thought pattern isn't illogical, even if he is wrong.

2 hours ago, did you write "Based Jews" on a thread about Sargon?

>>don't use public education
>>only learn what you really have to
>>live a simple life
>>become primitive

>soldiers back by whole kingdoms in North Africa
>experience soldiers who were sent to Spain to conquer it
>had slaves, food, bitches, gold, weapons to sustain a long campaign in Iberia
>didn't need wellfare of help from Spain
>had no one backing them up right now
>trained in getting their dusty ass kicked in Syria
>They come for the sole reason of living of welfare and leave as soon as shit gets easy in their countries or never
>have literally at most drugs, and cellphone and maybe a gun. Also their 56 kids
>They have no way to organize any proper rebelion and they know this
>They literraly form gangs who kill eachother

*flees South Africa*
*gets hair plugs*
*makes cars for vegans*
*ejects car into deep space*

>we cannot
You literraly can't, don't you get it? This is war. Your state has given you the finger keep believing in democratic solutions they all end the same, because the ones who control your country aren't politicians. The only alternative it's rebelion and hanging the traitors of the people along with everyone who opposes but you won't do that until it's too late or not even then.
The state isn't your people or your country they are a bunch of (((capitalists))) paws who will sell your mother for money

No that was me

A lot of people here have this weird notion that brown people can't survive in cold places for some reason.
>lel the Ice age will get them surelly
Just an excuse for why you do nothing

Varg doesn't promote revulution though, he thinks mother nature will solve everything

He is also anti-civilization, the thing that makes white people special in the first place

>Muslims will never rise to any high positions

king shitskin of londonistan is not a high position

I don't agree with everything varg says, revolution it's my idea of getting thinks under control again.
I don't see civilization as something bad and its better than barbarism.
But I do agree with varg in that when you have a civilization like in europe where people (the natives ) are being dumped like literal machines for the interest of those in power then yeah you should leave civilization and let it crumble, teach those fuckers what happens when the working ants they love to attack and replace like they were nothing but machines leave the system. Let those fuckers experience in their all white privite neighborhoods and mansions the benefits of tolerance and multiculturalism