I believe I figured out the Meta of the Jew game, and I mean all of it. I have figured out the end goal and every connection that leads up to it. The goal, being; them being "God's Chosen" People LARPers ruling over a lowered-IQ cattle race, of which, would be a Global population of mutts too dumb to be able to grasp anything of Meta, and have yet just enough intelligence to work.

Take a look at the pic I'm posing.

>Jews invented Communism.
It's a proven fact. Communism seems quite similar/allegory to the 'God's chosen people -vs- the Goyim idea"', doesn't it?

>Jews invented the Cultural Marxism that so badly infects our once Huwhite societies.

>Jew gains complete media control and banking, and dual-citizenship in US politics with Israel.

>Jew orchestrates massive non-Huwhite invasions for decades while actively promoting race-mixing propaganda throughout every single one of his platforms, including advertising on TV.

>Messianism is the belief and doctrine that is centered on the advent of the messiah, who acts as the chosen savior and leader of humanity by God.

>Who acts as the CHOSEN savior and LEADER OF HUMANITY.

To do this, they need to get everybody dumbed down a bit by removing the borders/nations as you see now to encourage the misgenation, while simultaneously controlling the World via Rothschild wealth (~80%, if including his own proxies like Soros et al).

The Cultural Marxist bullshit you see like Trannies on TV, Pussy-riot, and especially all of the absolute filth that comes out of the kike-entertainment media for all it's girth is just an intentional breaking down of the family unit to get younger girls more promiscuous as they find the faster maturing and more aggressive Tyrone while you drink Soy.

Communist Jews (most leaders were) started this LARP and are still pushing the EXACT ideological subversion. Why? The U.S.S.R. fell. Maybe it was the Jew who needed to fall, globally. Oh well, fuck Hitler...

Other urls found in this thread:


This is new to you?

This is the goal of Marxism. They weren't just Communist in Russia, they were actively making us Communist Goy'm as well, albeit in a "Cultural" form.

This is the end-game after the 'Great Purge of the Mutt'.

Arabs being driven in through false-flag wars in Syria are just the tip of the Ice-(((berg))). The REAL reason for the strife in the middle east is that they're bringing in the Nigger hordes once anti-hate speech laws in place and the rest followed.

Just don't tell the half-breed Jews that it is in fact their children that are going to be the slaves for the pure blooded ones in Zionist utopia of Israel.
That might come as a shocking surprise for them.

The rabbit-hole goes a bit deeper than that. Think Zoroastrianism.

bix nood

Big if true.

>be me at work
>talking with colleagues
>conversation drifts to international politics
>5 minutes of this, and the people I thought were perfect normies start saying that the Jews probably a lot of power and that Israel is the next 1st world power

Have we broken reality Sup Forums

Not yet, you must persist.

There is only one Lord of the Rings, and he does not share power.


you solved the riddle, OP. you cracked the code. congratulations
now there's only one thing left to do

t. commie


Donald Trump said that from his office window he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.

He spoke to WWOR/UPN 9 News via phone to describe what he saw.


Trump's uncle helped steal/suppress Tesla technology which is used for HAARP technology in Alaska.
→ → → (You)

Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11 from HAARP, Alaska - at the time of "impact"
→ → → (You)

Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere, on the morning of 9/11
→ → → (You)

Donald Trump had prior knowledge the attacks were to take place
→ → → (OP)
He claims he witnessed not only the plane strike
→ → → (OP)

but also "Muslim's dancing in celebration"
→ → → (You)

We have proven that the planes didn't exist in the aviation bureau here:
→ → → (You)

Have of the initial "strike" which are devoid of planes
→ → → (You)

Bush's former advisor is in agreement that there were no planes used:
→ → → (You)

The steel columns of the building demolecularize, which is not a thermal reaction:
→ → → (You)

and there was no "thud" seismic impact upon the basin of New York upon the "collapse" because the materials were turned to dust mid air
→ → → (You)

An Israeli art group were given access to the towers during the year 2000
→ → → (You) [see image]

I'm sorry, what's this have to do with Trump other than "Muslims dancing"? Is this 'fact' the smoking gun or something? Please......

go on mate, I'm eager for your info ;)

Such as?

>he died a few years later