I nominate this season as the worst anime season of 2017

I nominate this season as the worst anime season of 2017

[Spoiler] cant get any worse than this [/spoiler]

I have friends on the other side

I've gotten into anime last christmas. Is the summer season always this shit?

Its been on a straight downhill curve ever since 2013

Except pic related shows AOTY, so it wasn't all bad.

It's the best anime of the year so far

Lurk two years before posting.

No one ever actually did this

>talking about worst season
>pic related is AOTY
Try harder. Aho Girl is unironicaly the best anime this year, every episode is better than the previous. Shit is hilarious.

>taste this shit
>can't even spoiler correctly
I think we found the true aho. The ahoest of them all.

You're just an aho OP

I want to get ravaged by ahomom.

Dumb Ahoposter.

Aho girl is objectively good.
You might not like the haha so random humor but ir doesn't make it less god.

I did

I did.

Op can't even spoiler.

I did

I did.

>it has "Priest Bros Uncover Conspiracies"
>it has "Jesus with a phone and his bitches"
>it has "QUIZ B O Y S"
Your nomination has been declined, and you've been sentenced to 10 years of SAO.

I agree

It was normal once. Maybe not 2 years but several months at the very least.

I didn't

Aho girl is unironically AOTY.

I did

I did.

>Not Pupa
>Or at least Dragonaut/Kiba

I did.

Just because I gave a sentence doesn't mean you can't add anything else.

I'm just saying the torture can be worse.

Self-indulgent power fantasies aren't the ultimate torture especially if you ironically enjoy Isekai Smartphone.

By all means, pile stuff on. I figured the monotony of something like SAO being looped for 10 years would be bad enough. I mean I'd even hate Phone Jesus if I had to watch 10 years of him giving a middle finger to every problem.

It's better than Spring at least.

7o3x is the only one of those that isn't complete shit, and you can list three good shows in literally any season.

I mean, Jesus Smartphone isn't complete shit. And Priest Bros are far from shit in any regard other than pacing.