Liberals can convince people to cut off a 7 year old’s dick and revel in it

>Liberals can convince people to cut off a 7 year old’s dick and revel in it
>Conservatives can’t even make women have babies

Face it, you’re a bunch of losers. Say what you want but liberals are far more savvy in the art of social manipulation. Conservatives can only bark “DO THIS” or “DO THAT” like Nazis, or worse try to make their message sound cool and “totally radical, fellow youths”.

>Kikes can convince people to cut off a seven year old's dick and revel in it
>Kikes can convince women to not have babies

Awww that puppy's so CUTE!

What are you talking about? The greatest from of nigger control is abortion and I support their right to genocide.

Costs $Trillions
>cost of poll
My sides

>fags aren’t reproducing
>niggers aren’t reproducing
Well gee, if the dnc weren’t importing shitskins by the millions they’d be a pretty good party.

It's dead like they are inside. It also has two fingers up its bum so that's another similarity.

Surely the superior Aryan race could be better at convincing people
He is favorite
And yet, you can’t even fix your birth rate

>the superior aryan race
cringe bait


You're not even being a useful idiot at this point. What is the argument exactly? You have painted both sides as wrong which we already knew. Reply to me because I feel bad knowing the life you must live to make such ridiculous posts on a Laotian car washing forum.

Can very easily.
It's been a matter of manipulation.
We don't just breed into any available space and let the grim reaper sort everything out either, like we share a survival strategy with bacteria.
Tick Tock

Abortion is an issue conservatives only pretend to care about. Anyone with a fucking brain realizes that abortions are far and away the greatest boon to conservatives ever devised. But you're not allowed to say "voluntary eugenics is a good thing", and you also have to pretend to cater to the fundies, so hollow abortion regulations remain.


i hope pple here are smart than that!

fags breed the same way communists do. By indoctrinating your kids.

>Face it, you’re a bunch of losers.
You're right, onan... no doubt about it.

Time to become a man...

Stop roleplaying. I'm liberal. Not a bleeding-heart hardcore liberal, but a liberal regardless. What I've learned ever since I've devoted myself to following politics, policies, people involved, et al. is that all sides will make appeals to emotion. Because we are human. We all can't help but have some emotions to our rationale. Afterall, you have to FEEL a certain way to THINK something is rational or not, no matter the facts. Sure, there is Poe's Law in effect more than ever nowdays, like people that believe in a flat Earth, or the Tesla Roadster is not really in space, or that men never went to the Moon. I digress though, before I go into another tangent.

All sides will at some point or another, for achieving whatever means to an end, engage in acts of social manipulation; playing at people's heartstrings. From protests against Planned Parenthood, to protests for gun regulations, there will always be some savvy people that will do anything to get their votes.

Just look at who we have in office now.

Right feel
>truth and honour.
Anything else
>fashion, manipulated by the constant application of repetitive image by your own enemies.
Align your feelings with reality and truth, show loyalty to your family and by extension of that your people or betray what you are in every gene of your body and in your own soul and stay on the dark side.
The more powerful you grow the better we'll look when we're destroying you.

>The more powerful you grow the better we'll look when we're destroying you.

No matter who wins in the end liberals get the rope. Nazis, commies, muzzies, and zionists all universally hate you for your faggotry.


All the edge

Ew, you saved that? That's gross, man.

The edge is dimonds, tweeky. Don't ever forget it.
Goodnight /pol.

Remember this, guys. The libs don't have power, they are just a useful form of crazy right now. (((They))) only want to keep the country in turmoil, unbalanced. By doing so, they keep the people from ever stopping to catch their breath and see all the crooked shit they are doing to gain and keep power. Libs: when your usefulness has expired, you will be cast aside and shat upon as they seize the next agitators that they need to keep the people numb. Screencap this!

Im a full blown hitler fan and i have a hot jewish girlfriend.
Looks like your rule is only as reliable as your intelligence op.
You have my permission to kill yourself.

unironically kill yourself

>savvy in the art of social manipulation.
>to seven year olds