Is this just a plot to trick nu-males into eating soy?

Is this just a plot to trick nu-males into eating soy?

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>Implying they have to be tricked

Man there is fucking soy in everything. You have to be vigilant.

Rick and Morty fans are alpha males and are being tricked into eating soy and becoming beta cucks.

are these nu-males?

Suddenly there's this big push to drive us away from soy. All of this soy-shaming, the huge effort to make people feel self-conscious and claiming soy is the culprit.
What's soy's secret? Why are we being driven away from it?
What's the soy ploy, goys?

I'm actually thinking about trying Soylent. I checked their website out they're pro gmo and pro land development.

A stupid meme and rampant fears of inadequacy among patrons of this website. It's basically a superstition to avoid soy now.

Soybeans have been eaten for thousands of years by humans, mainly in east Asia. It's literally just a bean, think about it. There are no studies showing it lowers your testosterone. However soy is used for a filler in meat products to reduce the cost, which is probably what gave it a bad rap in the first place. People didn't want soy filler in their food, they wanted the food they were promised. So people started avoiding soy and it got a bad name in the west. Then people started making up other reasons to avoid it, like it lowers your test, which is false.

Every god damn thing bought in a commercial store has soy in it. Your "fresh" chicken and fish probably have soy in it through the feed being fed to it. has been like this for quite a few years.


Lectins in soy literally bind to the estrogen receptor. What do you mean it's just a bean.

I don't understand responses like this.

Did you google this product and miss the stories about the first factory being infested with rats?

Did you miss all the stories about people having horrible issues because the bar versions were rotting in the packaging?

Do people just see social influencers shilling these things and want to waste money on them?

Calorie restrict with a variety of raw food if you want to change up your diet.

If you drink gallons of soy milk every week then it can lower your testosterone. So can a bunch of other foods.

Too much processed soy is still no good.

Not really, Soy is an ingredient in pretty much all processed food.

No joke, check out the processed foods in your pantry, its probably full of soy.

oh god, are they bringing it back again?
Are we going to get more videos of spergs

They are bringing it back as a permanent available sauce like ketchup or bbq. Brought upon by numale spergs disrupting McDonald's

Yes but it's phytoestrogen, it doesn't have the same effect as mammalian estrogen. It's like pouring water into a gas tank, it's fills it up but it's not going to do anything.

I still don't buy that, but I'll have to read the study again.

was it cool to unironically like korn even in the 90s?

Everyone here is so desperate to find other people lower then them on the social scale that ONE video of someone faking a sperg out was enough to garner interest in this.

I like actual cringe. Not people trying to make up widespread cringe where there really isn't any.

There was the one video of that makeup person who was doing those super cringe Rick videos being all upset at the lack of sauce last time.

Literally the one real video I saw about this last time.

Everyone on the internet desperately wanted a bunch of people to point and make fun of and it was a corporate let down.

Considering the cases of stolen sauce hustlers are selling on ebay there is no shortage this time. (Good on you wage slaves bring back the black market)

Seems like you are joining in the cycle by laughing at us, faggot.

I mean, speaking as a guitar player, they have some cool riffs. And the heavily distorted bass lines in odd timings are also pretty cool.

Soy does nothing you fucking brainlet the nutritionist who came up with the theory got it from a study conducted on sheep in the 1940's and another on a group of men who went to a infertility clinic regularly

no, it is just a depressed, fat old man who is in over his head.