Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control? This seems very unlike him...

Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control? This seems very unlike him. More people died in Vegas and he didn't shill at all.

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So people know gun control was centered on a Jewish psyop during Holocaust lessons

(((they))) also shut Vegas down instead of running with it for too long.

he's surrounded by garbage and kikes and only knows what he's told.

>public opinion on gun control has gone too far left
>trump needs to appear to concede on the issue for 2018 and 2020
>its not that big of a deal, just more politics

Midterm elections
He wants Dems to run on anti-gun platforms while his comments fire up his base and normies to vote pro-gun so they won't get taken away

You need to go at least one step further in your game tree.

>This seems very unlike him.
If you're an idiot, sure. He's a new yorker and was a democrat for a long time. This was part of his appeal to "muh working class", which tends to lean dem.

...mueller arrests Hillary? Isn't that how your game tree goes?

>pushes the anti-Trump left further left
>pushes the pro-gun right further right
>minimal popularity fallout as nothing continues to pass a vote and, much like the bombing of an empty airfield in Syria, Trump has once again made a hollow gesture to simultaneously signal to the normie retards that he is "at the table" while the left chimps out and inevitably vindicate himself with his actual support base (a lot of us here, those faggots on leddit, boomer tea party types, etc)

>This seems very unlike him
Trump is a deep state puppet. Actually if you have choosen Hillary instead everything would have been absolutely the same.
American democracy. You are free to choose a president. But not free to choose a direction your country is going

>mueller arrests hillary

>thinking we wouldnt be in ww3 under Hillary or dead
>thinking i wouldnt be invading your land against my will at this very moment if not a year ago
>thinking gun confiscation wouldnt have begun already
>thinking the mexicans would be on their way out
>thinking there wouldn't be more refugees and more terra attacks
>thinking the deep state would be getting exposed the way it is
boy user I thought you russians were supposed to be all pro-Trump what happened
I didnt get that memo from Putin


Trump is just like Putin a kike puppet. Stop worshiping them!

>This seems very unlike him

He cucked on syria when he bombed Assad because muh children being gassed. Now he's cucking on gun control because muh children being shot.

To embolden Dems and bait them into going hard after guns, which will further hurt them come 2018, and will go nowhere.

oy vey it all makes sense now

last time I checked Putin wasn't being so cheeky during when Bill, George or Obama were presidents...

>take guns from mentally ill people
>liberalism is a mental disease

seems like the problem will solve itself

Take a guess faggot.

gun bill is dead. pay attention
Mitch killed it Thursday because dems unwilling to accept republication background check improvements.

Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control? This seems very unlike him.

Possible tactic in dealing with Democrats ?

Lead them to the door then walk away and see what they will surrender in order to "salvage the deal" .

Get them to give up a number of things then sink the deal ? Or just toy them along thinking that they will get to ban guns and Trump has no real interest in doing it -- just in having them give up things to keep him at the table

>Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control? This seems very unlike him
Did you have to fucking copy paste what OP said? I swear, so many faggots on Sup Forums just seem like shills


It's actually 4D chess to sell more guns according to MSM lol

>There may be another explanation for the Republicans’ talk of modest new gun restrictions: money. Gun manufacturers are in the midst of the worst business crisis in decades, with double-digit sales drops driving some to the brink of bankruptcy. The NRA, which gets its funding not only from individual members but also major gunmakers, is in a position to help. Nothing gooses gun sales like the threat of new gun-control measures. And behind the scenes, two senior GOP officials tell TIME, the NRA has given lawmakers the green light to float new gun limits without the threat of retribution. The logic: introducing those policies — or even better, debating them — will be good for business. Jennifer Baker, a NRA spokeswoman, denied that her organization made such overtures to Congress and said the NRA’s main concern was not gun sales but rather defending gun rights.

> Sup Forums answer: durr 5d chess hurhurhurhur
> real answer: New York Liberal for 90% of his life, with like 2 populist right wing positions and like 90 neoliberal positions everyone ignores because LE WALL! What the fuck did you think was going to happen.

i dunno...

>muh ww3
lol I thought all you russhills got the fuck off Sup Forums after Mueller indicted your boss...

That's funny

I've heard other people say this. Wouldn't it just keep Trump from a second term? I can already see Ted Cruz exploiting this whole thing and fracturing the GOP come reelection time.

>you russians were supposed to be all pro-Trump what happened
From day one I thought that Trump's election will not change US foreign policy. It turned out I was right. Just look at your history. No matter what a new elected president tells to you. Foreign policy stays the same. Look at the actions, not words.

Because now there's no way that the Republicans AND Democrats in the Senate will vote for it.

Republicans in close districts will be seen as standing up for the Second Amendment, and it might give one or two the edge in the mid-term. Also, now that Trump is "supporting" Democrat policy, there are some Democrats who can no longer vote for that policy for a different reason. If they vote FOR a Trump backed proposal, after months and months of whipping up their own base with tales of Russian collusion, racism, Nazism, sexism, etc, then they'll be allowing Trump to lead them. They'll be seen as collaborators.

Gun Control is DOA, now. There's no way that Senate Republicans vote for it as a bloc, and the same is now true for Senate Democrats as well.

he's been replaced with a clone/lookalike good goy

August thread !!!!!!!

I'm pro-Trump, it's obvious with a naked eye that your lefties exert pressure on him. It's obvious that some people are interested in the cold war, some people don't like that Russia goes against the tide.

You're too stupid to think, it's easier for you to scapegoat based Jews.

>inevitably vindicate himself with his actual support base (a lot of us here, those faggots on leddit, boomer tea party types, etc)
there's no way that happens, gun confiscation of any kind, especially on such intentionally murky jewish waters as ((("mental illness"))) is nothing but a betrayal to his actual support base, i don't give a fuck if you're a bipolar schizoid maniac, you have the right to bear arms, you have the right to defend yourself from the governkent, this right is inalienable and is what america was LITERALLY sparked off of, even suggesting confiscation is unironically asking for american revolution 2: apocalypse boogaloo

Here is that response you were waiting for

This. He’s not going anywhere for three years. It’s worth tickling some balls to get his voters to angervote for gun-nuts.

>all you russhills
the sheer irony
>Mueller indicted your boss...
literally who are you even talking about?

That's the most Jewish thing I've ever seen

That girl is going to be dried up and wrinkly by age 35 from smoking

This. The biggest white pill in all of this is that the NRA is not being vocal and countersignaling Trump's mealy-mouthed gun restriction talk or countersignaling the debate over gun restrictions. If Wayne LaPierre isn't screaming at the top of his lungs and holding press conferences with a 18th century rifle in his hand, thrust above his head, we're good.

> Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control?
To embarrass the Democrats when they don't deliver. And they haven't. Already. They've shot down the bill and are now moving on to other issues.
It's over. And Trump gets to set back and blame it on them. He's done this before. I figured this was the case but all the retards on here spew vomit every time he does this.

Trump has STOLEN the dems middle-ground.
Dems love to talk about gun control. Trump has taken that away from them.

Give me the four-one-one on the Democrats: how have they shot down the bill, what are they moving on to? I need more whitepills.

So what you're saying is he's playing by boardroom rules versus politics rules.

>how do i beat the dems?
>i know ill go further left than they ever dreamed of!
>then once my base is pissed off at me they'll surely come vote for my party!
42079502792790D Quantum Go!

>Can someone explain why Trump is shilling for gun control?
Hes not.

>1 post by this ID

They're saying it doesn't go far enough. Of course. And they're moving on to other issues next week. And of course Republicans don't really want to pass it either.
The bill made no one happy. I think Trump knew it would.

>trump literally says he wants to take people's guns before due process
>n-no he t-totally said the opposite guys i-its fake news the jews brainwashed him i-its deep fakes

its literally just gun accessories hes banning

And it's Kike NPR so you KNOW it's real. Thanks, goy.

Trump says tons of shit. You have to wait and see what actually happens instead of falling into the same trap the media does which is to get whipped into a retard frenzy because he talks shit non stop.

This is obvious now. Trump used to be liberal but in some strategy meeting they probably decided that he could serve the cause better if he became a conservative and a Trojan horse.

You're a fucking German, go suck Mama Merkel's tit. When you Embrace German Idealism Again give us a call.

He's baiting the DNC while DACA ends and they say nothing about it. GOP lawmakers are already standing against trumps' proposals for confiscation from the mentally ill and lethargic Republican voters have become energised once more! Trump more or less said at CPAC that he would "have to scare voters back to the polling stations". If it works we'll see but I'm sure there are a lot of people behind the 500k New NRA memberships that have woken up from the victory slumber.
Only time will tell and we'll have shills until then.

>end daca, giving dems a reason to go vote
>scare old republicums into voting against their own party so that the president they voted for doesn't take their guns without due process
Wowe what a brilliant move, how does such a mastermind even exist, 7 more years baby!

Spot the odd one out and, therefore, the race traitor to the Aryan World.
>every fucking time.

>I'm so tough
>hang cigarette out my mouth
I usually don't hate womyn but I just want to smack that cigarette out of her young cheek, just so I could see the shocked expression on her face just before it cracks and she breaks down in tears an hysterics. If she fights back, you just have to expend a slight bit more effort to get her there.

>meme templar flag

Here's an article that covers republican support of the president
Real people in the republican party are already wise to Trump by the time of 95% support.
The outliers who mock and deride are either the 5% who suffer from Compulsory Knee-Jerk Syndrome or aren't supporters at all.

Like i said, we'll just have to wait and see

Umm no they haven't. Outside of the liberal states, gun control is more unpopular than ever. We are buying more and more guns.

Based bong, when will you start the next Civil War so I can join the Eagle Squadron to cleanse your lands of enemies?

"mental health reform" is the gun control, just under a different phrase

Im still tryna fuck her before that happens.


I wonder what happens if you were to tie up someone who smokes and they couldn't do it.

That monument is about western women sacrificing their children to the devil worshipers, while at the same time thinking they are very smart.

Does she have a unibrow?
I'd still fuck her but i would definitely ask her afterward, she can't possibly think people don't notice that

Based Obelix

You go to prison for kidnapping.

hehe xd

>Provoked or casual events make US society wonder about weapon matters
>Counter political parties start to get on that polemic train to get votes
>Trump administration obviously has to side with the gun control to keep legitimaction on his presidency
This is not exact since I'm not american and I don't know how much voters are for or against weapon control, It could be the typical bipartidism trick to keep population defenseless.
I'm against civil weapons use but in corrupted US people should put lead in the head of every globalist politician or corporatist.

Actually easier than just moderate policy move to test the demographic response

We are one of the main originators of Globalism so if our civil population wasn't armed and willing to stand off the Government, there would a lot more McDonald's in your land and a lot less Spain. Look at it that way.
Trump is playing his usual 3D chess. He is old-school conservative and will force the Democrats to do the dirty work. That's all this is and all it's ever been.

666% this



It’s already been explained a million times he wants every democrat gun control wet dream to be in one bill so it’s guaranteed to fail and he won’t get the blame for it. If you can’t understand that by this point, you have a low IQ and are incapable of recognizing that Trump has used this same tactic repeatedly, including with immigration less than a month ago.

>Syria bombing
>bomb their base

>school shooting
>take action on guns

No one died in Vegas.


>this is the average weebfaggot avat*rnigger.

Guy is so alpha and in control he is exceeding even my cynicism.

>the literally 27 thousand witnesses are all illuminati agents (who they hire from amateur actor casting calls)

why does the right wing attract such mental illness? is it a religion thing?

The same way the jew rows the economy. Trump rows public opinion. Its just correct application and release of pressure

4D chess my man

>God Emperor Trump is playing 3D Chess Goy

When Cornyn takes over allowing Sadiq Khan more time to worm his way into politics and make his way to the Prime Minister role where he'll open the gates resulting in a full blown Islamic conquest.


My computer is packed away for refurbishing the house.Liberalism

Of course because he has no personal stake in any party
brilliant to elect a private sector celebrity businessman i tell you

Indeed anime avatarfagging is the strongest indicator of cancer, barring tripfagging

Trump has been in favor of gun control for decades. But the difference this time was that Jews pushed him hard after parkland.

Trump did the same thing he always fucking does.

>STEP ONE: Say something absolutely retarded
>STEP TWO: Let them think about it
***we are here***
>STEP THREE: Come back with a vaguely more reasonable plan to the effect of "heads I win, tails you lose"
>STEP FOUR: Profit from either outcome.

You can tell when he's doing this because he starts sounding more open to everything, but stops making solid committments. When he starts saying "We should look into that", he means "Someone ought to make a study" or "I'm acknowledging your concern", not "This is the new plan". The Democrats haven't figured this out yet because they're thrown off by the fact that he announces new plans with phrases like "This is the new plan".

If he actually has more to say about this topic, it'll probably sound like "I'll give up bump stocks if you open the asylums, give teachers guns, and let Military IDs count as federal concealed carry permits." Kind of like how he turned DACA into "I'll let them stay if they win a game of Hide and Seek for twelve years if you build the wall and give ICE enough money to win every game of hide and seek ever."

Trump won this the second Diane Feinstein acted out the Happy Merchant hands and still managed to kill an entire topic of Democrat attack ads going into the midterms. Now all he has to do is sit on his ass and do literally nothing.


what's more, he stole all control of the media's gun control narrative and took all the heat from both sides while doing 0 legislative damage

ever since he made his statements this week, no one has been paying attention to CNN, Hogg the Zogg, or Bulldyke Baldy Spicstein

he can see how strong the kids movement on social media is, he understands that since he watches those trends

Exactly. No one is going to remember this shit a month from now because no legislation is going to be passed.

exactly this is his MO on everything, gaming the media is all he knows

He is doing what he can to keep children from being massacred. If you are in a position of power and something you don't like is happening, you would use the power vested in you to stop it.
It's time to take all law abiding citizens guns away so criminal niggers can break into their homes, rape their wife and kids, kill them, then take whatever they want.

good post. guy is a genius negotiator + media games

also good this

exactly, people are dumb af