If feminism can exist then why dont we establish an opposite ideology called "Masculinism"?

if feminism can exist then why dont we establish an opposite ideology called "Masculinism"?

Masculinism focus on the unfairness of the life in mens. lately, after the rise of liberalism and feminism. its different from patriarchy which prioritize all men.

masculinism most caters to masculine men and not those faggots who crossdresses and eat estrogen pills like rice. also its not for cucks that respect womens and enslave themselve to them. masculinism is something that increase the power of men and crush those mentally disabled libtards and cuckold that adheres themselves to woman oppresion.

we should try to make this a real thing if we dont want to be a spit bucket for woman and possibly get imprisoned because a woman killed our loved ones

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What's this "we" shit? Do it yourself.

Always rely on cameras if you're in the right. Don't let people treat you like that.

Women can only behave this way because they know authority will be on their side. If they act cunty, rely on technology to be on yours.

call it "reality" movement

cuck, the womens gathers together to lower our power and we just here fighting each other till the day they fuck all of us

>not calling that faggot out on his faggotry of only trying to get in their pants very loudly
Missed chances

Take it up with mangement.
Have him fired.

they could be a traitor

what if the managers are a bunch of cuck orbiters

Nobody here is fighting each other. You have unified us against you, you massive pussy booger. You lick other men's scrotums.

cameras cannot be cucks, they record events as they happened in real life.

if you got spit on request to see security footage, have her thrown out. simple.

women must rely on authority to manipulate since they will always be on her side. men must used technology to counteract this.

Take your business elsewhere.

Yes let us further segregate our species for trivial immature hot button issues that you can choose at any time not to play into

Fucking faggot

Um that already exists sweetie
Fucking educate yourself shitlord

toxic masculinity are just a term made by these woman to keep our power in check

if everything has its good and bad opposites then why theres no toxic feminity?

Because we live in bizzaro world and that's me answering you honestly

We got already MRA's, but they're a bunch of manbabies

because nobody would be able to keep a straight face

It's called the MRA.
Filled with soyboy pussy faggots.

I bully women for fun. Sometimes white knights jump to their defense and I bully them too. Last time a soyboy slapped me because I wouldn't give up my train seat to a feminist looking dyke.

He looked more shocked than I did. I laughed it off and asked him if he felt good, if he would like to punch me this time. So he could finally knows what it feels like to be a real men. He called me a mysoginist and stormed off.

I love being a dick.