What did he mean by this

What did he mean by this

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the fuck do you think he meant by that

That Alec Baldwin's impression of Donald Trump wasn't very good.

>When someone hits you, you have to hit them back HARD

>president of the united states making an ass out of himself on twitter
Your country is a clown show.

why does the president involve himself in such petty and insignificant matters?

Nice proxy, Alec

at least it's not a non-consensual orgy of immigrants and beautiful woman

because it will cause the news media to talk about it and people will REEEE over it while i laugh

Don't get me wrong I was a Trumplet when he was running but now it's just getting embarrassing.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy have a twitter account.



He’s not wrong. Hammond was way better.

Hammond would have probably been a better trump in all honesty

I hate Trump

Nah, it's pretty much the best part of ZOG in Chief's presidency.

Hes a dumb liberal cuck but i liked jack donagye at least.

>they still believe he'll be impeached
Sigh, libtards and their fantasies


Good, at least its better than the turgid tragedy that was the Obama and Bush administrations.

Hammond is dead tho

Holy shit!
Trump is so much more of a dudebro than niggers give him credit.
He's pretty much Sup Forums that never got hooked on drugs.
He's even conning the jew.
Trump is a great argument against drugs or for them if you're a pedo faggot
>like I do drugs
>just sentient enough to be against them
>Against child abuse and rape aswell

They have to or they'll die from insanity.

Holy shit!
Trump is so much more of a dudebro than niggers give him credit.
He's pretty much Sup Forums that never got hooked on drugs.
He's even conning the jew.
Trump is a great argument against drugs or for them if you're a pedo faggot
>like I do drugs
>just sentient enough to be against them
>Against child abuse and rape aswell

It means Fox and Friends did a segment on Alec Baldwin getting tired of playing Trump on SNL, and Trump repeated it like he repeats everything he sees on TV.

hammond as a dead clinton trumps baldwins trumped trump.

Hey now!

No, you just witnessed a public execution of some liberal shill jew actor. Trump just dismantled his pathetic “career” in the amount of time it took to pinch a turd.

Executed live for all Americans to see. Holy FUCK feels good to win again. The power of the pen is greater than the sword.

hes pretty funny not gonna lie, its also funny that the elites are using alec baldwin like how kim jung il used him in Team America.

Trying to think of what Norway does....

They'll exclaim, " AMERICAN EDUCATION"

As if any system of education would waste it's student's time memorizing the 200+ countries of earth with sub-Connecticut gdp and less than a paragraphs worth of noteable historical.

Their greatest contribution to civilization was the norwaybot that automatically archived huffpost articles on Sup Forums.

alec baldwin btfo