What do you do with Ukrainian rank-and-file Nationalists?

This is not about their leaders who are obviously Mossad/Western-special-services agents but about the rank-and-file ones.

What do you do with people who are so retarded that they actually do a Jewish-manufactured revolution despite being so obvious that what was happening in Ukraine was a (((color revolution))) to drag Ukraine to the JEWest??

What is wrong with those retards? And can Western Nationalists ever make them see their retarded way?

Sigh. Once again, nationalist don't allow their government, military, police, media, banking sector, major agriculture and manufacturing sectors to be run by foreigners.

Ukraine would be in a much better position if it actually had nationalists in power. All they have now are whores for hire.

It wouldn't be a problem if the economic and social situation was better

Globalists have been pushing nationalism in Ukraine specifically because that's a way to fuck it over by dividing it upon imaginary lines.

Oh look, we look the same, have the same religions, the same culture, the same history, but you have 0.02% differences in your language therefore you are our enemy.

they're traitors. firing squad

They're morons. They constantly agitated against the Russian minority in the east because they spoke Russian, except this was fucking stupid because there was never even a hint of seperatism before the Maidan.

nationalist that handed the country over to multi nationalist corporations.
killed their fellow citizen and lowered the standard of living for decades.
yup they're nationalist

hey I wonder what would happen if they let morons run the country for a while

I'd say that if you're a lowly member of the leader who right wing right sector and you know your leader is called (((Yarosh))) last name and is proudly wearing a star of David necklace you're a drooling retard

Cuz they are constantly being brainwashed by the media

proves my theory about the right in general.
a bunch of traitorous halfwits ready and willing to stab their neighbors in the back for a half thought out ideology

Because Ukraine has many jews. Odessa is the jew city.

they don't like russians but watch it now take all the middle eastern and africans refugees




Cry more, butthurt Russiaboo faggot. Ukraine deserves its own path. Not a single country that borders you likes you, Russia. And by alienating Ukraine you alienated pretty much what was left of your crumbling USSR empire.

I mean really, how do you make an enemy of your neighbor like that? Who is 99% similar to you in every way? Guess that 1%, being Russian, made all the difference. Nobody in their right mind would trust a Russian. Especially because you act like schizophrenics every time countries decide to say fuck you and engage in better relations with the West.

Imagine having the geopolitical clout of a fucking drug dealer LMAO. "If you buy your shit from that kid over there I'm gonna send goons to your house okay??? ;)"


Nationalists are not in power though.

Liberals and etc are in power, many of them are Jews. If you think that Ukraine is ran by Nazis you are an idiot.

>why they didn't come to power
Crimea, old elites consolidating electorate around them in face of the enemy. In Russia Putin did the same with his electorate, Jew oligarchs on both sides won.
Nationalists in Ukraine are still not in power but uniting before next elections. Also, they are not pro-EU, you confuse it with Porky the chocolate king.

>Nationalists are not in power though.
too stupid?


yeah that was the plan

They failed to hang globalists regardless of their political alignment.

the righteous right wins again