David Brooks NYT: Progressives win the Culture Wars by being socially aggressive


If you think liberals were SJW's before, just wait for the near future. They've concluded that their most effective methods are middle school tier social bullying: ostracizing, shaming, stigmatizing, and other faggot tactics. They've decided that obtaining political power is a lost cause so they're just going to weaponize their social power to shame us into giving up guns.

Be ready to be forced to defend yourself from these snakes. They're going to hit below the belt. Obviously there's nothing new about that, but this is a rare moment of being honest about their methods.

It's also a rare moment of self-awareness (pic related) where they realize that their tactics will create a backlash.

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He is of course right. Rights have retreated from cities for years and left academia, finance and business power centers to jews and useful idiots. Why would they change tactics when it’s so effective?

Whites* have retreated

Yeah, burning cars and punching people who disagree sure helped them in 2016.

>culturally aggressive
>polite society

Sounds like the author doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. What a surprise

Bring it. I'll buy more guns just to piss them off.

Whites must stop retreating.

It's not a culture war worth winning.

David Brooks is a full-on RINO cuck, and this article makes it patent, yet again. He's such a pussy he can't stick to his own values for fear of being ostracized from "polite" NYC society. Boo fucking hoo, you giant flagellating mangina. Fuck off.

It represents thatbtheeyve realized what works for them and are doubling down. They're abandoning persuasion for illiberal tactics. This is simply because their ideas are bad, only exist to increase their power, and don't stand up to scrutiny. Instead of reevaluating, they're just going to get petty about it.

What they don't understand but Brooks mentions at the end is that we can take up illiberal methods too, but ours will involve authoritarian government instead of being a mincing faggot and keeping our kids out of private schools/not inviting us to parties/not going to lunch with us

This is why they will lose

These words are unrelated to the principles behind them. It's classic leftist combat. When they say "polite society", they just mean to talk about themselves in a flattering light.

It'll guarantee revolt if they plan on getting all whites that resist their evil agenda fired or denying them basic rights.

>David Brooks
Pic related.

>It represents thatbtheeyve realized what works for them and are doubling down. They're abandoning persuasion for illiberal tactics. This is simply because their ideas are bad, only exist to increase their power, and don't stand up to scrutiny. Instead of reevaluating, they're just going to get petty about it.
>What they don't understand but Brooks mentions at the end is that we can take up illiberal methods too, but ours will involve authoritarian government instead of being a mincing faggot and keeping our kids out of private schools/not inviting us to parties/not going to lunch with us

Tripps for truth
The thing is when push comes to shove The American Conservative has never had a problem killing communists

>doubling down
of course

>nobody trusts us with political power
>let's be massive cunts and get everyone who owns a gun fired for a political disagreement
What a brilliant concept that can in no way backfire for any reason

Basically this. Things were great for decades, then good for decades, and now things are kind of shitty and getting worse. The good times are over and we're just now getting back into fighting shape. But we will have no issues crushing our enemies

fuck this guy

>Be ready to be forced to defend yourself from these snakes.
im a stay at home dad and my wife already knows im a lil racist and slam to traps. COME GET ME


The response to this type of attack is violence against them. These people need to start getting the crap beat out of them.

Actually an excellent and measured article from a man who clearly has some foresight. Reread the last line; he’s saying further militant progressivism will result in a new Hitler, essentially.

He is absolutely right about campus codes becomes workplace codes. This is why our movement needs to be elitist and anti politics. The culture war is all that matters. Our enemies are now fighting for positions that are beyond ridiculous, if we can’t win in this environment we don’t deserve to.

But he’s right about the endgame of this if the progressives win, it will result in a wipeout. The idea of progress is the enemy, not a political party.

>"big black cocks for all white wimman"

People are scared to point out gender exists. They have been beyond successful, let’s be frank about this. We have only just begun to fight back properly; there is a fucking long way to go. The solution isn’t political.

molon labias

>polite NYC society
Controls all of the levers of cultural, financial and intellectual power in the country. We have to fight this on an elite level

You can't be shamed or influenced by people who you hold in utter contempt. They still don't understand this because they live in such isolated little bubble communities.

This is how I took it. It's the first time I've seen anyone near the left bring up how big of a backlash their tactics will create, through. It's a warning that will likely go unheeded.

They've created Weimar conditions with their degeneracy and are about to create the humiliations of the Treaty of Versailles. All that's left will be economic ruin, which is guaranteed by 2030 due to US federal entitlements.

Hi David 56% Brooks.
Nobody on Sup Forums wants to read your stale opinions. You haven't been relevant in decades and you were never that relevant, more just a novelty act - a brown mutt Republican.

lol I'm not David Brooks shitdick. This is worth bringing up because it represents a significant gear shift in their methods. Have to stay ahead of leftists

They're accidentally creating social cohesiveness among white men.

i think david brooks is severely overestimating the appeal of "polite society", by which he presumably means him and his friends


They live in coastal and urban bubbles, sure, but their cultural influence cannot be denied. We're getting blown out culturally because we don't engage them on their batshit insane ideas. We just let them make their assertions in person and leave it be, which is why they have the pull they do

>and slam to traps.

Hey guys - I’m a Lurker. It’s obvious to me at this point that this is in fact all part of the plan. Burning the bridge at both ends was their plan all along. Coming from an Ashkenazi Jew, Jews really do have a tight grip on the U.S. The only thing any of you can do in the coming storm is to revolt against the modern war. I don’t want to lose Europe, and America. This culture clash can only end one way, and it all depends on if you guys can muster the strength to press on. Action > Words

trips of truth betray you, you satanic kike

Lurk moar, (((David)))

This is correct. We've only recently begun to reorganize as whites, particularly white men

>The only thing I’d say to my progressive friends is, be careful how you win your victories. It is one thing to win by persuasion and another thing to win by elite cultural intimidation. Illiberalism breeds illiberalism. Using elite power, whether economic or cultural, to silence less educated foes usually produces a backlash.

>Conservatives have zero cultural power, but they have immense political power. Even today, voters trust Republicans on the gun issue more than Democrats. If you exile 40 percent of the country from respectable society they will mount a political backlash that will make Donald Trump look like Adlai Stevenson.

If we have 0 cultural power how come our memes are so dank?

The number of people that are included in the "polite society" he's talking about is shrinking by the day. The lefties might be able to influence corporations and the elite chattering classes, but ordinary white people are further from their grasp forever. If anyone actually gives up their guns over this I'd be shocked.

We have more Jews here than we know

Ruin a rightwingers life so she had nothing left and what do you think he does?

You set him free

Not wrong. I’d rather see Israel bombed and turned into the proper dustbin it deserves to be, than see Planet of The Apes come to fruition

Only cucks don't get angry knowing we have the moral high ground on the 2nd Amendment. 30,000 deaths a year including suicides versus 500,000 to 3,000,000 crimes thwarted, lives saved. The media coverage has been absolutely infuriating.

If Kek and Satan say I'm David brooks then I can't argue. Guess I'll just write an article about it?

30k gun deaths compared to 500k abortions. The left has no moral high ground if they push to stop one and push to raise the other.

Rules of comedy. The way getting hit by something unexpected sparks laughter. Our basic logic is so foreign to polite society the comedy hits hard... and then they start to realize we're right. mindfuck.

>They've decided that obtaining political power is a lost cause
You fucking idiot, they HAVE all the political power: they own every institution, the federal bureaucracies, the courts, the media, the universities, wall street, and both parties. They're defending their power from outsiders, not the other way around. You thought Trump winning one branch of government meant we were in control?

lol fucking newfag plebs

This explains the NeverTrump Republican. They don't hate Trump so much because of his policies. They hate him because he's aggressive and often impolite. They would rather be polite and get steamrolled than fight back against progressives who would love to enslave them.

This furthers explains why conservatives have conserved nothing.

read those popular reader comments, these people are so removed from reality.....

Jews wont give up trying 2 take over the USA completely until the ppl rise up and say NO.

They're the type of intellectual upper middle class snobs who unironically said after Trump's election "how the hell did he win? Nobody I know voted for him!"

>"now isn't the time to talk about gun control XX people just died"
Infuriating. They should be screaming and shoving those leftist political hacks from off the bodies and telling them ALL of their policies are responsible for these deaths. Gun-free zones, post-modern nihilism, anti-family anti-moral crusades etc etc etc.

Instead those faggots representing me in washington tuck tail and act like they've done something wrong, actually buy into left's framings.

We'll know we have some cultural power when colleges and universities start resisting Leftist thought control, when corporations stop surrendering to left-wing social issues, when the media stops interviewing fringe leftists on every issue to give them a platform, ect

Stop with the "abortion = murder!!!" meme. It makes you look like a religious nut. It is a losing battle. It's mostly niggers and spics who get aborted anyway, 1 less democrat voter each time.

Compare gun deaths to medical malpractice, car accidents, or drug overdose. Stop thee abortion comparisons already, it will not work with moderates.

You're clearly delusional.


That's what David brooks said you nigger. Within the context of gun rights they aren't politically effective so they're going to start applying social pressures and bullying

It's exactly why they love Romney. They'd rather have a genteel, polite, moral purist leader who loses than a rough around the edges bomb thrower who wins

One of them said that Progressives weren't interested in power. What ducking planet do they live on?

I don't think you're correctly assessing the situation.
>People are scared to point out gender exists
I don't know so much if it's a matter of people being scared or it's a matter of people knowing that it is pointless to engage in the discussion. I could assert that there are two genders. but then I'm inviting them to respond with an enormous critical apparatus they designed. And going by their system and their definition they can say whatever they want about gender. So I am left with the choice of rolling my eyes and going on to talk to more sensible people, or casting pearls before swine by dropping things that are true on them like the following
> nehmen wir uns den Spruch 1. Mose 1, 27 vor: »Gott schuf den Menschen, als Mann und Weib.« Auf Grund dieses Spruches sind wir sicher, dass Gott die Menschen in die zwei Teile geteilt hat: dass Mann und Weib oder ein Er und Sie sein soll. Und das hat ihm so
gefallen, dass er’s selbst ein gutes Schöpfungswerk nennt (1. Mose 1, 31). Darum
wie Gott seinen Leib einem jeden von uns geschaffen hat, so muss er ihn haben, und
es steht nicht in unserer Gewalt, dass ich mich zu einem Weibsbild oder du dich zu
einem Mannsbilde machest, sondern wie er mich und dich gemacht hat, so sind wir:
ich ein Mann, du ein Weib. Und solch gutes Schöpfungswerk will er geehrt und als
sein göttlich Werk unverachtet (gehalten) haben, dass der Mann das Weibsbild nicht
verachte noch verspotte, und umgekehrt (auch) das Weib den Mann nicht, sondern
dass ein jeglicher des andern Bild und Leib als ein göttlich gut Werk ehre, das Gott
selbst wohl gefällt.

But what good will come of telling these blasphemous dogs the truth? Only that those who witness the conversation hear the truth.

So we yield. Let them spout their lies. The only ruin their own credibility.
This. They can get grudging conformity and be like a despised schoolmarm who is loathe to turn her back to the pupils.

What's hilarious is that the milquetoast pussies like Romney who cuck to get votes still get labeled nazi and racist and etc.

Explaining this to my boomer mother back during the elections was entertainment. "You have to punch back. These are the people killing western civilization! Don't be nice about it." Good times. She hated it. Probably hated too that I made sense.

>Compare gun deaths to medical malpractice, car accidents, or drug overdose.

I don't know that even those comparisons are persuasive. Just because 1 "evil" deals less death than a different "evil" doesn't make the former somehow less evil.

The entire issue is an abuse of reason. The idea that gun control = less gun violence is a non sequitur. No one ever articulates exactly how gun control will reduce violence, they just act as if it's a foregone conclusion. As such, we're left in a defensive position arguing within that framework.

We need to reject that very idea out of hand, as it's empirically untrue.

Then again, the overwhelming majority of people are swayed by emotion and their own cognitive bias, not by deductive / inductive reasoning, so...

Now that would be a David Brooks article I might read.
And David, next time don't post a mobile link, it makes you look like even more of a faggot. And use an archive ffs:


Not Jewish. I see Jews who don't "out vey" about being Jews and are instead normal Americans all the time. Organizing as a separate group without assimilating is a problem for me but genociding all Jews is not really an option because it robs us of powerful allies

We can't hope to combat communists on an elite level if we reject right wing Jews. We need to coopt them and be forever suspicious of them, but threatening to gas all of them is a losing proposition

>Those comments

JFC.. we as a society need to have an open debate about all topics in a quest for how to better society.

There are so many presumptions based on lies that makes having a discussion about anything impossible.

To just make claims like everything the left has supported since 1950 ended up being right is just preposterous.

These people don’t want to have a debate they just want to force their ideas on us.. they are enemies

Why can't Jews be normal white Americans? Why must they insist on being a separate identity?

>but their cultural influence cannot be denied
The left is setting up a collection of pieties that beg to be subverted in a culture that they have in large part made completely intolerant toward pieties. This is hardly an enviable position for them. How does cultural marxism start a thermidor when all they have done is subvert for decades?

Guns are banned in Mexico. Anyone that wants to ban guns needs to first watch cartel execution videos.. then we can talk

>genociding all Jews is not really an option because it robs us of powerful allies

Such as?

>overwhelming majority of people are swayed by emotion and their own cognitive bias, not by deductive / inductive reasoning, so..
We need to scrap democracy or atleast severely limit the franchise

They're humblebragging. These people will always frame any problem with progressive ideology as progressives simply being too fair, too nice, and too intelligent for their own good. They believe themselves to be in possession of the one objectively true political philosophy that's only fault is that people are imperfect and therefore fail to live up to their perfect beliefs.

Compromising doesn't work with the left because they don't have lives to live that can make them happy. They're on a never ending quest for power and the destruction of the West. We can go back to jobs and families that we are content with living, but they EXIST to control others. None of their arguments are in good faith; it's all a ploy for more influence

>None of their arguments are in good faith

The irony of this is they assume the same of us..

It really is the case that we are generally wired differently.


let's be perfectly clear: the white gentile has NO allies. when there's a gun at your head, a knife at your throat -- absolutely NOBODY is going to come save your ass. really think chang, pajeet or chaim care if whitey is getting the south african farm treatment? they wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire. looking for "allies" or even worrying about the concept is like trying to wring water from a stone. only we and we alone are masters of our destiny. we will die or survive by our own hand, by our own merits.

This is how they're choosing to align themselves. I've they openly organize we have an enemy to target. We were only soft on them because they posed as rational actors and our countrymen but this is an unfathomable strategic mistake for them

Exactly. How do they plan to create an order when they've set up our political conversations to be solely about deconstructing?

Completely agree with the author of the article. He seems to suggest at the end that leftists will win the culture war, but this will in turn lead back to fire and brimestone from conservatives -- who will win a real war against Jimmy Kimmel and Oprah.

Miller and Prager are two public ones. I know lots of otherwise normal Jews who agree with us but don't support us from powerful positions because we always talk about slaughtering them. We need to be critical of the Jews and their self separation but not genocidal. We'll get a foothold in the elite that way

It's religion without God

Yes, but they are projecting that onto us. We treated their arguments as good faith but misguided for decades until we got to trannies and white genocide. Now we know what they're really about

If we can reassert how effective, just, prosperous, and powerful white civilization is, we can gather allies and support

The author is completely right.

Leftists/Liberals know that their economic and societal policies are harmful and idiotic.
Thus, they resort to shaming tactics: If you don't agree with us, you are a
- Nazi
- racist
- sexist
- homophobe
- anti-semite
- islamophobe.

Conservatives never cought on to that emotional campaigning. Instead, they relied on facts. But: emotions > facts.

This is why the far left isn't really all that dangerous. They cannot learn new tricks. You get enough cuckservatives like Brooks, Thomas Friedman, McCain, etc. asserting a new "sensible center" though and you might actually end up with some kind of establishment that is able to assert some kind of Values (and I'm using this term in the most general sense) and try to impose them on the public. But those people are despised, so it's all good.

they are transforming into final form - filthy bolshevik

>the left will win the Cultural Revolution by dialing their Maoist tactics up to 200%!

this is precisely what McCarthy warned us would happen. Hostile communists have thoroughly infested the USA in CURRENT YEAR and their goal is complete destruction so it can be turned into a sociopathic, soulless ant colony run by criminal commiejews.

So they are going to spaz out more? Great, that's what drives people to our side

So if you don't agree with us, we can call you niggers, faggots, cucks, pussies, traitors, communists, etc but those get us fired and ostracized because they know that kind of warfare is effective

It's also why sniper campaigns won't be effective. They will just use it to shame gun owners as terrorists

Those guys are completely vindicated in my eyes. Also, Roy Cohn was both Trump 's lawyer and McCarthy's lawyer. Also a jew and a faggot btw

>but those get us fired
And how did the left achieve that?
By relentless shaming via their jobs in the media, by demonstrations, by organizing.

Conservatives were too busy earning money and only caring about themselves.

Most conservatives in this country are regular people that work jobs and don't have the time to go marching or shouting in the streets trying to change things

Those people are despised because of the left's use of critical theory to poising the water of centrists. If everyone to the right of Stalin is a Nazi fascist, there is no hope to create a sensible center

what he doesn't just flat out say is that conservatives have conserved... nothing! what is conservatism? it's fucking toryism. it's slower progress. american "conservatives" are afraid to even call themselves right-wing! they're so gormless, so patently fake it makes me want to vomit. american conservatism is farcical, decadent and deranged. mr. brooks ought to realize -- and i mean he needs to internalize this shit -- that people are waking the fuck up to the fact that conservatism is philosophically empty! it's still the same end result as leftism. it is a dead-end corpse of an "ideology".

They win the culture wars by owning the media and being supported by all the richest people on earth.

ive never seren an alt right at a job if they showed their power level theyd be fired

hey libshits.

come bully me in my my backyard.

Scared my ass, we don't arrest people for it in my country.

whatever get us faster to them tasting lead the better