Post animes that would be vastly improved by dropping Jotaro Kujo into them

Post animes that would be vastly improved by dropping Jotaro Kujo into them.

Assume stands work like normal and has the highest world time.

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>Post animes that would be vastly improved by dropping Jotaro Kujo
you could improve part 3 by dropping jotaro


Holy crap don't make posts after writing two lab reports.



Recreators, but Yuuya is Dio and Sho is Jotaro.

Yuri on ice

>jotaro is Yuri's iceskating rival and Viktor's friend but also his fanboy
>jotaro aims for the Viktorbowl too
>cockblocks Yuri at every turn
I'd watch it.

Elven Lied



Wouldn't the world completely get rid of the usefulness of the hands?

World, move in, ora, move out

Except for the pink moetarded mutants and peeing, the invisible lightspeed hands that phase through matter are pretty much a non-user's perspective of Stand battles.


He does like sea life after all, so him acting like a normal high schooler and joining a club would be funny to me.

Jotaro would be hilarious in this one

Especially if he ends up at their high school.

Code Geass

>Could easily have them become their Over Heaven counterparts and actually have them be useful in fighting Altair
Hey that works.

If I could drop Jotaro into the position of any main character that acts like a doormat, constantly apologizing and only standing up for himself for the big things never the annoying shit they just let pass.
I would love to see him in Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon or something along that line. I like the main character Bell but he always acts too fucking passive when it comes to people bothering him and his friends. I'd love to see Bell just up and knock a dudes teeth out for shit talking his goddess but nope, Japanese like their MC's with no spine unless it comes down to some big moral dilemma.


I'm pretty certain Suzaku already has a stand. Considering the stuff he's done.

Jotaro would be awesome in Yuki's spot

>Gets attacked by yuno with an axe
Yare Yare Daze

Jotaro is like of the least interesting characters in the whole Jojoverse, yet the one with the most screen time

Actually you could expand it to other joestars

Joseph would be hilarious in shiki. It might improve the start.

Love Live


put young jotaro into diamond is unbreakable

Triggering people's OCD is hilarious

>I was only pretending to be retarded

If by triggering other peoples OCD you mean looing like an uneducated and ignorant idiot then yes, hilarious.

If we expand to manga seeing jotero mess up a junji ito manga would be interesting.

I think it's hilarious that people can be triggered by one word.

Shit taste. He's the best JoJo and only redditors disagree

Aho girl

Yoshiko fucking dead after 1 ep

Jotaro tends to fall for enemy tricks so there can be a plot before he turns it around at the end. He'd get caught in the Aho Field and trip himself up trying to follow her logic, same as everybody.

>Jospeh wakes up
>in Japanese house
>sleeping on the floor
>bewildered by how he got to japan, and angry that he is in japan.
>goes outside
>walks around
>suddenly gets attacked by a human with large fangs
>the next day villagers wake to find the mansion abandoned with charred corpses everywhere
>Indiana Jones hat left on a coat rack

Re:Zero, the story is totally fucked because Jotaro won't give a single fuck about Emilia and he will probably never even realise he has a power to come back to life after dying, because he doesn't die once.

anything running this season

Star Platinum does Star Finger, hitting in the back of Marikos head, damaging her pineal gland and ending her vectors

He wouldn't even have to do that.

He could world and punch through her chest like dio did to best boy.

> Post animes that would be vastly improved by dropping Jotaro Kujo into them.
> Not the true hero of part 3 Polnareff

Why is your taste so bad?

>Not kakyoin

Rero Rero Rero

Fuck of newfag


imagine jotaro popping up in apocrypha instead of sieg

How do you think Jotaro would fare in hellsing?

This would be funny
Just some Japanese punk ends up in the video game. Beats the crap outta everyone.

I think it'd be pretty funny to see how jotaro and star platinum handles being in Assassination classroom. His speed and precision vs koro sensei

I would watch this 100%