Italy/pol/ -2 Days to Elections [Globalists on Suicide Watch Edition]

34% of Italians Want to Expel all Foreigners, Recent Survey Says [English]

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration [English]

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna [Eng Translate]

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples [Eng Translate]

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" [Eng Translate]

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]


Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union [English]

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" [Eng Translate]

Giorgia-chan (Fratelli d'Italia): "We will outlaw Antifa when in govt" [Eng Translate]

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" [Eng Translate]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore [Eng Translate]

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/4400ce08d3549d97ad37a684ce49f2a248ed19b822a002ee8c7bd91569eff7a5.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:

Nation Election Day: 4 March 2018

Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,3%

CasaPound Italia [fascists] 1,9%

Right Wing Coalition: 37,6%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3%
- Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/neofascists] 5,5%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%

Globalist Coalition: 25,6%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7%
- Civica Popolare [classic liberals] 0,5%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%

Potere al Popolo [progressives/SJWs] 1,5%

Partito Comunista Italiano [communists] 0,2%


LGBT activists launched their agenda and Liberi e Uguali agreed in push it when they will be elected.

Their agenda:

>Marriage for everyone
Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, faggots and dykes can have a private contract if they want to regulate their relationship.

>Give the option to fags and dykes to grow childrens
Kids need both a mom and a dad to grow up as sane persons. Absolutely degenerate.

>Laws agains homophobia and transphobia
The fuck this even means? The State decide who can I hate and who I cant? Nonsense, also this would be incostitutional.

>Artificial insemination law for lesbians
These people must be insane. Kids happens because penis in bagina, not because science magic tricks. You know this since 5 years old.

>Remove the transgender status of mental illness
So they wanna make me believe a dude who think he's a girl born in the wrong body isnt a mental retard? This is absolute nonsense.

Spread it like fire, we need Liberi e Uguali outside the parliament (under 3%). I dont want people who agree with these nonsense near any Istitutional building.

1) Italian Election: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

2) Black Pigeon Speaks vid:
Electoral New HOPE: Italy STRIKES BACK at the EU (English)

3) The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

4) Quick rundown on our last govt and Italian parties in this 2018 election

first for MASSCLEANING post election
street by street

I wonder where this cuck raid is coming from

Death to all leghisti and fascists. Vote potere al popolo or get read to hang upside down like you fascist pig hero

6th for Ducetta!

Anyone else watching Crozza now for memes?
He started with shitting on John Oliver

Reminder to vote for PD on March 4th

A little bird told me that secret surveys sayd FI is above Lega of about 5 points.
Was it a shill or...

What’s a good source of Italian news in English (or simplified Italian)?

+1 for killing all the fascists


You guys seem to be doing well recently.
Keep that up.

+Europa e LEU sono la risposta, sono approvati dagli antifa, sono il meglio, non votate i pseudofascisti come Lega solo perchè hanno cambiato volto e strategia perchè l'apparenza in ghana!

you need to go back to your shithole amerimutt

reminder Potere al Popolo is literally sponsored by mafiosi

which kind of news?

How many hours left until results?

What are there chances this year?

Reminder to vote Partito Comunista

try in like 30 hours

guys you NEED to see this (and downvote it).
fucking nigger enabler music.


Political or local in Rome since I studied there and I’m fairly familiar with the city.

she's so pretty

Italian kekistani here is yours General! I have just one order! FIGHT HARD!

quando a colazione vedo gli antifascisti e anarchici venir presi a manganellate nelle tempie dalla polizia so che sarà una buona giornata e parto subito di buon umore
grazie per rendere le mie giornate migliori con le tue fantasie idiote :)

What he said on Olicuck?

Should wrap up around noon on Monday

>A pede in my ITALY

>tfw no M5S Lega alliance
why even live?

For the average person, morality and decency are things that have to be enforced. Rome had it right in its republic before it gave the plebeians voting rights. There's nothing wrong with elitism.


LeU M5s is the best outcome possible.

And cute!

Pretty much
>To shut the fuck up and talk about trump, we don't need someone from america to talk shit on our politicians, leave that job to us e che cazzo

Now he is shitting on Renzi about how much of a JUST is the PD

Well... dunno.
There is Ansa btw on national level:

Togliatti, pls.



one man can dream

>The CIA was founded in 1947.

>1947 was the year of the founding of the anti-Catholic group called "Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State" (POAU; now simply called Americans United), a coalition of Protestants and Scottish Rite Freemasons (who provided funding), allied with Jews (legal counsel was provided by the Jew Leo Pfeffer), that fought against government funding of Catholic schools and other alleged violations against separation of church and state by Catholics, and that tried to prevent the 1960 election of JFK because he was a Catholic. POAU was mentioned in E. Michael Jones' books John Cardinal Krol and Slaughter of Cities, and Dave Wemhoff's book on John Courtney Murray.

>In 1947, 7 out of the 9 US Supreme Court Justices were Freemasons, including Black and Douglas

>In 1947, Frank Gigliotti (Freemason, Protestant minister, OSS agent, CIA agent, and POAU founding father) went to Italy with fellow Protestant/Freemason Charles Fama to work on the re-writing of the Italian Constitution in support of separation of (Catholic) church and state, and freedom of assembly for freemasons and Protestants (as a fifth column). Gigliotti also brokered the 1960 unification of the two Supreme Councils of Italian Freemasonry: the Grand Lodge and the Grand Orient. His work laid the groundwork for the P2 Masonic Lodge and the Gladio/NATO stay-behind armies.

You're calling me an amerimutt yet you oppose an end to immigration into your own country, where your people will be a minority within 100 years. What do you think will happen to your children?

If I can remember right, it was also mentioned in E. Michael Jones book 'Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control'.

Let’s say salvini get more votes than Berlusconi and the coalition get 40% + 1 vote.
What happens next?

>ywn sniff her armpits


Tajani premier and Salvini Ministro degli Interni

Berlusconi leave the alliance

Frozen general BTFO

everyone should read Libido Dominandi desu

John Oliver is now a candidate in the Italian election.

umm no

berlusconi will never go down in infamy as the backstabber of the coalition like fini, alfano or casini did before him TO him, he'd be delivering the country to M5S or PD. besides he'd still have a lot of leverage in the coalition even if FI isn't the first party.

>ywn choke under her armpits


You need to be a citizen to do that unsurprisingly

>ywn choke under her thighs

>ywn smell her sweaty feet


>ywn be whipped by her

Blood ritual sacrificing of the shitskins on behalf of the italiana waifu when?

>ywn be called a good boy by her

Ho appena ottenuto la citadinanza, chi voto?

Its literally last chance to to close borders.

Yep, when your economy is in the shitter, mass immigration is destroying the country and international influence is close to zero, it's pure wisdom to focus your election on the gay issue.

t. russian hacker

>ywn smell her wet, smelly farts

But user, that's racist

>ywn taste her fresh piss

Not last, but this potentially can be big.

Apparently not.





WOW the slide in this thread...

No, you do, John Oliver was talking out of his ass as usual
Besides you can't actually be a "candidate" for that role since it's not elective

welcome to pol


I don't need reddit shills to welcome me here.



Non so da quale sito sia stato preso questo sondaggio ma qualunque sito sia, deve essere il top del cuckold se considerano veramente la Castaldini come "anti-rainbow".

Questo anche...
>Il 29 dicembre Casini partecipa alla fondazione della lista Civica Popolare assieme ai Centristi per l'Europa, Alternativa Popolare di Beatrice Lorenzin, Unione per il Trentino di Lorenzo Dellai, L'Italia è Popolare di Giuseppe De Mita e l'Italia dei Valori di Ignazio Messina.[28] La lista appoggia il PD di Matteo Renzi in vista delle elezioni politiche di marzo 2018 e Casini è il candidato della coalizione all’uninominale di Bologna.

t.reddit shill

I'm sure you're right, Oliver is getting lazier by the day.

Anyway, party election are always boring. I prefer individual elections but ex-facist countries can't really afford them.


the cuck reveals himself

Fuck off Ahmed.

>taking the bait

Whatever you vote, vote white power

Keep posting porn, I hope MODS ban you.

are you trying to hack me again?

i've lost nothing by replying to you friend, I don't understand this mentality

>restarts router
This triggers the shitskin

Footjobs dont belong here nor do titfucking a nigger belong here you filthy anime weeb

Why should we POC vote for whites?

m5s shills are literally worse than magapedes
