Google sued for discriminating against white and asian men
From the comments:
>You’ve had many people of color that have been ignored for far too long. If you feel fucking uncomfortable, then you can fuck right off. I hope Google and other tech companies are doing this because the uncomfortable truth for the bro white fuck boys out there is that there are too fucking many of them. If you can’t fire the pale and disgusting fucks, then you need to cut off their blood supply and starve them out. Whites have spent the entirety of the tech industry only hiring other pale shits, so, fuck them.

If you call yourself an ally, then understand to defeat a system of oppression is to remove yourself from benefiting it. Quit your job and give it so someone of color.

Other urls found in this thread:

>According to the lawsuit, Wilberg recruited candidates for engineering and tech jobs at Google and YouTube. The suit alleges that for several years, the company “had and implemented clear and irrefutable policies, memorialized in writing and consistently implemented in practice, of systematically discriminating in favor job applicants who are Hispanic, African American, or female, and against Caucasian and Asian men.” It noted that these policies were made evident in “multiple bulletins, memorandum, charts, and other documents” that were prepared and approved by leadership at the company.
Disgusting. I hope everyone sues the shit out of them and one day go out of business.

Who the fuck would sue over this?

You can just leave them alone and eventually the company will be taken over by nogs and destroy itself
Not if the glow-in-the-darks keep them propped up

Why those guys not just leave google? Find job elsewhere or start their own companies? Those are fucking software engineers, google is FUCKED without them. There is not enough black and wymyn to replace them. Google will just fall apart and something better will emerge. I would feel disgusted working for such company to be honest.

This lawyer goes over the lawsuit in great detail:

Its an interesting listen, podcast-like.

Because the glow-in-the-darks won't let any company that they don't own ever become successful

Google will win the lawsuit. That's a easy win for the left. Left controlls all the courts, prosecutors, judges etc all jewish or "power women of color" what chance do you think the white goy has??

They will . (((They))) will laugh him out of court and you will remain in denial like the rest of the altcucks.

Then learn something different and leave software industry, have some fucking pride, jesus... You guys in America lost you balls.

That's actually happening now

Unfortunately, I think you're right. As far as I can tell, the only way to change things now is a hard reset.

Sad but true. At least we win short term because Drumph is in office. The demographics are against us though, we are just South Africa 2.0, but the blacks shouldn't get critical mass in our lifetimes. Sucks to be the future and see the white race die.

That's great

By that time USA will fall appart and will be conquered by China. Greet your chink overlords.

>insectoid meme
don't you have some evidence of death camps to find?

I trust Asians thousand times more than blacks. Asians can see the use in us, for innovation, labor, and consumers. I welcome our future Asian overlords. (they might give us the green light to rid the world of useless ape-humanzees.)

The funniest thing is that black lives matter wants non-whites in charge. They don't realize the next in line is asians. And I suspect they'll wish they had the whites back in charge.

They don't think that far ahead, they don't care if they are going to eat dirt cookies and starve to death in 50 years, as long as they can steal the white mans' stuff today.

And going by the Zimbabwe example, the white countries will rush into South Africa anyway with food aid and free everything, once they start starving when they kill their whites. Blacks are retarded, but we are the stuppidest race by far

>White Western society finally collapses and dies
>Asian overlords take over
>promptly purge the cancerous SJWs from the White race, then give us some autonomy as vassals (and perhaps in time we start a new nation where we work hard and return to being seen as equals)
>blacks are mercilessly enslaved and serve their intended purpose as beasts of burden
Honestly, it's not my truly ideal future but I can definitely live with it. Time to start learning Chinese, though. Canada'll be a Chinese country far sooner than America since it's already halfway there.

Eh, I don't think it's that bad. China may have numbers, but in a fight my money is still on white people. The only way china takes over is if the west just sells everything to them and goes quietly into the night. 10 years ago I would have said that is impossible, now I'm not so sure. So many self hating whites it's ridiculous.

We are giving our countries away, China won't take anything from us, they will buy the US from the Blacks, just like South Africa where the blacks are taking all property from the whites now.

lol Google isn't gonna fold. these bullshit jobs given to retarded minorities and lgbtq are lucrative af and they DO NOTHING. it's all smoke and mirrors bullshit.

imagine getting paid $120,000 a year to do jack shit all day and you get to improve your resume by having GOOGLE on it. all of a sudden recruiters are blowing up your linkedin offering you $160,000 and $20,000 relocation money. that's why people want these fucking jobs

Only thing that works is hitting their wallets. Hopefully more people sue over this blatant discrimination.

It reminds me of something about the Weinstein scandal...
Some folks must be complicit.

If someone is going along with it so they can protect their paycheck/mortgage/professional reputation, then they are making the problem worse.

If someone attacks you, you have a duty (to your community) to do something to stop it. Report and press charges, or something. Letting them get away with it is shirking your duty.

More proof that whites and Asians need an alliance. The Chinese aren't held back by the political correctness that plagues white nations. And political correctness isn't just about screaming racial slurs or something. It causes actual physical harm, by silencing people so they can't criticize their attackers, their rapists, etc.

Also, white people and Asian people are the most attractive. Gee it's almost like they're shitting on the people who commit the least crime, are the best looking, have the highest IQs, and make the coolest stuff.

If white people and Asians don't form an alliance quick, the future will belong to a bunch of ugly 80 IQ retards.

Step one: Get white people to build google
Step two: get google to so ingrained in the internet that it can create a profile of nearly every internet user
Step three: fill all positions with people who are either too stupid to realize that their spying on everybody or people who don't care/ support it because it gives them power over white people.

With only minimal hyperbole, Canada literally belongs to China. British Columbia is entirely a Chinese province. I'm not kidding, we call Vancouver "Hongcouver" because it's like 80% Chinese and the primary spoken and written language is Chinese, not English. If you ever go to Vancouver, the first language on every official government sign is Chinese, then English, then French. I forget if they speak Cantonese or Mandarin, so pardon my lack of distinction. In general though, our last few Prime Ministers have been eager to sell our country to China. Trudeau has been continuing to sell Canada to China at an alarming rate.
Actually, just recently the Chinese government took over the largest Chinese foreign real estate buyer, so Vancouver LITERALLY belongs to the Chinese government now. No joke, no hyperbole.
Maybe America won't completely sell out, but I can honest to god see Canada becoming official Chinese territory like Hong Kong, Taiwan, in the next 20 years.


The strong are stronger without allies

1499 faggot

So this is why I didn't get an internship