Sup Sup Forums, today I am turned 30 and I have a couple advice for you youngster on how not to be a degenerate broke

Sup Sup Forums, today I am turned 30 and I have a couple advice for you youngster on how not to be a degenerate broke.

1. Stop smoking - cigarettes is ruining your health, it's the most degenerate thing one could possibly do in his life aside from taking drugs. E-cigs can be a good way to start and lowering nicotine dose over time can make the process of breaking the habit painless.

2. Stay away from the alcohol, if you can't force yourself not to drink at all, then invent a rule not to drink more often than once a month. Ethanol damages pretty much every system in the organism.

3. Start exercising. Our bodies not evolved to browse the internet all day, but to move, hunt, struggle. If you don't like the workout, find a sport that suits you. I personally do boxing. It won't only make you healthier but also help you to socialize and develop self-control, discipline, and confidence.

4. Build relationships with people around you. We are social creatures, evolved to live in small groups, being solitary is harmful to mental health. Call your parents, meet your friends, text your acquaintances more often. Help people you know and they'll help you later.

5. Stick to your own kind. Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your nation, your race are the people that see you as "part of the tribe" as "kin". Help them. A jew would help a jew, a Muslim would help the Muslim, so you should prefer people of your kind. People outside of Europe are tribalistic and would prefer their own kind thousand times over a westerner.

6. Start building capital. Save money, don't spend it on stupid stuff you don't really need. You don't need 100 games in Steam, you don't that expensive food in fancy restaurant (except you want to bang that chick). Get a better job, always strife for higher position. Don't listen to HR bullshit about horizontal development, the higher you're on hierarchy the better.

To be continued...

Other urls found in this thread:

7. Bin all that advice and focus on redpilling Sup Forums about the jews. That will get you a girlfriend.

8. kill yourself

7. Always LEARN. Learning must be a lifelong process. Knowledge of adjacent field can be extremely beneficial to your career. For example, if you work in tech, learn project management and help organize and lead your organization, you'll get noticed and get promoted fast.

8. Maintain a struggle attitude. Humankind history is the history of bloody competition for resources, women, territory, "place under the sun". Don't give up, treat failures as valuable experience and temporary setback.

9. Don't let other to manipulate you. Remember that everybody is pursuing their own agenda, everybody has his own interest. Always weight everything people around you say on how would it benefit you.

10. Do as kikes do, not what they advise you to.

Ata ben zana.

9. Diet
Good attempt, xoxlusha. But you are still a moskal in disguise.

Ken, ken, ken.
Ata blyat namuh.

I'm 29 and I'm dreading turning 30. I get anxiety about it.

(in secret we like you, see pic)

Угoмoниcь, пeлмeнь.
Giver her black hair. It's funnier if she looks like pussy diary girl.

Also, every (((russian))) in America is a kike.

>tfw recently turned 30
>right now i'm smoking, drinking, have no friends or relationships, poor as fuck, hate learning, and hate struggling

listen to op, kids. don't be like me.

Don't worry about it mate I'm 33 in a few days, I was freaking out about turning 30 as well but once it happens it's great. You don't have to pretend to fucking care about being cool and 20 anymore. Friday night fuck it I'm going to read a book. The hangovers are getting worse and worse mind, that's the thing stopping me drinking.

10. Ascend into heaven on a chariot of fire because you are Jesus, master of resisting all temptations

Shitposting aside, Xoxlusha, good advice all in all. You're just trying to give it to the kind of people who will always find someone to blame for their failures. The average Sup Forums user is a nigger in a white wrapper.

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

7) Follow most of the above, still be a degenerate muslim faggot.

daily reminder that there is no purpose in life and transcendence is a fantasy

take the mammalpill and eat, sleep, fuck, shit.

Пoнимaeшь, cpeднecтaтитичecкий житeль зaпaдa, oн кaк мaлoлeтний дoлбaeб, живeт в плeнy cвoих иллюзий. Я пытaюcь пpoлить cвeт нa тo, кaк дeлa oбcтoят в peaльнocти.

Not bad advice. All very common knowledge and a majority common sense. If it took you until 30 to compile that knowledge you are well behind the curve though.

>Acting like his advice is coming from a wise old man
30 is young as fuck, barely old enough to be considered a grown man these days. Enjoy the rapid acceleration in your perception of time though. 30-35 feels like the amount of time it takes to get from 25-26.

Then you are a better person than me. I have no patience for the kind of people who do not help themselves. Cheers and good night.

True. But the purpose of bare ape existence is to compete for the place under the sun. It's better to be competitive and leave your descendants in a better position than others to preserve your genes and your genes. This is how evolution designed us to be.

Those advices is to redpill youngsters, nigga. I can't express all my life experience in Sup Forums thread.


Watch this interesting video, the most interesting part is further ahead where Victor Efimov lecture.

This is a good video, indeed. Also, Donald Trump has never drink nor smoke.