David Hogg's Age?

When was he born?


September 11, 2001

will get deleted from wikipedia for not being important enough to warrant a page

Graduated in 2014 as per instagram posts that resurfaced, do the math yourself

28 years ago

Who the fuck cares, this cuck is a modern day Soy Guevara. He's had his 5 minutes of fame, let him fade away.

You faggots let Kasky slip right through the shit sieve.... the state of Sup Forums!

You would like that, wouldn't you?

This is the best thing I've seen all month


Kasky is Jewish...not much to discuss about.

lets see that long form birth cert

Mentally disturbed kid set off by stressful event?

>Screams and tears etc
Could this possibly get any gayer?

Try and ban those guns!

No one has ever really tried banning .22s have they?


I'll be running for Florida State Congress, propelled by the dead bodies of 17 of my classmates.

Anyone engaging in conspiracy theories looks like an idiot/mentally ill.

How does one manage to have upper arms smaller than their wrists?

Yes, goy, ignore the several teachers who saw a shooter who wasn't cruz. Ignore the several students who saw cruz unarmed during the shooting. Ignore the students who saw multiple shooters. It's all a conspiracy goy

How exactly do you get forearms that are bigger than your soyceps?


You mean .17?

Carrying something at the end of your extremely miniscule weight capacity by only gripping it and allowing your arms to dangle free. I'd imagine a laptop case or something of the sort.

Q predicted this, but then he told me to use .22 instead because at least .17 is a decent varmint round


So people don't get together to do bad things?

I find your theory quite plausible.

Basically itty bitty farmer carries, right? It's the only thing I can imagine. Either that or relentlessly typing and subsisting on a diet of soy. Low impact stress workout can leave you fuckin jagged brah

Going after him and hardcore doxxing him is in line with NWO shit, it stops people from even initiating political activism because I can look up your porn searches.

Tasteless and disrespectful.

He's from False Flags, FL. You should update his wiki to reflect this. I'm too lazy to go through the hack that locks the page in or run it through Tor.

He's a meth addict
That's why he's so skinny

The school shooting was the best thing that could have happened to this guy. Millionaire status achieved at age 17-18.

He will go away, just like this cuntsore. Remember her? Didn’t think so...

That was 4 years ago when he graduated.

Jacking off.

17-18 = -1

Close. Adderal.



lattesissymiss dorsi


If he is any older than 19, he is anorexic. Very difficult to remain that thin into your mid twenties.

You mean .218 Bee or .505 Gibbs?

gallon of soy a day

Has it even been proven that he didn't do it?

go get 'em boy