Why are you all so controlled, why do you obsess over race, why do you obssess over jews, cant you see the only way out?

why are you all so controlled, why do you obsess over race, why do you obssess over jews, cant you see the only way out?
cant you see the people who try to control the world and want they want? im sick of it Sup Forums im sick of people arguing over every little thing, im sick of people who dont want freedom anymore, the people im talking about you better beware we're losing our patience

because whites not being racially aware at a young age have left them defenceless and ignorant to the problems the world faces.

negros at a young age are taught to be racially aware and see the world though a race tinted lens, you could say the same for the Jew too.

Only now are whites waking up, too late imo tho.

Some of us know, and are just as frustrated.


they're anti-zionist jews who live in Israel, same tricks different name user.


i know brother stay happy


divide and conquer, stay strong friend

alot of jews like that have lived there for 100s of years and never advocated for a jewish state, in fact they tried to stop it and are helping to make peace

>this is not about democrats or republicans

thanks m80 you too




only 2 can beat the rothchilds

nice, and some of Sup Forums would call him a filthy nigger
KEK even good ol bernankes standin up
who the fuck is that bro

(You) are implying you’re not controlled and have therefore admitted to being one of (((them)))
Get a rope fellas

How has he managed to hide any suggestion that he is Jewish?

>who the fuck is that
Father Sarducci


I cant speak for everyone, but when you work your bag off in construction and come across east indian builders and see the shit they pull with money it really makes you hate the color brown

prince al waleed, not even mudslims want to talk about him.

think vegas, 911, etc

check this ad on australian gun ban.
does it sound orwellian to you? do you know what orwellian means?

"Orwellian" is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth (doublethink), and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practised by modern repressive governments.


we live in an orwellian society.