Water in cave again, when will mods realize that grug posting is relevant to politics and will be the best meme of 2018

Water in cave again, when will mods realize that grug posting is relevant to politics and will be the best meme of 2018


When elders create cave painting of truth, they didn't know about club, they only had rock. No one need club, only used to kill gruglings.

t. long nose tribe

I love grugposting

something not right about mass clubbings, me think cia grugs are hiding something, like they are hypnotizing young gruglings and making them commit mass clubbins

grug is socal construkt ok?

*smoke signals grug*

its okay to be grug

paler than you grughmed

don't listen to gruglinas
gruglinas are long nose tribe in disguise
grugs should do night fun with other grugs

Be grugling, see fellow gruglings clubbed, hate assault clubs, rehearse speak of they bad. Grugling Sr. be federal agent grug, grugling know he work many moons to take away clubs. Ban assault clubs, think of the gruglings.


Grug hungry

Did holobunga really happen? Smokehuts not big enough for 6 longnose. Firepits not hot enough to burn longnose up fast. Grug not sure but longnose tribe will no let grug hunt if he say too loud.

>Grug make /cavepol/ thread to expose Longnose tribe
>mods delete
>Grug starting to think...

Grug poop on cave wall, firepocket man clean up. he no unga

>Be grug
>Grug only shares with grugs own tribe
>long nose tribe tell grug tribe they must merge with dark skin tribe to survive
>grug doesn't understand why he would want dark skin tribe and his tribe to mix
>Both tribes are far happier on their own.
>long nose tribe slowly introduces young dark skin tribe members they stole to grugs tribe
>Grug tribe is too nice to abandon dark skin tribe members
>20 years later grug tribe is on the verge of collapse
>Grug finally realizes long nose tribe was the evil all along


listen proletariatgrug, my new system will distribute all rocks equally! we only have to revolt against the bourgoise grugs!

Grug find anti-long nose grugite cave paintings in cave.

Grug worried short-nose grugs building smoke huts again.

Grug listen...


>t. smoothface soygrug

>that wasn't real grugunism.stone
how many grug tribes must starve under long-nose tribe before fellow grugs eat redrocks?

Long nose grug stole all grugrocks, short nose grug make last solving of long nose grug

Pitiful albinoids, how I long to communicate to you with errant tounge, how the Jewish tribes continue to undermine your culture with their guile and machinations.

Abominations of Yakob's design, compelled by greed and desire; they infiltrate your ranks and poison your children's mind, tranforming your women from mothers and housewives to prostitutes and whores.

How we long, apearch our crystaline pyramid; with complete mastery of mathmatics and sciences, yet no technology will allow us a lingua franca to warn you of their Jewish lies.

The Bohemian Grugs, who grug parties with from time to time, are most faggy goddamn grugs in big think. No like do oogaboonga ritual in she-grug costume. Also the long-nose tribe out to get grug.

Soy grugling throw mountain size tantrum. Tribe forced to hear. Tribe no like punchable pointy badger face of soy grugling

Why grugs not turn in assault clubs to long nose tribe?
These mass crushings must stop
You only need fist to hunt, why need club?

never forget the 6 grugs who perished in the camps for thinkers.